Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing a new series of English Language Questions for SBI PO 2020 Prelims so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.
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Sentence Rearrangement
Direction (1-5): Given below are six statements A, B, C, D, E and F, which when arranged in the correct order, form a coherent and meaningful paragraph. The sentence marked E is fixed and would fit in the fifth position. Rearrange the other statements in a proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, and then answer the questions that follow.
A) In recent weeks, preliminary findings have flagged potential problems with some COVID-19 tests, including one used daily at the White House. Faulty tests could leave many thousands of Americans with the incorrect assumption that they are virus-free, contributing to new flare-ups of the disease as communities reopen.
B) When the new virus began spreading, the Food and Drug Administration used its emergency powers to OK scores of quickly devised tests, based mainly on a small number of lab studies showing they could successfully detect the virus.
C) That’s very different from the large patient studies that can take weeks or months, which experts say are needed to provide a true sense of testing accuracy. The FDA’s speedy response came after it was initially criticized for delaying the launch of new tests during a crisis and after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stumbled in getting its own test out to states.
D) But with the U.S. outbreak nearly certain to stretch on for months or even years, some experts want the FDA to demand better evidence of the tests’ accuracy so doctors know how many infections might be missed.
E) There have been more than 2 million confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. and more than 115,000 deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. Cases in nearly half of U.S. states are rising.
F) Months into the outbreak, no one really knows how well many of the screening tests work, and experts at top medical centers say it is time to do the studies to find out.
1) Which of the following will be the first statement after rearrangement?
- A
- B
- C
- D
- F
2) Which of the following will be the third statement after rearrangement?
- A
- D
- C
- B
- F
3) Which of the following will be the fourth statement after rearrangement?
- A
- C
- B
- D
- F
4) Which of the following will be the second statement after rearrangement?
- A
- B
- C
- F
- D
5) Which of the following will be the last statement after rearrangement?
- A
- B
- C
- F
- D
Fill in the blanks
Direction (6-10): In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each blank, some words/phrases are suggested which can fill the blank appropriately.
The role of the state as a big brother is problematic, and yet only a _____(6)_____, just state can temper the ___________(7)__________excesses in the society it governs. The move by certain States to regulate hospital fees charged in the private sector for intensive care falls square in this category. Bombarded with reports about _________(8)_________ bills being raised in the private sector for hospital care of persons who tested positive, a few States decided to get involved, rightly so, and set a cap on the tariff that can be charged by private hospitals. In some instances, the Indian Medical Association also prayed for intervention by the government to regulate this.
The state’s intervention could not have been delayed any further. In fact, in _________(9)________, the strategy employed by the Central government to cap the price of tests for the disease at ₹4,500 in private labs could have been used to regulate private hospitals’ charges too. Hospitals have been graded into categories, depending on facilities provided, with reasonable rates fixed per day for each category. ICU rates are naturally higher, and States have specified that private hospitals should follow the tariff for beds or they could be charged for violations. Making it a participatory process, the private sector was also co-opted into discussions on tariff. Tamil Nadu has also fixed a separate tariff for beneficiaries under the Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme (now subsumed under the Central Insurance scheme) making it easy for patients from lower income groups to access private care treatments. It has also re-fixed the rate for testing in a private lab at ₹3,000 per test. Further watchfulness should continue on the part of the State, but shorn of high-handedness. Staying alive to the hardships of its people, it must ensure ̥that the harsh times are not further________(10)________ by profiteering.
6) Find the appropriate word in each case.
- inattentive
- vigilant
- watchful
- Both B and C
- Both A and B
7) Find the appropriate word in each case.
- generous
- excrescence
- heretical
- avaricious
- Both C and D
8) Find the appropriate word in each case.
- Exorbitant
- Surreptitious
- Apparent
- Grave
- Both A and C
9) Find the appropriate word in each case.
- Peril
- Rationalize
- Alleviation
- Retrospect
- Both A and B
10) Find the appropriate word in each case.
- Scrumptious
- Exacerbated
- Elucidated
- Both A and B
- Both B and C
Answers :
Directions (1-5) :
1) Answer: E
The entire passage revolves around the outbreak of a disease, COVID 19.
Now we need to look for a sentence which can be a good introductory one.
Sentence B starts with ‘When’ which means already something was said before it. Sentence of paragraph C begins with ‘That’s’ which means that it is referring to something. Now, D starts with ‘But’ which makes a good contradiction to some fact mentioned just before it. Finally if we look at sentence A, it seems to be a good conclusion. So, it is F which can be the introductory paragraph.
