SBI PO Notification 2022: Exam Date, Online Application, Exam Pattern, Syllabus

SBI PO Notification 2022: The State Bank of India (SBI) is the authority to conduct the SBI PO 2022 recruitment. The SBI PO exam is conducted every year to recruit candidates for the Probationary Officer posts in the SBI branches all over the nation. Here we have updated all the details regarding the SBI PO 2022 recruitment notification, which is yet to release very soon. Around 2056 vacancies were released through the SBI PO 2022 notification. Now you can refer to all the general information such as eligibility, exam pattern, selection process, salary, syllabus, and more regarding the SBI PO 2022 recruitment notification. After going through this page you will have no further doubts about the recruitment process, application procedures, etc.


Most of the banking aspirants will have an ultimate aim to secure the SBI PO job. It is one of the toughest bank exams to crack. The standard of the exam is very high when compared to other banking exams. So, start to prepare for the SBI PO 2022 right now. To clear the SBI PO 2022 exam, quality study materials and dedicated preparation are a must. Also, you must prepare in a well-organized manner. For that, we will guide you with the correct directions to achieve your goal. On this page, we have provided all the important details starting from recruitment notification to preparation methods. So, candidates freshly preparing for the SBI PO 2022 can clearly know about the exam very well.


SBI PO 2022 Notification

The SBI PO 2022 official notification contains all the essential details related to recruitment. If you have any doubts regarding the recruitment, you can clarify it by referring to the notification. The various important details that are present in the SBI PO notification 2022 are given below,

  • Important dates regarding the recruitment process
  • Category-wise vacancies
  • Eligibility Criteria
  • Reservation details for PWD candidates
  • Selection Process
  • Application Fee
  • Exam Pattern
  • Guidelines to apply online
  • Instructions for the candidates
  • Pre-exam training details.
  • Emoluments, Career growth, etc.

Candidates check their eligibility completely before they apply for the exam. Also, submit your application form before the last date mentioned in the SBI PO notification 2022.


Download SBI PO Recruitment 2022 Notification PDF


In the official SBI PO 2022 notification, you can find all these details in an elaborate manner. If you check the eligibility, you can find all the information. You can also find the details related to Pwd candidates, their conditions, etc for the SBI PO 2022 recruitment. Also, all the cities of exam centers are available in the notification. If you find any difficulties in applying online, you can check that in the notification. So the official notification is like a reference guide for the candidates. Hence follow the official notification for in-depth information.

SBI PO 2022 Exam Dates

In the table given below, exam dates regarding the SBI PO 2022 recruitment exam date are added. Especially note the start and end dates of the online application. The exam dates for SBI PO prelims and mains are given in the table.


Activity Tentative Dates
Online application start date To be Notified
Online application end date To be Notified
The download of call letters for the Online Preliminary Examination To be Notified
Online Preliminary Examination To be Notified
Result of Online Preliminary Examination To be Notified
The download of the Call Letter for the Online Main Examination To be Notified
Conduct of Online Main Examination To be Notified
Declaration of Result of Main Examination To be Notified
The download of Call Letter for phase III To be Notified
Conduct of Phase III – Interview (Or Interview & Group Exercises) To be Notified
Declaration of Final Result To be Notified


These are the SBI PO 2022 exam dates. The candidates should plan their preparation according to this schedule. Here some general tips are given to follow the SBI PO 2022 exam preparation.

  1. After applying online for the SBI PO 2022 recruitment, start the preparation as soon as possible.
  2. Split your time equally for the prelims and mains preparation.
  3. Make a study plan and continue your SBI PO 2022 preparation, topic by topic.
  4. As per the study plan, go through all the topics in the SBI PO syllabus.
  5. In the last 2 weeks before the prelims exam, focus completely on the SBI PO 2022 prelims preparation. Don’t prepare for the mains exam.
  6. After the completion of the prelims exam, devote all your time to the mains exam.
  7. In mains preparation, give more importance to your weak zone. At the same time don’t avoid preparation for your strong areas.
  8. After the completion of the mains exam, prepare for the interview and group exercise round.

So candidates, As per the SBI PO 2022 exam dates, prepare in this flow to crack this exam.

SBI PO 2022 Vacancies

The SBI PO 2022 vacancies are the most important data that a candidate wants to know. This year SBI PO vacancies will be announced. 


Year SBI PO vacancy
2021 2056
2020 2000
2019 2000
2018 2313
2017 2200
2016 2000

SBI PO 2022 Eligibility Criteria

The online applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens for SBI PO 2022 recruitment. The recruitment board has set the SBI PO 2022 eligibility norms that have to be fulfilled by a candidate. Candidates have to fulfill all the criteria without fail to apply for the exam. The list of SBI PO eligibility criteria is given below for your reference.


Only Indian Citizens can apply

Academic Qualification:

The candidate should have completed a degree in any discipline in a recognized University or its equivalent.


Those who are in the Final Year/ Semester of their Graduation may also apply provisionally subject to the condition that, if called for an interview, they will have to produce proof of having passed the graduation examination on or before 31.12.2021. Candidates having Integrated Dual Degree (IDD) certificate should ensure that the date of passing the IDD is on or before 31.12.2021. Candidates possessing the qualification of Chartered Accountant may also apply.

Age Limit:

The SBI PO age limit criteria are,

  • Minimum Age – 21 years
  • Maximum age – 30 years

Age relaxation is applicable to each category. The age relaxation details are given in the below table.

