Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing new series of Reasoning Questions for SBI Clerk Prelims 2021 so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.
Blood relation
Direction (1-2): Answer the questions based on the information given below.
In a family there are six members,Q is the brother of N. N has only two children of a different gender. N is the mother of E. E is the brother of Y. R is the grandfather of P. S is the sister in law of Y. There is no single parent in the family. There are only three female members of the family.
1) How is S related to N?
A.Daughter in law
B.Sister in law
C.Son in law
D.Brother in law
E.None of these
2) Who among the following person is the son in law of R?
D.There is no such person
Direction sense
Direction (3-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions.
In the Chessboard, King is 5cm to the northeast of Queen who is 8cm to the north of Pawn1. Bishop is 7cm to the east of pawn1. Knight is 8cm to the north of Bishop. Pawn2 is 6cm to the east of knight.
3) What is the distance between Queen and Pawn2?
E.None of these
4) If Rook is to the north of King, then in which direction is Bishop with respect to Rook?
A.North East
B.South East
C.South West
D.North West
E.None of these
5) What is the shortest distance between Bishop and Pawn2?
A.7 cm
B.15 cm
C.10 cm
D.20 cm
E.None of these
Order and Ranking
Direction (6-8): Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions.
Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are comparing their heights and all the persons are at different heights. More than two persons are taller than E. D is only shorter than B. Both A and F are shorter than C. Neither A nor F taller than E. A is not shorter among all. The height of the second tallest person is 168 cm and the fourth tallest person is 152 cm.
6) What is the possible height of C?
A.169 cm
B.170 cm
C.160 cm
D.150 cm
E.180 cm
7) If the lowest height is 7 cm less than E’s height, then what is the height of F?
A.147 cm
B.145 cm
C.142 cm
D.143 cm
E.Data inadequate
8) What is the possible sum of heights of B and E?
A.319 cm
B.320 cm
C.321 cm
D.318 cm
E.315 cm
9) If all the digits of the number ‘78631524’ are arranged in descending order from left to right, then what is difference between first and sixth digit of the number from the left end?
10) If the letters of the word ‘BREAKINGNEWS’ are interchanged such that the first and the third letters exchange places, the second and the fourth letters exchange places, the fifth and the seventh letters exchange places, and so on, then which of the following would be the fourthconsonant to the left of the last vowel in the new word?
Answers :
Directions (1-2) :
There is no single parent in the family.
There are only three female members of the family.
Q is the brother of N.
N has only two children of a different gender.
N is the mother of E.
E is the brother of Y.
R is the grandfather of P.
S is the sister in law of Y.
1) Answer: A
2) Answer: D
Directions (3-5):
3) Answer: A
4) Answer: B
5) Answer: C
Directions (6-8):
Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are comparing their heights and all the persons are at different heights.
More than two persons are taller than E.
D is only shorter than B.
Both A and F are shorter than C.
Neither A nor F taller than E.
A is not shorter among all.
The height of the second tallest person is 168 cm and the fourth tallest person is 152 cm.
B > D (168 cm) > C > E (152 cm)> A > F
6) Answer: C
7) Answer: B
8) Answer: C
9) Answer: C
The given number is 78631524
The digits of the number are arranged in descending order from left to right as follows: 87654321
The difference between 1st and 6th digit of newly formed number is 5.
10) Answer: A
After interchanging
So, the last vowel is E, and the fourth consonant from the left of E is K.
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