SBI Clerk Pre English (Day-26)

Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing a new series of English Language Questions for SBI Clerk Prelims 2020 so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.

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Triple Fillers

Direction (1-5): Each question below contains a statement with three blanks followed by four options. Choose the option that can fill the three blanks and mark it as your answer.

1) For me, one of the most _______scenes is in Elizabeth Jane Howard’s Three Miles Up. The _______of two friends losing their way on a lonely stretch of canal is unsettling enough, but it’s the more _______moments of eeriness that give the story its power.

A) chimerical, palpable, subtle

B) chimerical, palpable, alacrity

C) disquieting, premise, alacrity

D) disquieting, premise, subtle

E) None of these

2) I often _______to respond. No one should be denied care on account of their ability to pay _______treatment. Yet this is now a daily reality for many people, due to the _______privatisation of our healthcare system by successive governments.

A) fervour, of, sloth

B) struggle, for, sloth

C) struggle, for, creeping

D) fervour, of, creeping

E) None of these

3) But I gradually discovered that all of them were _______hostile to thoughtful explorations of ecological and climate breakdown. In total, I was _______to write 26 articles. All but two were spiked. Eventually I realised it was impossible to cover these crucial issues properly without _______editors.

A) intensely, commissioned, supportive

B) rudimentary, sophisticated, supportive

C) intensely, commissioned, terse

D) rudimentary, sophisticated, terse

E) None of these

4) As global environment editor _______the Guardian, I report from the Amazon to the Arctic on the _______wonders of a rapidly deteriorating world. Along with a growing number of colleagues, I investigate who is _______, who is to blame and who is fighting back.

A) for, disappearing, elaborate

B) of, succinct, elaborate

C) of, succinct, affected

D) for, disappearing, affected

E) None of these

5) The Springboks’ head coach, Rassie Erasmus, was happy on Tuesday to more than hint _______his line-up for the final and point out that England could expect more of the same _______physical, attritional rugby that had taken them to the final day. He is not one given to subterfuge or mind games: the only doubt he looks to put into opponents is whether they are _______to deal with what they know they will face.

A) on, remorselessly, premonition

B) at, remorselessly, equipped

C) on, hindsight, premonition

D) on, hindsight, equipped

E) None of these

Incorrect Sentences

Direction (6-10): From the options given below, select the option which states the correct combination of incorrect/correct sentences.


a) In another bombs could be seen falling on the site followed by a flash and the screen turning grey.

b) The head of US Central Command, General Kenneth McKenzie, said the bombing took place after all the attackers and survivor had been evacuated, and was carried out so that the compound near the Turkish border did not become a shrine.

c) He said Baghdadi’s remains – collected after he blew himself up in a tunnel, killing two children he had took with him – had been buried at sea.

d) McKenzie said the US was under no illusions it had destroyed Isis, and warned the group would try to take revenge.

A) both a and d are correct

B) both a and c are incorrect

C) all sentences are correct

D) both b and d are incorrect

E) both a and b are incorrect


a) O’Neil Wallfall, 49 – who has never been to Iraq – received a refusing letter that appeared to indicate his case had been confused with someone else’s.

b) McQueen has a diagnosis of terminal cancer and are awaiting a transplant after kidney failure.

c) In the letter rejecting Wallfall’s application – which his lawyer said provided clear evidence that the government “copies and pastes” letters and disregards individual submissions when reaching its conclusions – the Home Office says: “You have claimed that you will be unlawfully killed on return to Iraq … you have not demonstrated … that death is virtually certain.”

d) In the letter officials say they do not believe the couple’s relationship is genuine because Wallfall’s name is not with McQueen’s on the tenancy agreement.

A) both a and d are correct

B) both a and c are incorrect

C) all sentences are correct

D) both b and d are incorrect

E) both a and b are incorrect


a) Such rules are needed because the stakes are so high and the charges against Mr. Trump so serious.

b) The latest bombshell landed Tuesday, when Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a decorated Army officer who serves as the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, testified that he was on the July 25 call between Mr. Trump and President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, and that he heard Mr. Trump ask Mr. Zelensky to investigate a political rival, former Vice President Joe Biden.

c) More concerning, Colonel Vindman shared that the White House’s reconstructed transcript of the call left out some key details — and that administration officials refused his repeated efforts to correct the record before it was released to the public, according to an account in The Times.

d) Colonel Vindman considered Mr. Trump’s handling of Ukraine so damaging to national security that he reported his concerns to his superiors.