Therefore the correct answer choice to this question is option E.
2) Answer: C
The entire passage revolves around the outbreak of a disease, COVID 19.
If we closely look at the sequence of events we can understand the correct order in which they appear. As we have already found the introductory sentence, we need to find the second one and the others that follow. The first sentence mentions that nobody knows how well the screening tests work, and ‘experts at top medical centers say it is time to do the studies to find out’. The most suitable continuation of it can be clearly seen in option B, which starts with starts with ‘When the new virus…’. It refers to ‘small labs’. Just after that in option C we get a contradiction wherein it says ‘the large patient studies’. So, this option fulfils the criteria of being the third sentence after rearrangement.
Therefore the correct answer choice to this question is option C.
3) Answer: D
The entire passage revolves around the outbreak of a disease, COVID 19. We have already found out the sequence of sentences by looking at the linking words. So, the first three sentences are option F, option B and option C.
In option C, there is mention of criticism of FDA due to delay of the launch of new tests.
Now in option D, it is mentioned ‘some experts want the FDA to demand better evidence of the tests’ accuracy’. This is just in continuation of what is said in option C. In fact it acts as a contradictory statement. Therefore the correct answer choice to this question is option D.
4) Answer: B
The entire passage revolves around the outbreak of a disease, COVID 19.
The first thing we need to do is to look for a sentence which can used just after the good introductory sentence, that is, statement F.
Sentence B starts with ‘When’ which means already something was said before it.
Now if we look closely, we can easily understand that it refers to the outbreak which is clearly mentioned in the first paragraph, that is, option F. So, we can safely conclude that B comes just after F. Therefore the correct answer choice to this question is option B.
5) Answer: A
The entire passage revolves around the outbreak of a disease, COVID 19. We have already seen that FBCD is the correct sequence. And it is already given that statement E is already fixed. It mentions at the end ‘Cases in nearly half of U.S. states are rising.’ The concluding paragraph can be clearly option A.
So, the correct sequence would be FBCDEA. Therefore the correct answer choice to this question is option A.
Directions (6-10) :
6) Answer: D
The missing phrase here can be appropriately filled by options B and C. The word vigilant is synonymous with watchful. Both of them are adjectives and they mean ‘keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties’. The word ‘inattentive’ in option A is just the antonym of ‘vigilant’. It cannot fill the space owing to the presence of ‘a’ before the blank. Moreover, it will also change the meaning of the sentence. Thus option D is the correct answer choice.
7) Answer: D
The missing phrase here can be appropriately filled by option D.
‘Heretical’ means ‘believing in or practising religious heresy’. ‘Excrescence’ refers to ‘an unattractive or superfluous object or feature’.
‘Avaricious’ means ‘having or showing an extreme greed for wealth or material gain’. ‘Generous’ is just the antonym of avaricious. The word avaricious perfectly fits the given context.
Therefore, correct option choice is option D.
8) Answer: A
The missing phrase here can be appropriately filled by option A. The word ‘exorbitant’ refers to ‘a price or amount charged unreasonably high’. So, when we are referring to bills as exorbitant then it makes proper sense as per the context.
The word ‘surreptitious’ actually means ‘something that is kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of’. It does not make any sense if used in the blank. The word ‘apparent’ means ‘clearly visible or understood or obvious’. ‘Grave’ means ‘serious or solemn in manner or appearance’. Options B, C and D do not make any sense if used in the given blank.
Therefore, the correct answer choice is option A.
9) Answer: D
The missing phrase here can be appropriately filled by option D. The word ‘retrospect’ means ‘a survey or review of a past course of events or period of time’. It makes the blank complete and meaningful.
‘Rationalize’ means ‘attempt to explain or justify behaviour or an attitude with logical reasons, even if these are not appropriate’. The word ‘peril’ means ‘serious and immediate danger’. The word ‘alleviation’ means ‘the action or process of making suffering, deficiency, or a problem less severe’.
Therefore the correct answer choice to this question is option D.
10) Answer: B
The missing phrase here can be appropriately filled by option B. The word ‘exacerbated’ means ‘made a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling worse’. It fits the context and the sentence and makes it grammatically correct.
The word ‘scrumptious’ has two meanings. It means ‘extremely tasty; delicious’ when referring to food’ and ‘very attractive’ when referring to a person. The word ‘elucidated’ means ‘made something clear; explain’. It does not make any sense if used in the blank.
Therefore the correct answer choice to this question is option B.
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