SBI PO Prelims Reasoning (Day-11)

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Floor puzzle

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

Eight persons F, G, P, R, M, N, V and T live in eight different floors. Lowermost floor is numbered 1, above the floor is numbered 2, and so on till the topmost floor is numbered as 8. Each of them is in a different profession. Their professions are Lawyer, Teacher, IAS, Student, Doctor, Accountant, Commissioner and Manager. All the above information is not necessarily in the same order.

M lives on even numbered floor. The one who is an Accountant lives on the second floor. Two persons live between R and the one who is a student. R lives on even numbered floor but above M. Three persons live between G and the one who is an IAS. M is not an accountant. As many persons living above the one who is a doctor is same as below the one who is a student. Only one person lives between T and the one who is a teacher. The one who is a lawyer lives immediately below N. As many persons living below N is same as above the one who is a teacher. The one who is a commissioner lives immediately above M.  Neither F nor V is a lawyer. F lives above V.

1) Who among the following person is a student?

A) F

B) N

C) P

D) V

E) None of these

2) Which of the following statement is true?

A) The one who is a doctor lives below M

B) Two persons live between F and the one who is a doctor

C) As many persons live above G is same as below P

D) More than three persons live between P and the one who is a commissioner

E) Both (c) and (d)

3) How many persons live between F and the one who is an IAS?

A) One

B) Two

C) Three

D) Four

E) None of these

4) If G is related to commissioner, T is related to Accountant, in the same way, M is related to which of the following?


B) Teacher

C) Manager

D) Lawyer

E) None of these

5) Who among the following person lives immediately below the one who is a doctor?

A) M

B) R

C) T

D) V

E) None of these

Coding decoding

Directions (6-9): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:


Leadership race expected to run’ is coded as ‘kj hu pl ew ac’

Community leadership union labours’ is coded as ‘ty gf qw hu’

Union expected labours revive’ is coded as ‘gf sd qw ac’

Labours to race support’ is coded as ‘fl pl ew gf’

6) What is the code for ‘revive support’?

A) pl sd

B) gf ac

C) qw fl

D) fl sd

E) None of these

7) Which of the following word represents the code ‘kj gf qw’?

A) leadership support to

B) expected race run

C) union leadership community

D) run union labours

E) None of these

8) What can be the code for ‘community expected race run’?

A) kj ac pl fl

B) kj ty ew ac

C) fl ac typl

D) kj ac ty qw

E) pl ty sd gf

9) What is the code for ‘to union support’, if the code for race is ‘ew’?

A) ew qw fl

B) gf pl hu

C) pl fl qw

D) pl qw sd

E) None of these


10) How many pairs of letters are there in the word “INSURGENT” which has as many letters between them in the word as in the alphabet?

A) 4

B) 3

C) 5

D) 1

E) None of these

Answers :

Directions (1-5):

M lives on even numbered floor. The one who is a commissioner lives immediately above M.  The one who is an Accountant lives on the second floor. M is not an accountant.

Two persons live between R and the one who is a student. R lives on even numbered floor but above M. As many persons living above the one who is a doctor is same as below the one who is a student. Only one person lives between T and the one who is a teacher. The one who is a lawyer lives immediately below N. As many persons living below N is same as above the one who is a teacher.

Case 2 will be dropped because only one person lives between T and the one who is a teacher.

Three persons live between G and the one who is an IAS.

Case 1A will be dropped because three persons live between G and the one who is an IAS.

Neither F nor V is a lawyer. F lives above V.

1) Answer: D

2) Answer: C

3) Answer: B

4) Answer: D

5) Answer: C

Directions (6-9):










6) Answer: D

7) Answer: D

8) Answer: B

9) Answer: C

10) Answer: D

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