SBI Clerk Mains English (Day-75)

Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing a new series of English Language Questions for SBI Clerk 2020 Mains so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.

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Fill in the blanks

Direction (1-5): A sentence divided into 5 parts is given, each of which is numbered. One of the parts of the sentence is missing and is marked by a blank. Choose the option as your answer, which when filled in the blank will render the first part of the sentence incorrect.

1) Citizens had approached human rights forum (1)/in such large numbers (2)/ _______________________(3)/ political representatives and the justice delivery system(4)/weren’t helping them.(5)

  1. would be a sure sign
  2. could be a sure sign
  3. was a sure sign
  4. is a sure sign
  5. None of these

2) European countries like the UK have announced (1)/ ___________________(2)/ at the 5G contracts (3)/with Chinese equipment vendors(4)/ given security vulnerabilities.(5)

  1. they is relooking
  2. they relooked
  3. they were relooking
  4. they are relooking
  5. None of these

3) US secretary of state Mike Pompeo comes out forcefully (1)/in support of India (2)/ in its border standoff with China (3)/ ______________________________ (4)/directly on Chinese President Xi Jinping.(5)

  1. laid the blame
  2. laying the blame
  3. to lay the blame
  4. to laying the blame
  5. None of these

4)  Private labs in Pune (1)/ ___________________________(2)/ from conducting covid-19 tests(3)/ following some discrepancy(4) / in reports.(5)

  1. did stop
  2. had stopped
  3. have been stopped
  4. has been stopped
  5. None of these

5) In March the ICMR plans to launch(1)/ a new pan-India serological survey  (2)/ as a follow up to the one(3)/ _____________________(4)/ across 21 states the final results of which are yet to come (5).

  1. conducted earlier
  2. conducted in february
  3. conducted in january
  4. conducted in april
  5. None of these

Jumbled sentence

Direction (6-10): In the given question, a statement has been divided into five segments, each of which is denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Rearrange all the segments to form a coherent statement.


A) to review its handling

B) the WHO said

C) it was setting up an independent panel

D) the response by governments worldwide

E) of the Covid-19 pandemic and

  1. ACBED
  2. DAECB
  3. CABDE
  4. BCAED
  5. EBCAD


A) the three term mayor

B) Park Won-soon

C) who was seen as a potential presidential candidate

D) in 2022,was found dead

E) of South Korea’s capital

  1. BDAEC
  2. CBEDA
  3. BAECD
  4. DEABC
  5. EDCBA


A) we are groomed by family and community

B) in our early life

C) to elevate our consciousness

D) which we took birth

E) and fulfil the purpose for

  1. DABCE
  2. AECDB
  3. EADCB
  4. AEDCB
  5. BACED


A) against Chinese investments and apps

B) like the US and some in Europe

C) India’s strategic digital pushback

D) has encouraged like-minded countries

E) to follow suit

  1. DCEBA
  2. CADBE
  3. DBACE
  4. DCAEB
  5. ABCDE


A) plus an ageing demographic

B) are putting a strain

C) higher wages

D) systems and budget

E) on China’s healthcare

  1. CABED
  2. DBACE
  3. BDCEA
  4. CADEB


Answers :

Directions (1-5) :

1) Answer: D

Note that in the given question we are required to find a segment which when put in the blank will render the first part of the sentence incorrect. So we can either look for the segment which will make a contextual error or one which introduces a grammatical error in the asked part. So let’s first read the sentence and the options thoroughly.

Here we can have a grammatical error. Since the first part is in the past perfect tense, the rest of the sentence should be structurally similar and thus the same tense should be used throughout. However we can see that part D clearly mentions ‘present tense’. As a result the entire sentence changes into simple present sense. This in turn introduces an error in part 1. The first part should have been in present tense too. ‘Approaching’ should have been used in place of ‘had approached’.

Therefore, option D is the correct answer choice for this question.\

2) Answer: C

Note that in the given question we are required to find a segment which when put in the blank will render the first part of the sentence incorrect. So we can either look for the segment which will make a contextual error or one which causes a grammatical error in the asked part. So let’s first read the sentence and the options thoroughly.
Here we can have a grammatical error. Since the first part is in the present perfect tense, the rest of the sentence should be structurally similar and thus the same tense should be used throughout. However we can see that part 3 clearly mentions ‘past tense’. As a result the entire sentence changes into past sense. This in turn introduces an error in part 1. The first part should have been in past tense too. ‘Had announced’ should have been used in place of ‘have announced’.

Therefore, option C is the correct answer choice for this question.

