SBI PO Reasoning Questions 2019 (Day-23) High Level-New Pattern

SBI PO 2019 Notification is about to come and it is the most awaited exam among the aspirants. We all know that new pattern questions are introducing every year in the SBI PO exam. Further, the questions are getting tougher and beyond the level of the candidate’s expectations.

Our IBPS Guide is providing High-Level New Pattern Reasoning Ability Questions for SBI PO 2019 so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these high-level questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern. We wish that your rigorous preparation leads you to a successful target of becoming SBI PO.

“Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still”

[WpProQuiz 5288]

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Directions (1–4): A string of numbers is given as input. The further steps given are obtained by applying certain logic. Each step is a resultant of previous step only. Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.

As per above applied logic in above steps, find appropriate step for given input:

1) What is the difference of sum of digits of highest to lowest number in step II?

a) 4

b) 1

c) 7

d) 3

e) None of these

2) Which of the following number represents final output?

a) 45

b) 84

c) 36

d) 28

e) None of these

3) What is the difference of second lowest and second highest number obtained in step I?

a) 13

b) 21

c) 46

d) 35

e) None of these

4) What is the lowest number obtained in step IV?

a) 7

b) 3

c) 8

d) 4

e) None of these

Directions (5-8): Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions.

8 % D F 4 @ H # 1 µ A > 6 & U ^ 5 M £ 3 Ω Q B 2 ≤ L I $ 0 R ¥ 9 E W 7

Step 1 – Each such special character that is immediately preceded by a number and immediately followed by a consonant is to be placed immediate left of 1st, 5th, 9th and 13th element from left end and so till all possible special character are placed.

Step 2 – After completing step–1, each such digits immediately preceded by a special symbol and immediately followed by a Consonant should be placed immediate right of 3rd, 7th, 11th15thand19th element from the left end and so till all possible digits are placed in descending order from left to right.

Step 3 – After completing step–2, each such alphabets immediately preceded by a special character and immediately followed by a number should be placed immediate right of ‘≤’.

Step 3 is the final output for the given string.

5) How many such special characters are there in the final series which is/are immediately preceded by a consonant and immediately followed by a number?

a) Three

b) One

c) Two

d) Four

e) None

6) If all the elements preceded by prime digits are dropped in the final series then which of the following element is eighth to left of thirteenth element from right end?

a) W

b) %

c) A

d) Ω

e) None of these

7) Four out of five follows a creation common rule and thus formed a groupin final arrangement. Which of the following combination doesn’t belong to same group?

a) F1W

b) >&2

c) 6MI

d) L^≤

e) AΩ8

8) How many such alphabet are there in final arrangement which is/are immediately preceded by a special character and immediately followed by a consonant?

a) Two

b) Four

c) One

d) Three

e) None

Directions (9-10):Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question:

a) If the data in Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the question.

b) If the data in Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question.

c) If the data either in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.

d)If the data in both the Statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

e) If the data in both the Statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.

9) Seven books of different subjects viz. Math, English, Science, Hindi, History, GK and Geography having different cover says Red, Green, Blue, Black, White, Yellow and Pink are kept one above other on the self then, then how many books is/are kept between Yellow covered book and Science book?

I. Geography is kept at bottom having pink cover. There is a gap of one place between English and Hindi, who has cover of Green color. Math is at second position from top. Book having Red cover is kept at the top. English having Blue cover is above Hindi. History book is kept just below math book.

II. Science is kept third from bottom just below English having Blue cover. GK book is kept on top at a gap of one place from History book. Science book having Black cover is kept at any place below Math book. Geography book having Pink cover is kept at any place below Hindi book.

10) Eight friends P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W sitting in a circular table facing center each having different hobby viz. Painting, Boxing, Singing, Badminton, Drawing, Singing, Cricket and Football then, what is the hobby of the person who sit second to right of the one having Cricket as hobby?

