SBI Clerk Mains English (Day-44)

Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing a new series of English Language Questions for SBI Clerk 2020 Mains so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.

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Error Spotting

Direction (1-5): The following question consists of a sentence which is divided into three parts which contain grammatical errors in one or more than one part of the sentence, as specified in bold in each part. If there is an error in any part of the sentence, find the correct alternative to replace those parts from the three options given below each question to make the sentence grammatically correct. If the given sentence is grammatically correct or does not require any correction, choose (E), i.e “No correction required” as your answer.

1) It is true that several states have enacted laws purportedly (a)/in comply with the Supreme Court’s orders, but these acts, (b)/as there critical examination reveals, violate the letter and spirit of the judicial directions.(c)/

a) several states has

b) in compliance with

c) their critical examination reveals

A) only a

B) both a and b

C) only c

D) both b and c

E) No correction required

2) Trump is face re-election in November (a)/and would be happy to see his warmth towards Modi and India translate (b)/ into valuable support from the Indian American community.(c)/

a) is facing re-election

b) to see his warm

c) in valuable support

A) only a

B) both a and b

C) only c

D) both b and c

E) No correction required

3) EPS showed signs of having a spine when his government (a)/made the mayoral election indirect, checkmating the BJP that was toying with (b)/the idea of getting a couple of mayor posts for its representatives.(c)/

a) showed signs of have

b) make the mayoral election indirect

c) a couple of mayor post

A) only a

B) both a and b

C) only c

D) both b and c

E) No correction required

4) From just two cases on February 20, the numbers in Iran increased to 245 in February 27;(a)/ there have been 26 deaths too, a highest outside China and from three countries (b)/ in the WHO East Mediterranean region on February 21, it has increased to nine now.(c)/

a) in Iran increased to 245 on February 27

b) the highest outside China

c) it have increased to

A) only a

B) both a and b

C) only c

D) both b and c

E) No correction required

5) Given the key functions that the lands perform, in modulating climate,(a)/ fostering biodiversity and providing sustenance, new research findings (b)/ arguing that the Ghats face a serious threat from climate change, and temperature variation are a cause for worry.(c)/

a) in modulate climate

b) foster biodiversity

c) temperature variations are

A) only a

B) both a and b

C) only c

D) both b and c

E) No correction required

Jumbled Sentences

Direction (6-10): Given below are six statements A, B, C, D, E and F, which when arranged in the correct order, form a coherent and meaningful paragraph. The sentence marked as D is fixed and would fit in the fourth position. Rearrange the other statements in a proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions below.

A) Consequently, the fact that candidates affiliated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) won a majority of the seats in the 290-seat parliament shows, once again, that the IRGC wields control over vast segments of Iranian politics, economy and foreign policy.

B) Also, the new hardline lawmakers will start their job as MPs in an Islamic republic which suffers from fracturing pillars of legitimacy. The brutal crackdown, in November 2019 (1,000 people dead and 7,000 arrested), against those Iranian citizens who took to the streets to express their discontent with a 200 per cent increase in fuel prices, damaged the regime’s already fragile electoral pillar and weakened its claims to legitimacy.

C) Though the supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, as the commander-in-chief, continues to have a synergistic relationship with the IRGC, the Guards seem to play a more active role in the political decision making of Iran.

D) For now, with the victory of the hardliners, the newly reshaped Iranian parliament will take a much firmer stance against the US and its allies in Europe and in the region. However, the Iranian legislature will be handed to the conservatives in a situation of political instability and economic crisis triggered by US sanctions.

E) Around 58 million Iranians were eligible to vote in the recent parliamentary elections with 9 million voters in the capital city of Tehran. Yet, many citizens, including the Iranian urban middle-class, boycotted the elections in major cities.

F) The recent control of the parliamentary elections and the disqualification of some 9,000 potential candidates, most of them reformists and moderates, by the powerful Guardian Council shows, once again, that the IRGC and conservatives close to Khamenei are trying to take over the government that, since Rouhani’s presidency, was led by a group which wanted to open relations with the West.

6) Which of the following will be LASTsentence after rearrangement?

A) D

B) A

C) F

D) E

E) None of these

7) Which of the following pairs form two consecutive statements after rearrangement?

A) A-D

B) B-C

C) A-E

D) C-D

E) None of these

8) Which of the following will be FIRSTsentence after rearrangement?

A) D

B) C

C) B

D) A

E) None of these

9) Which of the following will be SECONDsentence after rearrangement?

A) D

B) C

C) B

D) A

E) None of these

10) Which of the following will be FIFTHsentence after rearrangement?

A) B

B) E

C) F

D) A

E) None of these

Answers :

Directions (1-5) :

1) Answer: (d)

Partb is incorrect as ‘compliance’ should be replaced with ‘comply’.

Partc is incorrect as ‘there’ should be replaced with ‘their’. Option D is the correct choice here.

2) Answer: (a)

Parta is incorrect as ‘face’ should be replaced with ‘facing’.Option A is the correct choice here.

3) Answer: (e)

All bold parts are correct. Option E is the correct choice here.

4) Answer: (b)

Parta is incorrect as ‘in February’ should be replaced with ‘on February’.

Partb is incorrect as ‘a highest’ should be replaced with ‘the highest’. Option B is the correct choice here.

5) Answer: (c)

Partc is incorrect as ‘temperature variation are’ should be replaced with ‘temperature variations are’. Option C is the correct choice here.

Directions (6-10) :

The correct sequence of the paragraph should be ACFDBE

A) Consequently, the fact that candidates affiliated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) won a majority of the seats in the 290-seat parliament shows, once again, that the IRGC wields control over vast segments of Iranian politics, economy and foreign policy.

C) Though the supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, as the commander-in-chief, continues to have a synergistic relationship with the IRGC, the Guards seem to play a more active role in the political decision making of Iran.

F) The recent control of the parliamentary elections and the disqualification of some 9,000 potential candidates, most of them reformists and moderates, by the powerful Guardian Council shows, once again, that the IRGC and conservatives close to Khamenei are trying to take over the government that, since Rouhani’s presidency, was led by a group which wanted to open relations with the West.

D) For now, with the victory of the hardliners, the newly reshaped Iranian parliament will take a much firmer stance against the US and its allies in Europe and in the region. However, the Iranian legislature will be handed to the conservatives in a situation of political instability and economic crisis triggered by US sanctions.

B) Also, the new hardline lawmakers will start their job as MPs in an Islamic republic which suffers from fracturing pillars of legitimacy. The brutal crackdown, in November 2019 (1,000 people dead and 7,000 arrested), against those Iranian citizens who took to the streets to express their discontent with a 200 per cent increase in fuel prices, damaged the regime’s already fragile electoral pillar and weakened its claims to legitimacy.

E) Around 58 million Iranians were eligible to vote in the recent parliamentary elections with 9 million voters in the capital city of Tehran. Yet, many citizens, including the Iranian urban middle-class, boycotted the elections in major cities.

6) Answer: (d)

7) Answer: (e)

8) Answer: (d)

9) Answer: (b)

10) Answer: (a)

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