SBI Clerk

SBI Clerk Prelims 2020 English Language Questions (Day-11)

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Match the Column

Direction (1-5): In the following questions two columns are given containing three Sentences/phrases each. In first column, sentences/phrases are A, B and C and in the second column the sentences/phrases are D, E and F. A sentence/phrase from the first column may or may not connect with another sentence/phrase from the second column to make a grammatically and contextually correct sentence. Each question has five options, four of which display the sequence(s) in which the sentences/phrases can be joined to form a grammatically and contextually correct sentence. If none of the options given forms a correct sentence after combination, mark (e), i.e. “None of these” as your answer.


A) A-D, B-F

B) B-E, C-D

C) A-E, C-F

D) A-F, B-D

E) None of these


A) A-D, B-F

B) B-F, C-D

C) B-D, C-F

D) A-F, B-E

E) None of these


A) A-F, B-E

B) B-F, C-D

C) B-E, C-F

D) A-F, B-D

E) None of these


A) A-D, B-E

B) B-F, C-D

C) B-E, C-F

D) A-F, B-D

E) None of these


A) A-D, B-F

B) B-F, C-D

C) B-E, C-F

D) A-F, B-D

E) None of these

Reading Comprehension

Directions (6-10) Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.UPDATED: OCTOBER 01, 2019 09:37 IST

The gun trigger that took the first life in Kashmir was squeezed on August 6, just one day after constitutional violence had been done to J&K state — and it wasn’t the militants.

In the Ilahi Bagh-Soura area of Srinagar’s old city, locally called the “downtown”, Asrar Khan, a 14-year old pupil of the well-regarded Kashmir Harvard School, near his home, was shot in the head from a pellet gun.

The boy was brilliant at studies and was his school’s cricket star. (A) He was (1) remembered down to field a ball in a local game in the mohalla park, (2)literally yards from his home, when his skull was pierced by a volley of pellets fired from a column of passing security forces vehicles, the way his parents (3) bending things — sobbing, but angry and defiant — when I called on them at their home to (4)condole last week. They said tear-gassing had preceded the firing.

For 29 days Asrar fought to live, and then yielded. Images of his brain, seen from the hospital records, are a field of lodged pellets. Yet, a senior police officer, Muneer Khan, (B)______________________  to the media that the boy had been hit by a flying stone and died. But there had been no stone-pelting. The administration later withdrew the shocking statement. It was too evidently false.

Asrar’s parents said there was no reason for their son to die. The area was quiet. It seemed that just one solider decided to target their son’s bent head for no apparent reason. Pellet guns are supposed to be used when the forces seek to deter an advancing stone-pelting mob from a distance. They are not for use against little boys enjoying a game of cricket when their schools are shut.

A small group of neighbourhood women was with Asrar’s grieving family. Some seemed to be near relations. They described an uncommon scene.(C)  Batches of helicopters had apparently flown low over their homes, as if on patrol, for a couple of days before the firing incident that claimed young Asrar’s life, suggesting that the administration were  adopting techniques to instill fear even before August 5.

“First the helicopters, then firing pellets at a child,” they said. “What is this if not governmental terror?”

Pellet guns have blinded and killed scores of people in the last three years in Kashmir, and their wanton use has been the subject of international censure.

The state does not have to kill. It establishes the reign of fear in other ways. An agitated school teacher told me in Baramulla that he was walking up to his school when a man in uniform patrolling there — they are everywhere, even on village streets — asked to see his ID (in Kashmir, unlike elsewhere in the country, people must carry their identity cards). When this was presented, the soldier pocketed it and said peremptorily, “Collect it from the police station!”

Now, this can be dangerous. Typically, this means unlawful and unrecorded detention, and possibly beatings, for those who dare to go to the police to ask for their confiscated ID back. This can also mean arrest under the dreaded Public Safety Act unless relations or friends are able to mobilise funds to propitiate the petty gods in uniform. For fear of being picked up arbitrarily, young men avoid going to their apple orchards to tend to the fruit, and send their fathers or uncles instead. Many have apparently left the valley to visit friends or relations in Jammu, Delhi, or other cities.

The presence of the armed forces is (D)ubiquitous. For instance, in Shopian district, the Valley’s smallest, there are 226 villages and some 15 camps of the security forces, three of them in the small district town alone. The largest of these, at Balpora, is thought to accommodate around one thousand soldiers. But no terrorist has been caught yet, while torture of civilians is whispered about.

6) The sentence given in (A) has four words given in bold. Amongst the given bold words which of the following must replace each other to make the sentence contextually correct and meaningful.

A) 2-4

B) 1-3

C) 2-3

D) 1-4

E) 1-2

7) Which of the following word given in the options should come at the place marked (B) in the above article to make it grammatically correct and meaningful?

A) declared

B) ornate

C) withheld

D) acquittal

E) none of these

8) In the passage given, a sentence (C) is given in italics. There may or may not be an error in one part of the sentence. Choose the part which has an error in it as your answer. If there is no error then choose option (E) as your answer.

