SBI Clerk

SBI Clerk Prelims 2021 English Language Questions (Day-30)

Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing a new series of English Language Questions for SBI Clerk Prelims 2021 so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.

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Reading comprehension

Directions (1-5): Read the following passage carefully and answer the following questions.

As soon as the pandemic struck, one of the very first things that we stopped doing was visiting restaurants or cafés. But some of us foodies here didn’t stop dreaming about digging into good food. Yes, we also started cooking ourselves a lot more, but the idea of savouring butter chicken (with an extra dollop of butter, of course!) or a bowl of ramen, that, too, whipped up a culinary expert, in a safe and hygienic environment, was too hard to resist. So, when we heard about these angels in flesh and bone, called home chefs, we couldn’t help but shed a tear of joy. Which brings us to the question—have you tuned in to Season 2 of HT Neighbour’s Kitchen yet? Powered by Glen India, this web series revolves around Tanmay (played by VedaantSaluja), a 20-something promising young chef. In the second edition, he can be seen donning the hat of a home chef in Mumbai during the pandemic. And because it’s set in the backdrop of the pandemic, the story is utterly relatable.

In the previous season, Tanmay was shown as living in Delhi and studying at a top culinary school. During his stay there, he befriended an elderly couple, called Mr&Mrs Ghosh, who also became his closest friends and confidantes. The plot struck a chord with the young and the old alike, garnering thousands of likes and shares.

In Mumbai, Tanmay’s life is hard. After all, starting a business during a global catastrophic event can be challenging, both emotionally and financially. The orders are few and far between. Tanmay doesn’t even have money to pay his rent. So, he ends up getting a flatmate called Akshay (played by Amit Vikram Pandey), a rising Instagram star and a die-hard foodie from Delhi. But, most importantly, he’s completely opposite of Tanmay. To spice it up is their landlord, who has a no-nonsense attitude, and Tanmay’s father, who doesn’t approve of his endeavours and wants him to come back home. As episode after episode unfolds, we see Tanmay’s relationships thrive – with his flatmate, his father, his landlord, and a lady love! Go watch it if you love cooking, and are a perfectionist at that. Watch it even if you aren’t Speaking about Season 2, Anand Rai, General Manager-Marketing, Glen Appliances, says, “I would like to see a good response to this series. We feel that the first season has created some awareness about new audiences, and the second one will further strengthen our relationship with them.”

Which among the following can sum up the opinion of the author regarding the home chefs?

A.The author is of the opinion that the topic has not included the finer details of the home chefs.

B.The author has not taken into account the details of the macro factors of the home chefs before going into the details.

C.The author does not know how to yield to an elderly couple without making it too obvious.

D.The author is optimistic regarding certain aspects whereas he has lauded the elderly couple in some other as well.

E.None of the above

Which among the following is correct regarding Tanmay (played by VedaantSaluja), promising young chef?

A.The author in his opinion is going to ensure that there is more public spending in the economy though it is not certain.

B.The author in his opinion is going to ensure that the needy sectors are focused properly without any kind of hassle.

C.The author in his opinion does not want to see that there is no public spending in the economy.

D.The author in his opinion does not want to invest but it wants the private sector to come forward and invest.

E.The author in his opinion wants the private sector to invest in areas it wants only and not in all the sectors of the economy.

Which among the following is/are correct regarding the ‘Glen Appliances’ scheme announced bythe General Manager-Marketing?

I) The scheme will be implemented by the Government of India through the state governments.

II) General Manager-Marketing wants to ensure that it is implemented within the next five years i.e. before the end of its term.

III) The author is very much hopeful regarding the scheme that it will do wonders for the country in the years to come.

A.both I and II

B.both II and III

C.both I and III

D.only I

E.only II

Which among the following is/are correct regarding the reforms introduced in Tanmoy’s life as a home chef?

I) The home chef sector is going to get a boost since the foodies have decided to start cooking for themselves a lot more and stopped visiting restaurants or cafés.

