SBI Clerk

SBI Clerk Pre English (Day-23)

Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing a new series of English Language Questions for SBI Clerk Prelims 2020 so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.

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Statement – Inference

Directions(1-5): In each of the following questions given below, a passage has been given which are either situational based or describes a scenario. Below each passage, a question has been given which is framed to make you infer something out of it. Mark the correct inference as your answer.

1) Who doesn’t love food. Or who doesn’t have clueless friends, for that matter. A well-meaning buddy of mine, not a particularly bright one, though, recently included me on this Facebook group, ‘WineDineMine’, dedicated to all things food, liquor and, I guess, ore. Only thing, it was meant exclusively for those who live north of the Vindhyas. And I live in a quaint little town called Madras, which is 50km or so north of the historic Chinese city of Mahabalipuram, India’s hub for plogging.

Well, anyway, every day, I got into checking out things like “Can you recommend a good place for baba ganoush in Gurgaon?” to “I need a caterer for 50 people asap to serve authentic Indian-Chinese food for Japanese tourists”. It was an active, buzzing site.Made my day a bit lighter.And hungrier.

What could be said about the nature of the people who live north of the Vindhyas as per the given passage?

A) baffled

B) epicure

C) utopian

D) solicitous

E) None of the above

2) For a Kolkata-based photographer SaumalyaGhosh, street photography is more than a genre of photography. “It’s how I look at the world around me. It is how I feel about the place I live in, it’s how my fellow people are living their day-to-day lives. I love to see the small drama of everyday life as it is staged on the streets. Common people are my heroes and heroines who play themselves in this drama. I’m just a keen observer, a mere admirer and my job here is just to capture the candid, unopposed and unguarded moments of this fascinating ‘Real Life’ drama through my own vision. I don’t interrupt or influence this ‘Real Life’ drama. I accept it as it is, in its original and purest form,” says the photographer, whose works have been published in several national and international magazines, photo books including National Geographic, NatGeo Traveller etc.

What can be said about the photographer SaumalyaGhosh’s nature as per the passage?

A) disciplinarian

B) tumultuous

C) Romanticist

D) diffident

E) None of the above

3) Ritu Kumar has been in the fashion business for half a century. No one understands the intricacies of fashion and style, better than this grand ole dame of couture. According to her, fashion is now such a saturated market, the reason brand extension is the way forward. And she is a frontrunner in this category – from launching perfume (Tree of Life), to mojaris, from handcrafted bags (created in Santiniketan) to exquisite home line. “This sells more than couture,” she smiles.

What can be said about the tone of the author in the passage?

A) Expository

B) meticulous

C) Discontent

D) emerging

E) None of the above

4) Suhana Khan has often been trolled for her dressing by disgruntled trollers. But this time around, Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter is actually being liked for a picture in which she is wearing a cowboy hat.

Often captured by the paparazzi at multiple locations, Suhana has seen her share of the limelight even before entering films by virtue of being Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter, but now, the little one seems to be basking in the sun after the teaser of her short film has been released.

Suhana is also in the social media limelight for her posts on Instagram. “This picture posted by Suhana has gotten a lot of accolades, also because she is not just a star kid anymore. Her friends made the video, and she has not been launched by someone because she is SRK’s kid. It’s great that the children of stars are finding their own ways to do their work. Aamir’s son Junaid and daughter Ira too are taking to theatre to explore their acting and directing abilities,” says an industry source.

What can be said aboutSuhana Khan’s attitude after the release of the trailer?

A) Apprehensive

B) apologetic

C) Sarcasm

D) Jubilant

E) None of the above

5) It has been over a decade since Jays entered the market and unlike other brands with failed attempts, Jays have grown in leaps and bounds so much so that even those outside the audiophile community know about them. Very few brands can claim what they have achieved in the short time span and although the company is widely regarded as a premium brand; sometimes they do step out of this zone and launch products that are easier on the pocket.

What can be said about the tone of the author in the passage mentioned above?