Category Age Relaxation
Scheduled Caste (SC) / scheduled Tribe (ST) 5 years
Other Backward Classes (OBC) – Non-creamy layer 3 years
PWD (SC / ST) 15 years
PWD (OBC) 13 years
PWD (Gen / EWS) 10 years
Ex-servicemen 5 years

Other Norms

There are certain cases in which the candidates are not eligible to take the SBI PO 2022 recruitment exam. Such cases are given below,

  • If a candidate has defaulted in repayment of loans or credit card dues, he is not eligible.
  • Candidates whose name adverse report of CIBIL or other external agencies available are not eligible.
  • Candidates with an unfavorable report on their character, antecedents, and moral turpitude are not eligible to apply.

So candidates check all the criteria given here. Even if you fail in any one of the norms that are mandatory, you cannot apply.

SBI PO 2022 Application Fee

The SBI PO 2022 application fee will differ for the candidates belonging to each category. After the payment of fees, you cannot expect a refund for any reason. Only the online mode of fee payment is acceptable. You can opt for a credit card or debit card or net banking or any such ways. The SBI PO 2022 application fee details are given below.

  • SC/ ST/ PWD – Nil
  • General/ EWS/ OBC – ₹750/- (Application Fee including intimation charges)

SBI PO 2022 Selection Process

The SBI PO selection process includes 3 stages. The first stage is an online preliminary exam. Candidates clearing the prelims exam will face the mains exam, which is the second stage of the selection process. The third stage of the selection process is group exercise and interview. The candidates must pass in all the phases to get the provisional allotment order. The 3 phases are given in order,

  • Prelims exam
  • Main exam
  • Interview (Or Interview & Group Exercises)

SBI PO 2022 Apply Online

Here we have given the steps to follow for the SBI PO Apply Online 2022 process. To make it a hassle-free process use the following browsers,

  • Internet Explorer 8 and above
  • Mozilla Firefox 3.0 and above
  • Google Chrome 3.0 and above

Also, keep the following prerequisites necessary for completing your application online process.

  • Your permanent mobile number and Email Id.
  • Scanned copies of passport size photograph and signature.
  • A debit card or any such options needed to pay the online application fee.

Now follow the steps given here in the correct order to complete your SBI PO 2022 apply online process.

  • Log on to the official website and click the new registration tab.
  • On the registration page give the required details and get your login credentials.
  • The login credentials are sent to your registered e-mail Id and mobile number.
  • Enter the username & password and give the submit option. Your SBI PO 2022 online application form will open on the screen. Give your personal details without any error and click the Save & Next button.
  • Then provide your educational qualification details and work experience on the next page.
  • Then upload the scanned copies of your photograph and signature. While doing this, follow the guidelines as per the notification
  • Before giving the final submit check whether you have filled all the mandatory fields. Also don’t give any wrong details in the application.
  • Finally, pay your online mode application fee. For that, you can use a credit card, debit card, or any such options. Then take a printout of your application form and fee receipt.

SBI PO 2022 – Scanned Image and Signature Specifications

Things to be noted in Scanned Passport Size Photograph

  • The scanned Passport size Photograph should a colored one.
  • Prefer white color background in the passport size photograph or mild colors is also acceptable.
  • Try not to wear sunglasses, cap, or religious-based accessories in the Passport size photograph.

SBI PO 2020

Things to be noted in Scanned Signature

  • The background of the Signature should be white in color.
  • Candidate need to sign in the Black ink
  • Do not use Capital letters in the Signature.

SBI PO 2020

Do’s & Don’ts in SBI PO 2022 Scanned Images

  • Candidate should carry additional passport size photographs which they have uploaded in the SBI PO Application form 2022.
  • In SBI PO 2022, candidates should upload their signature as well as their Guardian’s signature in the Application form
  • The Signature must be in a running letter. Avoid Capital Letter Signatures.
  • In case a candidate wears spectacles, they must make sure that there is no glare on the eyes. The eyes of the candidate should be visible.

SBI PO 2020

 Scanning the Passport Size Photograph

  • Before scanning your passport size photograph in the Scanner, check the scanner setting.
  • Select True Colour in the scanner setting
  • In case, the size or specification differs, then crop the image as per the dimension given in the SBI PO Notification.

SBI PO 2020

Image Quality for SBI PO

  • Don’t upload a blur Image in the SBI PO 2022 Application Form
  • The Passport size Photograph should be a high-resolution image

SBI PO 2020


In the table given below, the standard of scanned documents is given.

Document Dimensions File Size
Photograph 200*300 pixels 20 Kb to 50 Kb
Signature 140*60 pixels 10 Kb to 20 Kb

SBI PO 2022 Application Form

Submit your online SBI PO 2022 application form within the last date mentioned in the notification. Also, don’t forget to take a printout of it. At the final stages of the recruitment, a printout of the application form is needed. To submit the application form with correct details and take a printout. 

SBI PO 2022 Job Profile

The probation period for an SBI PO is two years. The SBI PO job role includes the following,

  • Billing-related works, accounting, and finance tasks.
  • An SBI PO should act as the Public Relations Officer of the bank.
  • Handling the complaints and grievances of customers and redressal of the same.
  • Supervision of clerical work and management of cash balance.
  • Issuance of ATM cards, Cheque books, and DD to the customers of the branch.
  • Update with the latest policies and schemes of the bank.