3) Answer: B

Note that in the given question we are required to find a segment which when put in the blank will render the first part of the sentence incorrect. So we can either look for the segment which will make a contextual error or one which causes a grammatical error in the asked part. So let’s first read the sentence and the options thoroughly.
Here we can have a grammatical error. Since the first part is in the simple present tense, the rest of the sentence should be structurally similar and thus the same tense should be used throughout. However we can see that part 2 clearly mentions ‘present continuous tense’. This in turn introduces an error in part 1. The first part should be in present perfect to make it grammatically correct. ‘has come’ should have been used in place of ‘comes’.

Therefore, option B is the correct answer choice for this question.

4) Answer: D

Note that in the given question we are required to find a segment which when put in the blank will render the first part of the sentence incorrect. So we can either look for the segment which will make a contextual error or one which causes a grammatical error in the asked part. So let’s first read the sentence and the options thoroughly.

We must note that ‘labs’ as mentioned in the first part of the sentence, is a plural subject, which would take a plural verb in part 2. But here in option D singular verb is being used. This undoubtedly introduces an error in the first part of the sentence. In the first part a singular entity needs to be used.

Therefore, option D is the correct answer choice for this question.

5) Answer: D

Note that in the given question we are required to find a segment which when put in the blank will render the first part of the sentence incorrect. So we can either look for the segment which will make a contextual error or one which causes a grammatical error in the asked part. So let’s first read the sentence and the options thoroughly.

There seems to be an error in the time frame when we try to understand the time frame after putting option D in part 4. If there has been a plan in march mentioning a month later than March seems meaningless here. In fact, any month before March can make the first part correct and meaningful.

Therefore, option D is the correct answer choice for this question.

Directions (6-10) :

6) Answer: D

Here, we need to understand the sequence of the segments so that a meaningful as well as grammatically correct sentence can be framed.

The starting word of a sentence can never be ‘of’. So option E is easily eliminated. Again segments A and C has it/its which should refer something so they cannot be placed first. Now we are left with B and D. The portion B has plural ‘governments’ which cannot be represented by ‘it’.

Now we are left with only D. Now if we check properly we can see that the sequence of the segments fits perfectly and thus makes a meaningful sentence. The sentence after rearrangement becomes- ‘The WHO said it was setting up an independent panel to review its handling of the Covid-19 pandemic and the response by governments worldwide.’

Therefore, option D is the correct answer choice to this question.

7) Answer: C

Here, we need to understand the sequence of the segments so that a meaningful as well as grammatically correct sentence can be framed.

If we look closely at the options we will be able to understand that any sentence cannot start with ‘who’. Something must have been said before that. So option B is eliminated. Now if we check properly we can see that the sequence of the segments fits perfectly and thus makes a meaningful sentence. The sentence after rearrangement becomes- ‘Park Won-soon the three term mayor of South Korea’s capital who was seen as a potential presidential candidate in 2022,was found dead.

Therefore, option C is the correct answer choice to this question.

8) Answer: E

Here, we need to understand the sequence of the segments so that a meaningful as well as grammatically correct sentence can be framed.

Once we go through the given options we can easily understand that a sentence cannot start with ‘and’ and ‘which’. This helps us eliminate options C and A easily.

Now we can understand that segment A cannot be followed by E. It makes no sense. So options D and A is eliminated.

So, we are left with option E.

The sentence after rearrangement becomes- ‘In our early life we are groomed by family and community to elevate our consciousness and fulfil the purpose for which we took birth.

Therefore, option E is the correct answer choice to this question.

9) Answer: B

Here, we need to understand the sequence of the segments so that a meaningful as well as grammatically correct sentence can be framed.

Segment D cannot be the starting of a sentence. Hence options, A, C and D get eliminated.

Option E has a sequence that does not make a meaningful sentence.

Segment C seems to be the perfect starter for the sentence and option B makes a proper sentences.

The sentence after rearrangement becomes- ‘India’s strategic digital pushback

against Chinese investments and apps has encouraged like-minded countries like the US and some in Europe to follow suit.

Therefore, option B is the correct answer choice to this question.

10) Answer: A

Here, we need to understand the sequence of the segments so that a meaningful as well as grammatically correct sentence can be framed.

Segment B and A does not make any sense if used in the beginning of a sentence. So options B and E get eliminated.

Segment C is the perfect starter. But in option D, the sequence does not make proper meaning.

Only option A makes a proper sentence.

The sentence after rearrangement becomes- ‘Higher wages plus an ageing demographic are putting a strain on China’s healthcare.’

Therefore, option A is the correct answer choice to this question.

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