A) Batches of helicopters had apparently flown low over their homes, as

B) if on patrol, for a couple of days before the firing incident that claimed

C) young Asrar’s life, suggesting that the administration were

D) adopting techniques to instill fear even before August 5.

E) No error

9) What is the central theme of the passage?

A) Kashmir turning into a mini-Pakistan by extremists

B) Shortcomings of the Indian government

C) Abolition of Article 370 and its side-effects

D) In Kashmir, the motif is fear

E) None of these

10) Which of the following replace the word marked (D) to make it contextually correct and meaningful? If no replacement is required, mark option (E).

A) eviction

B) eminence

C) vengeance

D) problematic

E) no replacement required

Answers :

Directions (1-5) :

1) Answer: (a)

From the given options only A-D, B-F is matched and make a meaningful sentence. The correct answer after matching will be

(A-D): Fire and Rescue Service personnel were alerted and rushed to the spot and launched a rescue operation with the help of locals.A tube was dropped into the borewell to supply oxygen while an earth mover was deployed to dig up a trench close to the borewell. Rescue workers hope to reach the boy by digging a tunnel.

(B-F): IAS officers Girish Chandra Murmu and R.K. Mathur have been appointed the new Lt. Governors of Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh respectively, an official communication said on Friday.

Option B: (B-E, C-D) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option C: (A-E, C-F) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option D: (A-F, B-D) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

2) Answer: (c)

From the given options only B-D, C-F is matched and make a meaningful sentence. The correct answer after matching will be

(B-D): The High Court on Wednesday granted him bail, saying he cannot tamper with the evidence as the documents are with the investigating agencies.

(C-F): Army Chief Gen. Bipin Rawat on October 25 described Pakistan-occupied Kashmir as a “terrorist-controlled” part of the neighbouring country and sought to link it with Islamabad’s strident criticism of India’s decision to scrap Jammu and Kashmir’s special status.

Option A: (A-D, B-F) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option B: (B-F, C-D) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option D: (A-F, B-E) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

3) Answer: (b)

From the given options only B-F, C-D is matched and make a meaningful sentence. The correct answer after matching will be

(B-F): European Parliament head David Sassoli urged China to immediately release Ilham Tohti as he announced the award, which was certain to sow diplomatic tensions with Beijing.

(C-D): Mr. Johnson said in a letter to Opposition Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn that if the European Union offers Britain a Brexit delay to January 31,then he would seek to pass legislation to ratify his exit deal by November 6 and would make available “all possible time” to do so.

Option A: (A-F, B-E) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option C: (B-E, C-F) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option D: (A-F, B-D) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

4) Answer: (d)

From the given options only A-F, B-D is matched and make a meaningful sentence. The correct answer after matching will be

(A-F): Sixteen people were sentenced to death on Thursday for burning alive a Bangladeshi teenager who refused to withdraw sexual assault charges against her head teacher.

(B-D): Kurdish forces in northeastern Syria left several positions along the long border with Turkey on Thursday, complying with a deal that sees Damascus, Ankara and Moscow carve up their now-defunct autonomous region.

Option A: (A-D, B-E) Is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option B: (B-F, C-D) Is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option C: (B-E, C-F) Is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

5) Answer: (c)

From the given options only B-E, C-F is matched and make a meaningful sentence. The correct answer after matching will be

(B-E): Maryam Nawaz, the daughter of jailed former Pakistan premier Nawaz Sharif, has been admitted to the same hospital where her father is undergoing treatment for low platelet count, according to media reports on Thursday.

(C-F): Mr. Shivakumar, a 7-time MLA in Karnataka, was booked along with Haumanthaiah – an employee at Karnataka Bhavan in New Delhi – and others for alleged offences under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).

Option A: (A-D, B-F) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option B: (B-F, C-D) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Option D: (A-F, B-D) is incorrect because it does not make any meaningful sentence.

Directions (6-10) :

6) Answer: (b)

The correct form of the sentence is: He was bending down to field a ball in a local game in the mohalla park, literally yards from his home, when his skull was pierced by a volley of pellets fired from a column of passing security forces vehicles, the way his parents remembered things — sobbing, but angry and defiant — when I called on them at their home to condole last week.

7) Answer: (a)

Option B) is incorrect; ‘ornate’ means elaborate.

Option C) is incorrect; ‘withheld’ means to restrain.

Option D) is incorrect; ‘acquittal’ means exoneration.

8) Answer: (c)

In part C, replace ‘were’ with ‘was’ as the statement talks about a singular entity- the administration.

9) Answer: (d)

None of the other choices A) and B) fit in the context of the passage while Option C) is unrelated to the passage.

Option D) is correct; as it rightfully depicts the central idea of the given passage that the author wants to convey.

10) Answer: (e)

The sentence is grammatically and contextually correct. Hence, no replacement is required.

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This post was last modified on January 18, 2020 2:21 pm