After the completion of the probation period, the SBI PO will be made a permanent employee.

SBI PO Work Profile

The SBI PO 2022 work profile mainly includes maintaining bills, monitoring clerk works, cash handling, updating with schemes, etc. After the end of the probation period, the job will be made permanent. For further promotions, the candidates should attain a higher standard/score set by the bank.

SBI PO 2022 Career and Growth

Candidates choosing the SBI PO 2022 career will have excellent growth opportunities. The selected candidates will have to complete an online course before joining.  The candidates have to sign an ₹2 lakhs bond, immediately after the posting. The agreement suggests the candidates for a minimum of 3 years of service period in the bank.

On joining the candidates are designated as the probationary officers. The probation period is 2 years. During this period the candidates have to qualify in the assessment done by banks from time to time. The qualified candidates are confirmed in the service as Junior Management Grade Scale-I (JMGS-I). Then those officers can attain the next higher grade of Middle Management Grade Scale-II (MMGS-II). These higher grades are attained, only if the candidates achieve the higher standards/scores set by the bank. Or else the candidates are terminated as per the policy of the Bank.

For an SBI PO, the bank provides great opportunities for career growth and abroad posting. If the candidates are brilliant enough, then they can quickly reach the Top Management Grade.

The promotional structure for an SBI PO 2022 is given below,

  • Assistant Manager – Scale 1
  • Deputy Manager – Scale 2
  • Manager – Scale 3
  • Chief Manager – Scale 4
  • Assistant General Manager – Scale 5
  • Deputy General Manager – Scale 6
  • General Manager – Scale 7
  • Chief General Manager -Scale 8
  • Deputy Managing Director – Scale 9
  • Managing Director – Scale 10
  • Chairman – Scale 11

SBI PO 2022 Salary Structure

When compared to that of other public sector banks, the basic pay of the SBI PO is the highest. The starting basic SBI PO salary is ₹27,620 with 4 advance increments. The SBI PO 2022 salary structure is 23700–980/7–30560–1145/2–32850–1310/7–42021. This SBI PO salary structure is applicable to the junior management grade scale I. 

SBI PO 2022 Allowances and Additional Benefits

The SBI PO 2022 allowances are of various types as listed below,

  • Dearness Allowance (DA)
  • House Rent Allowance (HRA)
  • City Compensatory Allowance (CCA)
  • Medical Allowance, etc.

In the table, the allowance details are given in a perfect manner.

City Compensatory Allowance (CCA) 3 to 4% of basic pay
Dearness Allowance (DA) 46.9% of basic pay
House Rent Allowance (HRA) 7% or 8% or 9% based on the job location.
Petrol allowance ₹1100 to 1250
Travel allowance AC-2 tier fare for office travels

The aggregate compensation per year on a CTC basis will range from ₹8.20 lakhs to ₹13.08 lakhs. It will depend upon the job location and various other factors. SBI may also allot a SMART Compensation Package. In this package, some of the elements of the pay package can be monetized.

SBI PO 2022 Working Hours

The SBI PO working hours will vary depending upon the branch, workload, and many other factors. Normally an SBI PO needs to report office at around 10:00 am. After the completion of tasks, he can leave the branch by 6:30–7:00 pm. But it may prolong if the workload is more. Hence the SBI PO working hours will range between 8 to 12 hours.

SBI PO 2022 Exam Structure

The SBI PO 2022 exam structure includes a 3 stage process. The candidates are required to pass all the stages to get the provisional allotment order. The 3 stages are,

  • Preliminary exam.
  • Mains exam
  • Interview (Or Interview & Group Exercises)

The candidates who succeeded in the prelims exam can attend the mains exam. The maximum marks for the mains exam are 250. The sectional cut-off is not applicable for the SBI PO 2022 exams.


From the mains exam, candidates are shortlisted for the final round of group exercise and interview. From the mains exam, the merit list will get ready for all the categories. Candidates approximately up to 3 times of the category-wise vacancies are called for the final round.


The final stage of this SBI PO exam structure is either,


(I) Interview only (50 marks)


(ii) Interview (30 marks) & Group Exercises (20 marks).


The prelims marks are not considered for the final merit list preparation. For preparing the final merit list, only the marks obtained in Mains (both in the Objective Test and the Descriptive Test) and final round are considered. The marks out of 250 in mains examination are converted to 75 marks. Similarly, the marks out of 50 in Group Exercises & Interviews are converted to 25 marks. The final merit list is prepared for a total of 100 marks, by adding these two totals. As per the available vacancy, a final cut off arrives. The category-wise candidates scoring over the cut off marks are selected for the provisional allotment.

SBI PO 2022 Exam Pattern

The exam pattern is very important for the candidates’ preparation. With reference to the exam pattern, you can know the details of each section. For each section, there are a certain number of questions and marks allotted. You can know all these details including the exam duration. Using the SBI PO 2022 exam pattern, you can prepare your own exam strategy.