A) both a and d are correct

B) both a and c are incorrect

C) all sentences are correct

D) both b and d are incorrect

E) both a and b are incorrect


a) The legislation would create a system of 20 commercial trash zones, of businesses within each zone able to choose from one of three private carters.

b) The city would determine the eligible private carters through competitive bidding.

c) The sanitation commissioner, Kathryn Garcia, deserve praise for leading the reorganization.

d) It has also received support from unlikelier groups, like the Real Estate Board of New York, a powerful lobbying group, and the Partnership for New York City, a business group akin to a chamber of commerce.

A) both a and d are correct

B) both a and c are incorrect

C) all sentences are correct

D) both b and d are incorrect

E) both a and b are incorrect


a) The Rajasthan High Court’s order quashing the cow smuggling case against the sons of Pehlu Khan, a dairy farmer lynched by cow vigilantes in 2017, grants much-needed relief to the family.

b) Of particular significance is Justice Pankaj Bhandari’s finding that Khan and his sons, Irshad and Arif, besides truck driver Khan Mohammed, were not transporting cattle for slaughter; rather, the cows and calve in their possession were meant for dairy farming.

c) Although High Courts do not normally intervene after the filing of the charge sheet, they have the power to do so if there is manifest abuse of the process.

d) It is quite apparent that they were trying perverse to build a narrative that it was the victims who were primarily at fault.

A) both a and d are correct

B) both a and c are incorrect

C) all sentences are correct

D) both b and d are incorrect

E) both a and b are incorrect

Answers :

Directions (1-5):

1) Answer: (d)

In the given sentence, only ‘disquieting, premise, subtle’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A): is incorrect because chimerical means (of a mythical animal) formed from parts of various animals which does not fit here.

Option B): is incorrect as palpable means (of a feeling or atmosphere) so intense as to seem almost tangible which does not make any sense here.

Option C): is incorrect as ‘alacrity’ does not fit here.

Option D): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘disquieting, premise, subtle’ fit here both grammatically and contextually.

2) Answer: (c)

In the given sentence, only ‘struggle, for, creeping’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A): is incorrect because fervour means intense and passionate feeling which does not fit here.

Option B): is incorrect as ‘sloth’ means reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness.

Option C): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘struggle, for, creeping’ fit here both grammatically and contextually.

Option D): is incorrect as ‘of’ preposition does not fit here.

3) Answer: (a)

In the given sentence, only ‘intensely, commissioned, supportive’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘intensely, commissioned, supportive’ fit here both grammatically and contextually.

Option B): is incorrect as rudimentary means involving or limited to basic principles which does not make any sense here.

Option C): is incorrect as ‘terse’ does not make any sense here.

Option D): is incorrect as ‘sophisticated’ does not fit here contextually

4) Answer: (d)

In the given sentence, only ‘for, disappearing, affected’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A): is incorrect because ‘elaborate’ does not fit here.

Option B): is incorrect as ‘of’ preposition does not make any sense here.

Option C): is incorrect as ‘succinct’ does not fit here.

Option D): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘for, disappearing, affected’ fit here both grammatically and contextually.

5) Answer: (b)

In the given sentence, only ‘at, remorselessly, equipped’ make it grammatically as well as contextually correct.

Option A): is incorrect as ‘on’ preposition does not make any sense here.

Option B): is the correct alternative among the following as ‘at, remorselessly, equipped’ fit here both grammatically and contextually.

Option C): is incorrect as ‘premonition’ means a strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant which does not fit here.

Option D): is incorrect as ‘hindsight’ does not make any sense here.

Directions (6-10) :

6) Answer: (a)

Statement b: is incorrect as ‘survivor’ should be replaced with ‘survivors’.

Statement c: is incorrect as ‘took’ should be replaced with ‘taken’.

7) Answer: (e)

Statement a: is incorrect as ‘refusing’ should be replaced with ‘refusal’.

Statement b: is incorrect as ‘are’ should be replaced with ‘is’.

8) Answer: (c)

All sentences are in correct form.

9) Answer: (b)

Statement a: is incorrect as ‘of’ should be replaced with ‘with’.

Statement c: is incorrect as ‘deserve’ should be replaced with ‘deserves’.

10) Answer: (d)

Statement b: is incorrect as ‘calve’ should be replaced with ‘calves’.

Statement d: is incorrect as ‘perverse’ should be replaced with ‘perversely’.

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