II) In the second edition, Tanmoy can be seen donning the hat of a home chef in Mumbai during the pandemic.

III) In the previous five years, Tanmay was shown as living in Delhi and studying at a top culinary school. During his stay there in Mumbai, he befriended an elderly couple, called Mr&Mrs Ghosh.

A.both I and II

B.both II and III

C.both I and III

D.only III

E.All I,II and III

Which among the following will give us an idea regarding the disinvestment by the author, as described in the passage?

A.The government is of the view that no privatization should be done in order to protect the interests of the people.

B.The government is of the view that it should be noted without any conviction to pursue any dream of private investment.

C.The government is ready to relax norms as well in order to make sure that private sector comes on board to buy the public sector companies.

D.The government does not want to privatize companies at all so that it has no conviction regarding it.

E.None of the above

Reading comprehension

Directions (6-10): Read the following passage carefully and answer the following questions.

While the entire episode may be seen as yet another internal dispute of the elite, it has created a crisis of credibility for the royal family — for charges of racism from within are hard to counter. The British monarchy has gone through its share of crises — from more personal controversies around Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s marriage to political challenges, including a republican strain which sees the institution as antiquated and out of line with the democratic spirit of modern times. But few episodes will do as much damage to the credibility of the monarchy as an institution as the interview of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Harry and Megan Markle, who have walked away from the royal family to begin life anew in the United States (US).

In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, the couple made a series of charges against the royal family — the most damaging of which was MsMarkle’s disclosure that when they were about to have a child, members of the royal family had conversations about “how dark the skin might be when he is born”. Harry confirmed the conversation, expressing his shock — but made it clear subsequently that it was neither Queen Elizabeth nor Prince Philip who made the remark. MsMarkle also spoke about how there were times when she did not want to live anymore, and painted a picture of an apathetic and insensitive royal establishment.

While the entire episode may be seen as yet another internal dispute of the elite, it has created a crisis of credibility for the royal family — for charges of racism from within are hard to counter. It has led to a divide between allies on either side of the Atlantic, with the popular mood in the US firmly with the young couple while the mood in the United Kingdom remains more ambivalent. But at the core, the issue is about how the monarchy as an institution is increasingly losing its traditional, political, and now popular legitimacy.

Which among the following can sum up the opinion of the author regarding the British Monarchy?

A.The author is of the opinion that the topic has not included the finer details of the British Monarchy.

B.The author has not taken into account the details of the macro factors of the British Monarchy before going into the details.

C.The author does not know how to yield to royal family without making it too obvious.

D.The author is optimistic regarding certain aspects whereas he has lauded the British monarchy in some other as well.

E.None of the above

Which among the following is correct regarding British monarchy and its credibility?

A.The author in his opinion is going to ensure that it has created a crisis of credibility for the royal family.

B.The author in his opinion is going to ensure that from more political controversies around Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s marriage to personal challenges are being met.

C.The author in his opinion feels that few episodes may not be able to do  as much damage to the credibility of the monarchy.

D.The author in his opinion does not want to see a republican strain which sees the institution as antiquated and out of line with the democratic spirit of modern times.

E.The author in his opinion feels that no damage done to the Royal familyie; Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Harry and Megan Markle, who have walked away from the royal family.

Which among the following is/are correct regarding the ‘Royal establishment’?

I) The author painted a picture of an emphatic and insensitive royal establishment.

II) Ms Markle’s disclosure that when they were about to have a child, “how dark the skin might be when he is born”?

III) The author is very much hopeful regarding MsMarkle who also spoke about how there were times when the couple wanted to live together and did not want to walk away from the royal family.

A.both I and II

B.both II and III

C.both I and III

D.only I

E.only II

Which among the following is/are correct regarding theBritish monarchy and the entire episode as yet another internal dispute of the elite?

I) TheBritish monarchy and the entire episode as another internal dispute of the elite has created a crisis of credibility for the royal family.

II) TheBritish monarchy with its entire episode as another internal dispute of the elite, created a crisis of trust worthiness for the royal family.