SBI PO Prelims Exam Pattern

The SBI PO 2022 prelims exam pattern is given in the table format. The details of the SBI PO prelims exam are,

  • The 3 sections of the SBI PO prelims exam are quantitative aptitude, English language, and reasoning ability.
  • The sectional timing for each section is 20 minutes.
  • The maximum marks for the exam are 100.
  • The negative marks for each wrong answer are 0.25.
  • There is no sectional cut off. Candidates clearing the overall cut off will take the mains exam.
S No. Section No. of questions Maximum marks Duration
1. Reasoning ability 35 35 20 mins
2. Quantitative  aptitude 35 35 20 mins
3. English language 30 30 20 mins
  Total 100 100 1 hour

SBI PO Mains Exam Pattern

The mains exam of SBI PO 2022 has a total of 4 sections as mentioned in the table. The details of the SBI PO mains exam pattern are,

  • Including the descriptive test, the total marks for the mains exam are 250.
  • The total time duration of the SBI PO 2022 mains exam including the descriptive test is 3 hours and 30 minutes.
  • For each wrong answer, 1/4th of the marks are deducted as a penalty.
  • Each section has different sectional timings as mentioned in the table.
  • The descriptive test is held in the online mode. In this test, you have to type an essay and letter writing on a given topic.
  • For the mains exam also there is no sectional cut off. Candidates clearing the overall cut off will progress to the next stage.


S No. Section Questions Marks Duration
1. Reasoning ability & computer aptitude 45 60 60 mins
2. Data interpretation and analysis 35 60 45 mins
3. General/ Economy/ Banking awareness 40 40 35 mins
4. English language 35 40 40 mins
  Total 155 200 3 hours
Descriptive test: Letter and essay writing 2 50 30 mins

Use of Scribe & Compensatory time

In SBI PO 2022 application form, there is an option for the scribe. The candidates who wish to have a scribe can mention the same in the SBI PO 2022 online application form. The candidates can write the exam with help of a scribe, only if their percentage disability is 40% or more. And the compensatory time is applicable for the students having disabilities with the physical limitation to write including that of speed. In all such cases where a scribe is used, and the following rules are applicable.

  1. Only if the candidate mention in the SBI PO 2022 application, he can attend the exam with a help of a scribe.
  2. Both the candidate and the scribe will have to give a suitable undertaking at the time of the exam. Also, the undertaking must be in the prescribed format.
  3. The candidates eligible to take the test with a scribe will have eligibility for a compensatory time also.
  4. For such candidates, a compensatory time of 20 minutes for every hour of the exam is allowed in the SBI PO 2022 notification. It is no matter whether he is availing the facility of scribe or not.
  5. Candidate should arrange their own scribe at their own cost.

SBI PO 2022 Syllabus

SBI PO Syllabus is the compilation of topics that each section contains for the exam. You can prepare in an effective manner, if and only if the syllabus is up to date. If the syllabus misses some of the topics, then you cannot prepare for good standards for the exam. The SBI PO 2022 syllabus is almost similar for both prelims and mains, with few changes. Here the complete updated SBI PO 2022 prelims and mains syllabus are given for your reference.

SBI PO Prelims Syllabus

The SBI PO 2022 prelims exam has 3 sections namely English language, Quantitative aptitude, and reasoning ability. There are several topics under these 3 sections. We have covered all the topics in the SBI PO Prelims syllabus given below.


Reasoning Ability Quantitative Aptitude English language
Syllogism Sequence & Series Reading comprehension
Inequality Simplification Para jumbles
Direction sense Ratio and proportion Cloze test
Blood relation Percentage Fillers
Alpha-numeric series Average Error spotting
Order and ranking Partnership Paragraph completion
Puzzle Quadratic equation Sentence connectors
Seating arrangement Profit and Loss Miscellaneous
Input-Output Time and work  
Coding decoding Pipes and cisterns  
Data sufficiency Boats and stream  
Tabulation Problems on age  
Logical reasoning Problems on train  
  Mixture of allegation  
  Time, speed & distance  
  Data interpretation  
  Simple and Compound interest  
  Permutation, combination & probability  

SBI PO 2022 Mains Syllabus

The SBI PO 2022 mains exam has a total of 4 sections. They are reasoning ability & computer aptitude, general awareness, English language, and Data analysis & interpretation. The standard of the mains exam is higher than that of the prelims exam. So you have to put in a lot of hard work and practice. We have covered every topic in the SBI PO 2022 mains syllabus given below. Using this updated SBI PO 2022 syllabus prepare a study plan and start your preparation soon.


Reasoning Ability Data analysis and interpretation Computer Aptitude General awareness English language
Syllogism Sequence & Series Internet Current affairs Reading comprehension
Coded Inequality Tabular graph MS Office Financial awareness Para jumbles
Coded Direction sense Line graph Memory Static GK Cloze test
Coded Blood relation Pie chart Computer hardware Banking awareness Fillers
Alpha-numeric series Bar graph Keyboard shortcuts   Error spotting
Order and ranking Radar graph Computer fundamentals   Paragraph completion
Scheduling Missing DI  Computer abbreviations   Sentence connectors
Tabulation Caselet DI Computer terminologies   Word association
Input-Output Data sufficiency Operating system   Vocabulary
Coding decoding Permutation, combination & probability Number system   Verbal ability
Data sufficiency Miscellaneous Networking   Sentence improvement
Critical reasoning   Basic of logic gates   Miscellaneous 
Verbal reasoning        
Circle Seating arrangement        
Square seating arrangement        
Analytical and decision making        
Course of action        

SBI PO 2022 Preparation Plan

The SBI PO 2022 is one of the most difficult exams to clear. You have to practice with the help of a preparation plan or study plan to crack this exam. An SBI PO preparation plan will structure your preparation in a well-organized manner. So follow the SBI PO 2022 study plan in a strict manner to crack this exam. A study plan contains preparation topics in a daily schedule form. As you practice continuously without any break, your preparation will be in high standards. Also, we have added some preparation tips here. Follow these tips in your preparation plan to improve your standards.

