SBI PO Prelims English (Day-02)

Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing a new series of English Language Questions for SBI PO 2020 Prelims so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.

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Double Fillers

Directions (1-5): In the questions given below a sentence is given with two blanks in each. Corresponding to each question two columns are given with three words in each column. Which combinations of words from two columns will perfectly fit into the blanks to make the sentence contextually correct and meaningful.

1) Meanwhile, _______on access to the North’s nuclear sites in exchange for a relaxation of sanctions. Mr. Trump, himself facing re-election in November and focused on _______the pandemic, is unlikely to renew attention to the dispute with North Korea.

A) A-D

B) B-F

C) C-F

D) A-F

E) None of these

2) No section or sector is going to remain _______and unaltered by the _______the novel coronavirus is now unleashing.

A) A-D

B) C-D

C) B-E

D) A-F

E) None of these

3) Experts observe that _______measures focus on livelihood and assets, _______aid agencies to focus on restoring livelihoods.

A) A-D

B) B-F

C) B-E

D) A-F

E) None of these

4) The Aarogya Setu app launched by the government is _______to enable users who have come in contact with COVID-19 positive patients to be notified, _______and suitably supported.

A) A-D

B) B-F

C) C-F

D) A-F

E) None of these

5) The State has won worldwide _______for its deft handling of these catastrophes by mostly _______domestic resources.

A) A-D

B) B-F

C) C-F

D) A-F

E) None of these

Sentence Rearrangement

Directions (6-10): In the questions given below a sentence has been broken down into four fragments labeled (A) (B) (C) (D)and arranged and not necessarily in the same order. You have to find the correct order of the arrangement from the options given below. In case, the sentence is correct in its original form, please select (E) as your answer.

6) there has always been unease(A)/ over the fact that there is a thin line that(B)/there trace linkages back to the security apparatus of that country(C)/ divides the state sector from private enterprise in China and several companies(D)/





E) No arrangement required

7) their fuselage fuel tanks overnight and the aircraft pressed into relief(A)/two IL-78 aerial refuelling tankers were stripped of(B)/30 transport aircraft and 16 helicopters flew round the clock in India’s island territories;(C)/ following the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004,(D)/





E) No arrangement required

8) in China, it’s alarming to note that a phone app(A)/ was started as a voluntary service for informing users(B)/ of their potential exposure to infected persons, but soon began to be used(C)/ as an e-pass for allowing access to public transport(D)/





E) No arrangement required

9) the highest number of relief camps(A)/food through community kitchens and is running (B)/the Kerala government has been distributing(C)/ for migrant workers in the country(D)/





E) No arrangement required

10) the Congress consultative group on COVID-19 headed by(A)/ former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh suggested, after a virtual meeting on Monday, (B)/and beneficiaries of the PM Kisan scheme and other pension schemes of the Rural Development Ministry(C)/ that the Central government immediately transfer ₹7,500 to every Jan Dhan account(D)/





E) No arrangement required


Directions (1-5):

Answer: B

From the given options only B-F is matched and make a meaningful sentence. The correct answer after matching will be

(B-F): Meanwhile, harped on access to the North’s nuclear sites in exchange for a relaxation of sanctions. Mr. Trump, himself facing re-election in November and focused on combating the pandemic, is unlikely to renew attention to the dispute with North Korea.

2) Answer: C

From the given options only B-E is matched and make a meaningful sentence. The correct answer after matching will be

(B-E): No section or sector is going to remain untouched and unaltered by the devastation the novel coronavirus is now unleashing.

3) Answer: D

From the given options only A-F is matched and make a meaningful sentence. The correct answer after matching will be

(A-F): Experts observe that relief measures focus on livelihood and assets, compelling aid agencies to focus on restoring livelihoods.

4) Answer: A

From the given options only A-D is matched and make a meaningful sentence. The correct answer after matching will be

(A-D): The Aarogya Setu app launched by the government is designed to enable users who have come in contact with COVID-19 positive patients to be notified, traced and suitably supported.

5) Answer: C

From the given options only C-F is matched and make a meaningful sentence. The correct answer after matching will be

(C-F): The State has won worldwide acclaim for its deft handling of these catastrophes by mostly deploying domestic resources.

Directions (6-10):

6) Answer: C

There has always been unease(A)/ over the fact that there is a thin line that(B)/ divides the state sector from private enterprise in China and several companies(D)/ there trace linkages back to the security apparatus of that country. (C)/

7) Answer: A

Following the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004, (D)/ 30 transport aircraft and 16 helicopters flew round the clock in India’s island territories;(C)/ two IL-78 aerial refuelling tankers were stripped of(B)/ their fuselage fuel tanks overnight and the aircraft pressed into relief. (A)/

8) Answer: E

In China, it’s alarming to note that a phone app(A)/ was started as a voluntary service for informing users(B)/ of their potential exposure to infected persons, but soon began to be used(C)/ as an e-pass for allowing access to public transport. (D)/

9) Answer: B

The Kerala government has been distributing(C)/ food through community kitchens and is running (B)/ the highest number of relief camps(A)/ for migrant workers in the country.(D)/

10) Answer: C

The Congress consultative group on COVID-19 headed by(A)/ former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh suggested, after a virtual meeting on Monday, (B)/ that the Central government immediately transfer ₹7,500 to every Jan Dhan account(D)/ and beneficiaries of the PM Kisan scheme and other pension schemes of the Rural Development Ministry. (C)/

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