III) It has led to a divide between United Kingdom on either side of the Atlantic, with the popular mood in the US firmly with the young as well as the old couple.

A.both I and II

B.both II and III

C.both I and III

D.only III

E.All I,II and III

Which among the following will give us an idea regarding thecharges of racism within the royal family?

A.The British monarchy is of the view that charges of racism from within are not a very hard to counter and should be done in order to protect the interests of the people.

B.The British monarchy is of the view that it should be noted without any conviction that the charges of racism from the political challenges are not very hard to counter to pursue any such move.

C.The British monarchy is ready to relax norms as well in order to make sure that it should be noted without any conviction that the charges of racism from within and the political challenges are very hard to counter to pursue any such move.

D.The British monarchy wants to divide United Kingdom on either side of the Atlantic and US firmly with the young as well as the old couple.

E.None of the above

Answers :

1) Answer: D

In the given passage it can be seen that the author is appreciating some of the proposals of the home chefs since it has brought about changes in the ecosystem of the country whereas the rest are not clear in terms of implementation guidelines and the execution of the same. The author is not sure whether the government will be able to execute these things at all. Among the given options, we can see that Option D gives us the correct choice whereas others can be eliminated because of the fact that they do not follow from the passage.

Therefore option D is the correct answer choice to this question.

2) Answer: D

It is clear from the passage that the author in his opinion has decided to restrict the public spending in the economy and it mainly wants the private sector to come forward and contribute to the economy. The private sector is expected to be a part of the growth story of the country and that is why the government has also set an ambitious growth target but has not stepped up the public spending. Among the given options we can see that Option D is our pick whereas the rest can be eliminated for the fact that they are not correct as per the information given in the passage.

Therefore option D is the correct answer choice to this question.

3) Answer: E

Refer to, “idea of savouring butter chicken (with an extra dollop of butter, of course!) or a bowl of ramen, that, too, whipped up a culinary expert, in a safe and hygienic environment, was too hard to resist.”

Statement I is not correct since it is not mentioned how the scheme is going to be rolled out in the country. The author has also mentioned that the execution part of the said scheme is not clear at all and that is why he is not at all expectant regarding the said scheme.

Statement II is correct since the General Manager-Marketing has set a target in order to finish the scheme by the year 2024. In 2024, this government is also going to finish its term and that is why it won’t be an aberration to say that the General Manager-Marketing, Glen Appliances wants to conclude the implementation part by the end of its term and that is why he feels “the first season has created some awareness about new audiences, and the second one will further strengthen our relationship with them”.

Statement III is not correct for the fact that the author is not at all hopeful regarding the scheme of due to the fact that the implementation part is not at all clear starting a business during a global catastrophic event.

Therefore option E is the correct answer choice to this question.

4) Answer: A

Statement I is correct since it is mentioned in the passage that the the home chef sector is going to get a boost since the foodies have decided to start cooking for themselves a lot more and stopped visiting restaurants or cafés. Therefore the home chef sector is going to get a boost since it might get a credit from the NBFCs. Refer to, “As soon as the pandemic struck, one of the very first things that we stopped doing was visiting restaurants or cafés. But some of us foodies here didn’t stop dreaming about digging into good food. Yes, we also started cooking ourselves a lot more, but the idea of savouring butter chicken (with an extra dollop of butter, of course!) or a bowl of ramen, that, too, whipped up a culinary expert, in a safe and hygienic environment, was too hard to resist.”

Statement II is also correct for the fact that the the home chef sector is going to get a boost since the foodies have decided to start cooking for themselves a lot more and stopped visiting restaurants or cafés in. It will ensure that the growth cycle of the domestic economy is in track.

Statement III is not correct since there is no reference in the passage regarding in the previous five years Tanmay was shown as living in Delhi. So it cannot be termed as correct.

Therefore option A is the correct answer choice to this question.

5) Answer: C

Refer to, “Speaking about Season 2, Anand Rai, General Manager-Marketing, Glen Appliances, says, I would like to see a good response to this series. We feel that the first season has created some awareness about new audiences, and the second one will further strengthen our relationship with them.”