Get more: SBI PO Study Plan

SBI PO 2022 Preparation Tips

Some general tips for all the sections are given here. If you follow them in a regular manner, you can easily crack this exam. For each subject follow a convenient strategy to score more marks.


For the English language, grammar is the key to score more marks. Learn the rules of grammar from top to bottom. So that you can score easily in topics like fillers, error spotting, cloze test, etc. Then improve your vocabulary with the help of newspapers, novels, storybooks, etc. for all the topics take mock tests, and fine-tune your performance. This is more than enough to score high marks in this section.


In the SBI PO 2022 mains exam, the general awareness section plays a crucial role. To excel in this section, cover the current affairs in a regular manner. Also, allocate sufficient time for revision. You can use power capsules for last-minute revision. Take online quizzes and rectify your mistakes regularly. So that you will get a good accuracy rate for this section in the exam.


In the Quantitative aptitude section, you should be smart in math calculations to maintain good accuracy. Cover all the topics in your preparation. At the prelims level mostly the questions are asked an easy to moderate level. So concentrate on your speed and accuracy. The main exam gives more importance to application problems and new model data interpretation topics. Continuous mock test practice on these topics is a must to score good marks.


For the Reasoning section, you have to be strong especially in puzzles and seating arrangements of all levels. All the other sections are quite easy at the prelims level. But at the mains level, you have to work hard and practice more new types of questions. Here too again the SBI PO 2022 mock test practice plays a vital role.


Get Latest SBI Exam Study Materials Here

SBI PO Exam Analysis

SBI PO Exam analysis is research about the exam difficulty level. It is done after the exam completion. It will give you an idea about the overall difficulty level of the exam. Some most important details that we can attain from the exam analysis are,

  • The difficulty level of all the individual sections.
  • The number of questions from each topic under all the sections.
  • Good attempts for each section.
  • Overall total good attempts of the exam.

These details will give you a clear idea about the exam level. The good attempts are mentioned in a range. So the candidates can easily get the outlook of a completed exam.

 SBI PO 2019 Mains Exam Analysis

Name of the Subject Good Attempts
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 13-19
Data Analysis & Interpretation 10-13
General / Economy / Banking Awareness 24-28
English Language 18-23
Total 75-80

 Data Analysis & Interpretation

Data Analysis & Interpretation – Moderate to Hard
Topics No. of Questions
New Pattern Number Series 3
Population Density-Based Graph DI 3
New Pattern Time and work Table Based DI 4
Probability-Based DI 4
Missing DI 4
Quantity I, II, and III 3
Caselet 4
Data Sufficiency 5
Application Sums 5
Total 35

Reasoning & Computer Aptitude

Reasoning & Computer Aptitude – Moderate to Hard
Topics No. of Questions
Seating Arrangement 13
Puzzle 10
Statement and inference 4
Statement and conclusion 4
Course of action 3
Input and Output 4
Coded Direction Sense 3
Coding-Decoding 4
Total 45

English Language 

English Language – Easy to Moderate
Topics No. of Questions
Reading Comprehension (New Pattern)  5-6 Paragraphs given 20
Single Fillers (New Pattern)Based on the column 5
Phrase Replacement 5
Sentence Replacement 5
Total 35


The level of general awareness section was easy to moderate. Most of the current affairs section asked is from august 2022 to January 2022. Some questions from static GK were asked. The break up is given below.

  • Current Affairs – 35 questions
  • Static GK – 5 questions

The topics asked in the descriptive test are given below.

The Essay topics were based on the following topics,

  • E-commerce
  • Internet Banking
  • Financial Inclusion

Also, the letter-writing topics are based on the topics given below,

  • A Letter to Bank Manager
  • Thank you letter for a friend

SBI PO 2022 Cut Off

The SBI PO cut off at various stages is based upon several important factors. The two most important factors are,

  • The difficulty level of exam in various shifts.
  • Number of vacancies


Here the SBI PO cut-offs at various stages for the years 2018 and 2019 have been compared. So you can get a clear vision about the increase in competition and cut off. The SBI PO 2022 cut off is fixed based upon the available vacancy, the difficulty level of the exam, and some other factors.


    Category SBI PO Prelims Cut Off (Out of 100)
2019 2018
General 71.00 56.75
EWS 68.25 –
OBC 68.25 54.25
SC 61.75 49.00
ST 54.75 43.00
LD 59.50 –
VI 64.75 49.00
HI 16.25 14.75
OH – 45.25


    Category SBI PO Mains Cut Off (Out of 250)
2019 2018
General 104.42 93.10
EWS 100.89 –
OBC 94.28 86.42
SC 82.50 77.13
ST 77.63 75.01
LD 86.51 75.03
VI 101.75 88.91
HI 75.36 75.16
OH – –
D & E 75.14 –


  Category SBI PO Mains Final Normalized Cut Off (Out of 100)
2019 2018
General 54.11 50.79
EWS 50.13 –
OBC 48.78 46.26
SC 45.74 43.99
ST 43.90 39.87
LD 47.11 43.04
VI 52.58 47.09
HI 35.29 32.69
OH – –
D & E 33.37 –

SBI PO Question Paper

Preparing with the SBI PO previous year question paper will help you to gain experience. Also it is a very good strategy to score high marks in the exam. Every year the type of questions are changing in an unpredictable manner. As a result, the candidates are unable to handle the pressure in the exam. So you need to practice a lot before the exam. Also, you have to practice with some smart strategies. One such smart method is a preparation with SBI PO question paper of previous years. By this practice you will get exposure with various types of new model questions. So that you can automatically gain confidence for the exam. Also in the exam you can attend the difficult questions in a confident manner. So prepare with the help of more SBI PO previous year papers.

