Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing a new series of English Language Questions for SBI Clerk 2020 Mains so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.
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Sentence rearrangement
Directions (1-5): In the following questions a sentence is given which is divided into four parts. Some of these parts are not in their correct position. Given below the options suggesting the appropriate interchange. Choose the option that will make the sentence contextually meaningful. If the sentence is correct as it is, choose option E as your answer.
1) that the partners(A)/the primary issue with Airbnbs is that there is no guarantee(B)/ — homeowners offering their places on rent (C)/— will maintain the necessary standard of hygiene and provide services as per the Covid-safety norms(D)/
A) A-D
B) B-C
C) A-B
D) C-D
E) None of these
2) the justice minister, Zbigniew Ziobro, told a news conference on Saturday(A)/ his ministry would submit a request to(B)/ begin the process of withdrawing from the treaty, known as the Istanbul convention(C)/the labour and families ministry on Monday to(D)/
A) A-D
B) B-C
C) A-B
D) C-D
E) None of these
3) that allowed Sacoolas to claim diplomatic immunity(A)/showed Northamptonshire police said(B)/ it was not informed by the FCO of the arrangements(C)/recent documents, seen by PA Media,(D)/
A) A-D
B) B-C
C) A-B
D) C-D
E) None of these
4) the Prime Minister skipped any reference(A)/ to the Chinese intrusions (B)/— quite uncharacteristic of a strong and decisive leader(C)/and chose to talk about apricot in Ladakh(D)/
A) A-D
B) B-C
C) A-B
D) C-D
E) None of these
5) just as Iran’s foreign policy meta frame is its adversarial engagement with the US,(A)/ as well as in its engagement with the wider Arab world(B)/India has much higher stakes in its ties with the US(C)/—these cannot be ignored in dealing with Iran(D)/
A) A-D
B) B-C
C) A-B
D) C-D
E) None of these
Spelling error
Directions (6-10): in the following question a sentence is given with some words given in bold which may have spelling error or contextually incorrect. Two columns (I) and (II) are given, column (I) consists of bold words of the sentence and column (II) consists of the appropriate replacement for the bold words. Match the correct replacements. If the sentence is correct, mark no error as your answer.
6) Like any early stage business aspersion, this approach – what I call catalytic philanthropy – involves putting in loss-absorbing capital and building domain expertise on an issue to bring about long-term change.
A) A-E, B-F
B) C-D
C) C-E, B-D
D) A-F
E) None of these
7) It is now well reprobate that the Covid-19 deaths happen because of the lousy of our body’s immune system, which results in what is known as the cytokines storm — toxic proteins that damage the body’s tissues and healthy organs.
A) A-E, B-F
B) C-D
C) C-E, B-D
D) A-F
E) None of these
8) For instance, while doing a segment on Trump’s infamous rally at Tulsa, Oklahoma, in June, Gutfeld just gave a stultifyof what the president spoke, without once commenting on the fact that no social distancing was practised at the rally.
A) A-E, B-F
B) C-D
C) C-E, B-D
D) A-F
E) None of these
9) On an early winter morning in November 2018, Sachin Pilot arrived at Chhan village — part of the Tonk assembly segment that he was contesting from in the upcoming Rajasthan state election — mounted on top of a mare.
A) A-E, B-F
B) C-D
C) C-E, B-D
D) A-F
E) None of these
10) This debate is back with aplomb, and this time, it has quite a few people upbraid behind the tug of war between the perils free speech is sedition facing and what could very well be termed as consequences of problematic behaviour.
A) A-E, B-F
B) C-D
C) C-E, B-D
D) A-F
E) None of these
Answers :
Directions (1-5) :
1) Answer: C
Part A cannot initiate a sentence instead part B can. And after part A ‘that the partners’ part C fits perfectly. So option C will be the correct choice here.
After arranging the correct sentence will be – The primary issue with Airbnbs is that there is no guarantee(B)/ that the partners(A)/ — homeowners offering their places on rent (C)/— will maintain the necessary standard of hygiene and provide services as per the Covid-safety norms.(D)/
2) Answer: D
Part B says ‘submit a request to’ so in the next part it must be said request to whom. Part D says that ‘the labour and families’. So C-D must be interchanged.
