SBI PO Mains Expected Cut Off 2021: SBI PO Mains Expected Cut Off 2021 is Here!!! Details regarding the SBI Probationary Officer Mains Exam 2021 Expected Cut Off is given here for your reference. SBI aspirants who have attended the Mains Exam shall check the expert’s prediction.
SBI PO 2020-21 recruitment drive has been going on at the national level. A total of 2000+ vacancies were announced. A huge number of applicants have applied and appeared for the selection process. The SBI PO Prelims Exam was conducted on 4th, 5th & 6th January 2021. The result for the prelims exam was released on its official site a few days before. Then after that, the selection board has conducted the mains exam on 29th January 2021. The SBI PO Mains Exam was successfully conducted throughout various exam centres in India. The SBI PO Mains Result 2021 will get released on its official site in short due course. Candidates who have qualified the Mains exam will be going to appear for the Interview. Around 6000 aspirants have been qualified for the interview round which will be scheduled in upcoming days.
Difficulty Level of SBI PO Mains 2021:
Around 20,000 aspirants have written the Mains exam. Most of them have given the feedback that, this year the SBI PO Mains exam is somewhat tough compare to the previous year. The SBI PO Mains Exam Analysis 2021 also says the same thing. The number of good attempts has got decreased this year. So its shows that, the SBI PO Mains Cut Off 2021 will be in less number compare to the previous year.
How SBI PO Mains Cut Off 2021 has bee Calculated?
Generally, the cut off of any exam has been calculated based on the normalization method. It completely depends on the statistical parameters calculated based on the
- Performance of candidates in various shifts
- Number of vacancies
- Difficulty Level of the examination
SBI PO Mains Expected Cut Off 2021:
From the method of normalization, here our experts have calculated the SBI PO Mains Cut Off 2021. SBI PO aspirants shall refer to this and start preparing for your upcoming interview session.
SBI PO Mains Expected Cut Off 2021 – (76 – 87)