Get More: SBI PO Previous Year Papers

SBI PO Reasoning Questions

The reasoning section is very important in SBI PO 2022 exams. In the prelims exam the questions may be at easy to moderate level. But in the mains exams, the questions are very difficult. So practice more SBI PO reasoning questions to crack the exam. For that use some quality study materials and practice continuously. Nowadays, new model puzzle, seating arrangements, syllogism reverse types, coded blood relation, etc are asked in exams. So practice SBI PO reasoning questions in the exam point of view. Only then you can crack this section.

SBI PO Aptitude Questions

Many candidates struggle in the SBI PO quantitative aptitude. Especially in the mains exam, it is very challenging even for the smart students. So candidates have to put in a well dedicated hard work for mains quantitative aptitude. Particularly you have to practice more mock tests and previous year papers to excel in DI and word problems.

SBI PO 2022 Prelims Exam Strategy

The SBI PO 2022 prelims exam strategy is here for you. The SBI PO 2022 prelims exam will have 3 sections in total. All the 3 sections will have separate timing. So you cannot swap the sections, before the sectional timer ends. So have a strategy for each section to crack the prelims exam.

Prelims Strategy for Reasoning Ability

In the reasoning ability section of SBI PO 2022 prelims, syllogism, inequality, and direction sense are the favorite topics for almost every candidate. It is the right decision to start with any of these topics in the prelims exam. After completing these topics you can go for a blood relations, coding-decoding, alphanumeric series, etc. If in any of these topics if you are struggling to find the answer, immediately skip and go to the next topic. Give final preference to puzzles and seating arrangements. If you have managed the time efficiently for the previous topics, you will get more time for puzzles.

Prelims Strategy for Quantitative Aptitude

In the quantitative aptitude section of SBI PO 2022 prelims, learn to solve the problem using shortcut methods and fast calculation tricks. Only then you can save considerable time for the application problems and DI topics. Also try to attend all the questions accurately in simplification, approximation, and number series topics. In application topics, there maybe 10 to 15 questions. From that choose the topics in which you are strong. In this section, speed is very important to give a decent number of attempts.

Prelims Strategy for the English Language

In the English section of SBI PO 2022 prelims, you will have sufficient time to attend all the questions. Only thing is that you should be strong in grammar, reading skills and vocabulary. Read newspapers to improve all these skills and knowledge. Also, attend online mock tests for all the topics in this section. Only practice will give you the ability to maintain accuracy in this section. If you score more marks in this section then you will be on the safer side.

SBI PO 2022 Mains Exam Strategy

The SBI PO 2022 mains exam will be obviously challenging. The candidates should work hard to solve puzzles, seating arrangement questions, DI, etc. Here a mains strategy is available for the SBI PO mains round.

English Language & Descriptive Test–Preparation and Exam Strategy

The English language section will have 35 questions to be covered in 40 minutes. Also, the total marks for this section is 40. In SBI PO 2022 mains first attempt the simple topics like error spotting, fillers, cloze test, sentence correction, etc. Then attend the lengthy reading comprehension topics at last. For this section you must work hard to maintain accuracy. Even toppers may fail in the exam due to this section. So don’t be careful in your preparation for English language. Attend more sectional and topic tests for English language.


Then for descriptive tests prepare more essay and letter writing topics. Give more focus to the topics that related to the banking industry. As you have to type the letter writing and essay, improve your typing skills. Within 30 minutes you have to type these letter writing and essay. So the typing speed is very much important. Also practice well to type without any mistakes.

General Awareness – Preparation and Exam Strategy

In SBI PO 2022 mains, this section will give you a bulk amount of marks, only if you work hard. Attend only the questions that you know the accurate answer. If you attend too many questions in fluke you may lose a considerable amount of marks in your overall score. In preparation aspects, give more importance to current affairs related to the banking industry.


Then cover all the important appointments, awards, days, summits, obituaries, defense, economic, and sports news. Then cover all the static awareness topics from the exam point of view. Also, be thorough with the latest banking technologies.

Reasoning Ability – Preparation and Exam Strategy

In SBI PO 2022 mains, you should work hard in all the topics. Especially practice more high level puzzles and seating arrangement questions. In all other topics such as syllogism, blood relation, etc go with high level problems in your preparation. Only if you practice regularly you will get the ability to solve those questions quickly.


SBI PO mock test is the correct way to practice such questions. You can learn the way of approach to solve the difficult puzzles in the mock test. Coming to exam strategy, if you are slightly weak in puzzle don’t try it at the beginning. This is the main tips for all candidates.

Data Interpretation & Analysis – Preparation and Exam strategy

Only if you practice hard, you can even attend decent number of questions in this section. Then your accuracy has to be good enough to convert the attempts into the marks. So work hard with the help of SBI PO mains mock test practice. Also be thorough with the short cut methods and fast calculation tricks. But for word problems you have to learn all the basics.


All questions in word problematic topics will be very difficult. So you should make all concepts clear to the core. Coming to exam strategy, you must attend the questions of your strong zone first. If you are smart in DI, you can go for it. Attend word problems at last.

