SBI PO Prelims 2021 Memory Based Paper PDF:
SBI PO Prelims 2021 Memory Based Paper PDF is given here. Check all the questions asked in SBI PO Prelims 2021 exams here. As soon as the exam is over, the candidates will look out for the questions of the SBI PO 2021 exams. Here we will update the questions asked in the SBI PO prelims 2020 exams. So check and prepare well.
SBI PO Previous Year Question paper
SBI PO 2021 Exams:
State Bank of India SBI is conducting the PO Prelims 2021 exams on 04th January and 05th January 2021. The Prelims exam has been conducting in 4 slots. A lot of candidates have attended the PO Prelims exam 1st slot. Candidates who are going to attend the upcoming batch shall refer to this article. It will be useful for your upcoming exam. Here our experts have provided you the article regarding SBI PO Prelims Memory Based Paper 2021 PDF. So aspirants kindly make use of it and do your exam in a successful manner.
The SBI PO recruitment 2020 will happen in 3 stages – prelims exam, mains exam, and the interview. The exams will take place on various shifts. For all the shifts we have added the SBI PO Prelims exam analysis 2021 of 4th July. So you can check the exam analysis for all shifts easily. Also, we have added the questions asked in the SBI PO prelims 2021 exams.
- Prelims exam dates – 04th & 05th January 2021
- Mains exam date – January 29, 2021
SBI PO Prelims 2020:
The prelims exam consists of 3 sections:
- English – 30 questions
- Quantitative aptitude – 35 questions
- Reasoning ability – 35 questions
We will bring out all the questions asked in the SBI PO pre-2020 exam. For all the shifts you can check the questions here.
SBI PO Prelims 2021 Memory Based Paper PDF: Shift 1 Arithmetic Questions
Solve this:
- An investment is 2400 B = 2800 after 6 months A left and after 4 months of A left C join with an investment of 20% more than A. share of A and c Is 30 find the total profit
- Two vessels contain milk and water in the ratio 3:5 and 6:1. Find the ratio in which the contents of the two vessels have to be mixed to get a new mixture in which the ratio of milk and water is 7:3.
- A two-digit number such that its product of digits is 16. when 54 is subtracted from the number, the digits are interchanged. Find the number.
- Six years ago, the ratio of the ages of Kunal and Sagar was 6:5. Four years hence, the ratio of their ages will be 11:10. What is Sagar’s age at present?
- A can-do 45% work in 11 1/4 days
B can do 30% work in 3 days
ABC together can do in 25/4 days. The efficiency of C is how much % less than A.