It is clear that the government is going to give a push to the privatization of the economy by selling stake in various public sector companies of the country. It is even ready to relax norms for the same. Among the given options, we can see that Option C gives us the correct choice whereas the rest are incorrect for being out of context.

Therefore option C is the correct answer choice to this question.

6) Answer: D

In the given passage it can be seen that the author is appreciating some of the proposals of the British monarchy since it has brought about changes in the democratic spirit of the country whereas the rest are not clear in terms of implementation guidelines and the execution of the same. The author is not sure whether the British monarchy will be able to execute these things at all. Among the given options, we can see that Option D gives us the correct choice whereas others can be eliminated because of the fact that they do not follow from the passage.

Therefore option D is the correct answer choice to this question.

7) Answer: D

It is clear from the passage that the author in his opinion has decided to form more personal controversies around Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s marriage to political challenges, including a republican strain which sees the institution as antiquated and out of line with the democratic spirit of modern times. The royal family is expected to be a part of the growth story of the monarchy and that is why the royal family has also set an ambitious growth target but has not stepped up the charges of racism from within which are hard to counter. Among the given options we can see that Option D is our pick whereas the rest can be eliminated for the fact that they are not correct as per the information given in the passage.

Therefore option D is the correct answer choice to this question.

8) Answer: E

Refer to, “Harry confirmed the conversation, expressing his shock — but made it clear subsequently that it was neither Queen Elizabeth nor Prince Philip who made the remark. MsMarkle also spoke about how there were times when she did not want to live anymore, and painted a picture of an apathetic and insensitive royal establishment.”

Statement I is not correct since it is not mentioned how MsMarkle spoke about the times when she did not want to live anymore, and painted a picture of an apathetic and insensitive royal establishment. The author has also mentioned that in an interview with Oprah Winfrey, the couple made a series of charges against the royal family.

Statement II is correct since in an interview with Oprah Winfrey, the couple made a series of charges against the royal family — the most damaging of which was MsMarkle’s disclosure that when they were about to have a child, members of the royal family had conversations about “how dark the skin might be when he is born” and painted a picture of an apathetic and insensitive royal establishment.

Statement III is not correct for the fact that the author was not at all hopeful regarding MsMarkle who also spoke about how there were times when the couple wanted to live together and did wanted to walk away from the royal family.

Therefore option E is the correct answer choice to this question.

9) Answer: A

Statement I is correct since it is mentioned in the passage that “While the entire episode may be seen as yet another internal dispute of the elite, it has created a crisis of credibility for the royal family — for charges of racism from within are hard to counter. The British monarchy has gone through its share of crises — from more personal controversies around Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s marriage to political challenges, including a republican strain which sees the institution as antiquated and out of line with the democratic spirit of modern times.”

Statement II is also correct for the fact that the entire episode may be seen as yet another internal dispute of the elite which has created a crisis of credibility or trust worthiness  for the royal family — for charges of racism, from within that are hard to counter.

Statement III is not correct since there is no reference in the passage regarding, divide between United Kingdom on either side of the Atlantic and US firmly with the young as well as the old couple. So it cannot be termed as correct.

Therefore option A is the correct answer choice to this question.

10) Answer: C

Refer to, “It has led to a divide between allies on either side of the Atlantic, with the popular mood in the US firmly with the young couple while the mood in the United Kingdom remains more ambivalent and monarchy as an institution is increasingly losing its traditional, political, and now popular legitimacy.”

It is clear that the British monarchy is going to give a push to the monarchy as “an institution which is increasingly losing its traditional, political, and now popular legitimacy.” It is even ready to correct any such conversation, expressing any shock — and made it clear subsequently that it was neither Queen Elizabeth nor Prince Philip who made such remark “how dark the skin might be when he is born”. Among the given options, we can see that Option C gives us the correct choice whereas the rest are incorrect for being out of context.

Therefore option C is the correct answer choice to this question.

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This post was last modified on May 1, 2021 6:19 pm