SBI PO 2022 Study Materials

Candidates can succeed in this highly competitive exam only with good quality study materials. To overcome the high competition and the exam difficulty level, you should be updated with the new model questions. So prepare with such high-quality SBI PO study materials covering all-new pattern questions. This way of preparation is exactly in the exam point of view. So that you can surely score good marks in the exam with high difficulty level.


We have prepared ultimate book series for topics like DI, application problems, puzzles, and seating arrangements. It will be useful for the practice of these topics in a thorough manner. Also, numerous E-books are available on several topics for your effective learning. Candidates use all these SBI PO 2022 study materials for your preparation.

SBI PO 2022 Mock Test

To succeed in competitive exams, a main key factor is mock test practice. So candidates practice more SBI PO 2022 mock test before the exam. The advantages of taking mock test practice are listed below.

  • To increase your speed and accuracy, mock test plays a major role.
  • With continuous practice of mock test packages, you can attain excellent time management skills.
  • Also mock test will help you to identify the areas where you make frequent mistakes. So that you can correct those mistakes and increase your accuracy further.
  • Taking SBI PO 2022 mock tests at regular intervals is very essential. So that, you will get the ability to handle the difficult questions with ease.
  • By regular mock test practice, you can easily avoid the normal exam fear.
  • The mock tests are separately available for the prelims and mains exams. Also individual sectional and topic tests are available. So you can practice your weak areas separately and convert them into your strong zones.

Get More: SBI PO Mock Test 2022

How to Practice with Mock Tests

The candidates should practice with SBI PO 2022 mock tests in a perfect way. Just writing mock tests will not enhance your performance and marks. Here follow in a certain way for the mock tests practice.

  1. The candidates should ensure that they are fully thorough with the basics before taking mock tests.
  2. After the mock test practice, analyze your score in all the section. So that you can easily find your strong and weak zones.
  3. Check the solutions for all the questions that you made mistake.
  4. Also you would have left some questions unattempted. Check the solutions and learn the trick to solve those questions.
  5. If you are weak in any particular section, then take SBI PO 2022 sectional mock tests.
  6. If you are weak in any particular topic, then go for topic tests.


So candidates practice mock tests and analyze your mistakes regularly. Only then you can improve your accuracy rate.

SBI PO 2022 Interview

This is the last round of the SBI PO 2022 recruitment. The candidates clearing the mains exam are called for group exercise and interview round. If you clear this round and the final cut off successfully, then the job will be in your hands. So prepare with complete dedication for these rounds.  In the final round there will be either Interview only (50 marks) (OR) Interview (30 marks) & Group Exercises (20 marks). Thus the maximum marks for the final stage is 50. 

Documents Required For SBI PO Interview

The third and final round of the SBI PO recruitment is group exercise and interview. The documents required for SBI PO interview round are listed below for your reference.

  • Interview call letter
  • 10th marksheet
  • 12th mark sheet
  • Graduation certificate and mark sheets
  • Experience certificate, if any
  • Other documents and required Xerox copies.

These are the main documents required for SBI PO 2022 interview. Without fail carry all the documents to the interview. The required documents and Xerox lists are mentioned completely in the call letter. So refer to it and keep all the documents ready for the interview.

SBI PO Interview Questions

As the SBI PO interview is the last round, the candidates will be in nervous mode. The candidates selected for interview should learn more tips for interviews. Here we have added some general SBI PO interview questions. You can prepare by taking reference to these questions. Some common SBIO PO interview questions will be in the lines of,

  • It may be related to your educational background like Why Engineering? as such.
  • Tell me something about yourself?
  • Questions related to your previous job experience.
  • Why you chose banking job for your career?

Some of the SBI PO interview questions for your sample are given below.

Q: What are the types of accounts in bank?

A: The different types of accounts in a bank are,

  • Savings account
  • Current account
  • Fixed deposit account
  • Recurring deposit account
  • Demat account
  • NRI, NRE, NRO accounts, etc.

Q: What are the punch lines of SBI?

A: The punch lines of SBI are,

  • The Nation banks on us
  • The banker to every Indian
  • Pure Banking Nothing Else

Q: What are the demand deposit and term deposit accounts in bank?

A: Savings account and current accounts are known as the demand deposit accounts. While, the fixed deposit and recurring deposit are known as the term deposit accounts.

SBI PO Interview Tips

For SBI PO 2022 interview round we have added some tips for you. In the last round of SBI PO recruitment group exercise and interview are conducted.

  • Make you thorough with the recent current affairs of last 4 to 6 months. Also you can expect more questions related to banking awareness and terminologies.
  • Dress code for the interview is formal shirt, pants and shoes. Avoid jeans pants, T-shirts and other casual wears.
  • Be ready for the interview with a neat and well-groomed look.
  • Carry all the required documents mentioned in the interview call letter.
  • Reach the venue earlier than the time mentioned in the call letter.
  • Put your mobile in the silent mode and then enter the interview hall with permission.
  • Greet everyone with a smile and take your seat after they offered.
  • Don’t show a nervous attitude in the interview. Answer all the questions confidently.

How to Solve Group Exercise?

Apart from the SBI PO 2022 interview, candidates have to participate in the group exercise round. Approximately the group exercise round will take place for around twenty to twenty five minutes. The group exercise round is slightly different from the group discussion round. Through This round they will analyze your skills in team management. But don’t try to over dominate the other members. It will give a negative impact on you. Remember that it is a team game.