A) degrading

B) Pragmatic

C) Laudatory

D) Empathetic

E) None of the above

Phrasal Usage

Directions(6-10): In each of the questions, 4 sentences are given which have used phrasal verbs highlighted in bold. Choose the sentence which has not used the phrasal verbs correctly. If all the sentences are grammatically and contextually correct, mark option E) All are correct.


A) Prayanjalihas the habit ofsticking her nose into everyone else’s business.

B) Listen to the news straight from the horse’s mouth; we’re all getting Diwali bonuses this month.

C) I know you’re not feeling well, so try to take it simpleton in the office.

D) The fact that Rachel is dating a member of the mafia is just the tip of the iceberg; she’s also smuggling hard drugs into the border.

E) All are correct


A) Logan always argues about the silliest things; it’s like he can’t see the wood for the trees.

B) If you don’t have any money to pay for the paint on the walls, I guess you’re up a creek without a pad because you can’t have your deposit back.

C) Raven should better step up your game if she wants to get an A in Physics class.

D) That baby looks as snug as a bug in a rug cuddled up next to his little cousin.

E) All are correct


A) Don’t tell me whether you’ll move to Washington with me or not today. Sleep behind it, and get back to me next day.

B) Joqain is sick and tired of his dog chewing up his shoes every day.

C) Pull yourself together, dude! Sure, your wife just dumped you and then you got hit by a truck, but you need to move on.

D) Diandra really put her foot in her mouth when she asked about her guy’s job right after he lost it.

E) All are correct


A) I hate playing second fiddle to my best friend; he always does things better than I do!

B) It’splain as day that you’re in love with a waitress, so just admit it.

C) In Columbia, the temperature drops below freezing only once in a blue moon.

D) Mom has really lost her marbles; she’s making me practice cursive writing thrice a week.

E) All are correct


A) I’m going to just try out for the football team and let the chips fly where they may.

B) Beckman’s party is going to be great if you don’t let the cat out of the bag.

C) You gave me that main idea help in the nick of time—our educator just gave us a test on that comprehension skill and I passed it!

D) When Oliver turned fifty, he decided he needed to live life in the fast lane, so he quit his job as an investment banker and decided to tour India by motorcycle.

E) All are correct

Answers :

Directions (1-5) :

1) Answer: B

Option B is the correct choice. ‘Epicure’ is characterized by a person who takes particular pleasure in fine food and drink.  As per the passage, we can clearly deduce the suitable choice.

2) Answer: C

Option C is the correct choice. ‘Romanticist’ should be the correct option as the passage says the photographer is a keen observer, a mere admirer. As per the passage, we can clearly deduce the suitable choice.

3) Answer: A

Option A is the correct choice; ‘Expository’ is a term characterized by intended to explain or describe something. As per the passage, we can clearly deduce the suitable choice.

4) Answer: D

Option D is the correct choice. ‘Jubilant’ refers to feeling or expressing great happiness, especially because of a success. As per the passage, we can clearly deduce the suitable choice.

5) Answer: C

Option C is the correct choice. ‘Laudatory’ means expressing praise and commendation.

As per the passage, we can clearly deduce the suitable choice.

Directions (6-10) :

6) Answer: C

Statement C has not used the idiom correctly. ‘Take it easy’ is the correct idiom, means to proceed in a calm and relaxed manner.

7) Answer: B

Statement B has not used the phrasal verb correctly. ‘A creek without a paddle’ should be the correct idiom, meaning a challenging or troublesome situation, especially one that cannot be easily resolved.

8) Answer: A

Statement A has not used the idiom correctly. ‘Sleep on it’ should be the correct idiom, meaning to delay making a decision until the following day.

9) Answer: E

All the statements have used the respective idioms/phrases correctly. Therefore, all sentences are grammatically correct.

10) Answer: A

Statement A has not used the phrasal verb correctly. ‘Let the chips fall’ should be the correct idiom, synonymous with allowing events to unfold naturally; to accept what occurs without prejudice, worry, or regret.

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This post was last modified on February 3, 2020 1:01 pm