After arranging the correct sentence will be – The justice minister, ZbigniewZiobro, told a news conference on Saturday(A)/ his ministry would submit a request to(B)/ the labour and families ministry on Monday to(D)/ begin the process of withdrawing from the treaty, known as the Istanbul convention.(C)/
3) Answer: A
We cannot start a sentence with ‘that’, instead part D can be the starter which ends with ‘PA Media’. Part B starts with ‘showed Northamptonshire police’ fits here perfectly. So A-D must be interchanged.
After arranging the correct sentence will be – Recent documents, seen by PA Media,(D)/ showed Northamptonshire police said(B)/ it was not informed by the FCO of the arrangements(C)/ that allowed Sacoolas to claim diplomatic immunity.(A)/
4) Answer: D
Part A and B says PM avoids any discussion about Chinese intrusions. Part C says about the personality of the PM. So part C fits after part B. So C-D must be interchanged.
After arranging the correct sentence will be – The Prime Minister skipped any reference(A)/ to the Chinese intrusions (B)/and chose to talk about apricot in Ladakh(D)/ — quite uncharacteristic of a strong and decisive leader.(C)/
5) Answer: B
Part A ends with ‘US’ followed by ‘,’ so after this we need a noun which is present in part C and we also know before ‘as well as’ we can not use ‘,’. So B-C must be interchanged.
After arranging the correct sentence will be – Just as Iran’s foreign policy meta frame is its adversarial engagement with the US,(A)/ India has much higher stakes in its ties with the US(C)/ as well as in its engagement with the wider Arab world(B)/—these cannot be ignored in dealing with Iran. (D)/
Directions (6-10) :
6) Answer: D
‘Aspersion’ means an attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something. ‘business aspersion’ does not make any sense. Instead we can use ‘business venture’.
From the given options only A-F will be replaced. The correct answer after replacement will be
(A-F): Like any early stage business venture, this approach – what I call catalytic philanthropy – involves putting in loss-absorbing capital and building domain expertise on an issue to bring about long-term change.
7) Answer: A
‘Reprobate’ means an unprincipled person. ‘Well reprobate’ does not make any sense. Instead we can use ‘well established’. ‘Lousy’ means very poor or bad. ‘The lousy of our body’s immune system’ does not make any sense. Instead we can use ‘the overreaction of our body’s immune system’.
From the given options only A-E, B-F will be replaced. The correct answer after replacement will be
(A-E, B-F): It is now well established that the Covid-19 deaths happen because of the overreaction of our body’s immune system, which results in what is known as the cytokines storm — toxic proteins that damage the body’s tissues and healthy organs.
8) Answer: B
‘Stultify’ is a verb and it means cause to lose enthusiasm and initiative, especially as a result of a tedious or restrictive routine. But we need a noun here. So both grammatically and contextually it does not fit here. ‘Gave a rundown’ fits here both grammatically and contextually.
From the given options only C-D will be replaced. The correct answer after replacement will be
(C-D): For instance, while doing a segment on Trump’s infamous rally at Tulsa, Oklahoma, in June, Gutfeld just gave a rundown of what the president spoke, without once commenting on the fact that no social distancing was practised at the rally.
9) Answer: E
The sentence is in correct formation. So option E will be the correct choice here.
10) Answer: C
‘Upbraid’ means to find fault with (someone); scold. It does not contextually fit here. ‘Rallying behind the tug of war’ makes perfect sense. ‘Sedition’ means conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch. It does not contextually fit here. ‘Is allegedly facing’ fits here both grammatically and contextually.
From the given options only C-E, B-D will be replaced. The correct answer after replacement will be
(C-E, B-D): This debate is back with aplomb, and this time, it has quite a few people rallying behind the tug of war between the perils free speech is allegedly facing and what could very well be termed as consequences of problematic behaviour.
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