Think rationally and patiently for this round. Only then you can easily score in this part. They will give a topic or situation. Also they will provide you with a set of around 8 traits / qualities related to the situation or topic. Then you with the team members have to list the traits as per the higher to lower priority. For the prioritization, the candidates should have the correct reason. Each one should set their priorities. Then you have to conclude with the team members to bring out a satisfactory priority list.

SBI PO Admit Card

The SBI PO 2022 admit card is normally released at around 2 weeks before the exam. This year SBI PO Prelims admit card will be released by 3rd week of December 2022. In the admit card the details of the exam venue, date and time are mentioned. It is compulsory to take the admit card to the exam. Or else you will be not allowed to take the exam. Apart from these, the SBI PO 2022 admit card will have the candidate’s roll number, registration number, photo and some exam instructions. The candidates have to study all the information and follow them in a strict manner. To download the admit card we have given the steps here,

  • Log on to the official website of SBI.
  • In the home page, click on the link to download the SBI PO 2022 admit card.
  • In that page enter your roll number and password in the given space. Then enter the captcha code and give submit button.
  • Your admit card will appear on the screen. Then you can take a print out of it.

Get More to Download SBI PO Admit Card

SBI PO Pre-Exam Training

Pre-exam training is available for the eligible SC / ST/ religious minority community candidates. They should apply for the same in their online application form. In the online application form there will be an option for the Pre-exam training selection. There is no fee for the pre-exam training, but other expenses should be completely borne by the candidates.


Usually, the pre-exam training will be conducted in the dates one week before the exam. Students should download the call letter for the pre-exam training on the official website. Here is the SBI PO 2022 pre-exam training center list. Bank may add additional centers or may delete some of the centers indicated for training.


South India East India West India North India
Bengaluru Agartala Ahmedabad Agra
Chennai Balasore Aurangabad Allahabad
Coimbatore Berhampur (Ganjam) Bhopal Amritsar
Gulbarga Bhubaneswar Indore Bareilly
Hyderabad Dhanbad Jabalpur Chandigarh
Kavaratti Guwahati Jaipur Dehradun
Kochi Hubli Jodhpur Gorakhpur
Madurai Kolkata Mumbai Jammu
Mangalore Muzaffarpur Nagpur Kanpur
Mysore Patna Panaji Karnal
Port Blair Ranchi Pune Lucknow
Puducherry Sambalpur Raipur Ludhiana
Thiruchirapalli Shillong Rajkot New Delhi
Thiruvananthapuram Siliguri Vadodara Patiala
Vijayawada Tirupati   Rohtak
Visakhapatnam     Shimla

SBI PO Reserve List

SBI PO reserve list is the waiting list of the candidates of previous recruitment. Every year after announcing the final results, some candidates are kept on the reserve list. Those SBI PO reserve lists are used to accommodate the unfilled vacancies due for various reasons.

SBI PO Results

The SBI PO results are released on the official website. The candidates follow the steps given here to check your results at any stage of recruitment.

  • Visit the official website of SBI to know the result status.
  • After opening the result link the roll/registration number and password.
  • Enter the captcha code and give the submit option.
  • Then a page opens in which you can check your SBI PO result status.

The total marks for the mains exam are 250. The mains mark is converted out of 75. The total marks for the final group exercise and interview round are 50. It will be converted out of 25 marks. By adding these two, a final cut off out of 100 marks is fixed. Based on this SBI PO cutoff, a merit list is prepared and the SBI PO final results are announced.


Candidates may have various doubts about the SBI PO recruitment. To clarify those doubts, we have added here several frequently asked questions.


Q: What is the selection procedure for SBI PO?

A: SBI will carry out a 3 stage selection process. They are,

  • Prelims
  • Mains
  • Interview (or Group exercise and Interview)


Q: Is there any sectional cut off for the SBI PO 2022 exam?

A: No. For both prelims and mains exam, there is no sectional cut off. It is enough with clearing the overall cut off.


Q: The descriptive test in the mains exam is conducted in which mode?

A: The descriptive test is held in a typing mode. You have to type the letter writing an essay on the available page of your exam.


Q: Is there sectional timings for the prelims and mains of the SBI PO exam 2022?

A: Yes, for both prelims and mains exams sectional timings are available as per the exam pattern.


Q: Is there any restrictions on the number of chances to take the SBI PO 2022 exam?

A: The candidates have limitations in the number of times he/she could apply for the SBI PO recruitment. This number will vary based upon the category of the candidate.


Category The maximum permissible number of chances
General / EWS 4
General / EWS (PWD) 7
SC / SC (PWD) / ST / ST (PWD) No Restriction


Q: What are the scanned documents that should be uploaded to the SBI PO 2022 online application?

A: You should upload the scanned copies of your signature and passport size photograph. The size and format of the scanned documents should be in the range specified in the original notification. It is given below for your reference.

  • Preferred dimensions of the photograph – 200*300 pixels
  • File size of the photograph – 20 Kb to 50 Kb
  • Preferred dimensions of signature – 140*60 pixels
  • File size of signature – 10 KB to 20 Kb


Q: What is the compensatory time for the candidates eligible to use scribe?

A: Some candidates are eligible to use scribe under certain conditions as prescribed in the official notification. For such candidates, a compensatory time of 20 minutes for every hour of examination is allowed.