I. U sits third to right of T, who likes Singing. Q having Boxing as hobby sits second to right of R, who sits third to right of S. V sits third to right of one likes Dancing, who sits second to right of P. The one who likes singing sits second to left of the one like Drawing. S sits immediate left of U. The one who likes Football sit in-front of the one who likes Badminton, who sits third to left of T. P sits third to left of Q.

II. Q sits third to left of S, who sits second to right of the one who likes Singing. P sits third to left Q, who like Boxing. The one who likes Football sit third to left of P. U sits second to left of R, who sits second to left of the one who likes Boxing. The one likes Boxing sits immediate right of W. T likes Singing and sits third to left of the one who likes Cricket.


Directions (1–4):

We have:

Step I: In this step following logic is applied:

Clearly, result in step I, can be determined by difference of square of results:

Result = (12)2 – (9)2= 63

Step II: In this step following logic is applied:

Case I: if result in step I is odd then, required result can be determined as follow:

  • Difference of square of digits in step I.

(6)2 – (3)2 = 27

  • After difference interchange the digits of obtained result.

Thus, final result = 72.

Case II: if result in step I is even then, required result can be determined as follow:

  • Sum of square of digits in step I.

(5)2 + (6)2 = 61

  • After difference interchange the digits of obtained result.

Thus, final result = 16.

Step III: In this step following logic is applied:

Clearly, result in step III can be determined as sum of digits in step II:

Result = (9 + 7) = 16.

Step IV: In this step following logic is applied:

Clearly, results in step IV can be determined by difference of square of digits in step III.

After the difference final result can be obtained by sum of digits of obtained number.

Result = (3 + 5) = 8.

Step V: In this step following logic is applied.

Clearly, final result can be determined as average of difference of square of digits in step IV.

Result = ((8)2 – (6)2)/2 = 14

Thus, from above given steps we final following result for given input:

1) Answer: a)

We have:

Sum digits of highest number in step II = (9 + 2) = 11

Sum of digits of lowest number in step II = (2 + 5) = 7

Required difference = (11 – 7) = 4

Hence, option A is correct choice.

2) Answer: e)

Clearly, final output in step V = 36.

Hence, option C is correct choice.

3) Answer: e)

Clearly, second highest number in step I = 63

Second lowest number in step I = 52

Required difference = (63 – 52) = 11

Hence, option E is correct choice.

4) Answer: b)

Clearly, lowest number in step IV = 3.

Hence, option B is correct choice.

Directions (5-8):

We have:

8 % D F 4 @ H # 1 µ A > 6 & U ^ 5 M £ 3 Ω Q B 2 ≤ L I $ 0 R ¥ 9 E ₹ W 7

From step I: Such special character that is immediately preceded by a number and immediately followed by a consonant.

8 % D F 4 @ H # 1 µ A > 6 & U ^ 5 M £ 3 Q B 2 L I $ 0 R ¥ 9 E ₹ W 7

Thus, only four such special characters are possible –> %, @, Ω and ≤.

After placing all such special characters to the immediate left of 1st, 5th, 9th and 13th element, we get:

% 8 D F @ 4 H # Ω 1 µ A > ≤ 6 & U ^ 5 M £ 3 Q B 2 L I $ 0 R ¥ 9 E ₹ W 7

From step II: Such digits immediately preceded by a special symbol and immediately followed by a consonant.

% 8 D F @ 4 H # Ω 1 µ A > ≤ 6 & U ^ 5 M £ 3 Q B 2 L I $ 0 R ¥ 9 E ₹ W 7

Thus, only five such digits are possible –> 8, 4, 5, 3 and 0.

After placing all such digits to the immediate right of 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th and 19th element in descending order, we have:

% D 8 F @ H 5 # Ω 1 µ 4 A > ≤ 6 3 & U ^ 0 M £ Q B 2 L I $ R ¥ 9 E ₹ W 7

From step III: Such alphabets immediately preceded by a special character and immediately followed by a number.

% D 8 F @ H 5 # Ω 1 µ 4 A > ≤ 6 3 & U ^ 0 M £ Q B 2 L I $ R ¥ 9 E ₹ W 7

Thus, only three such alphabets are possible –> D, H and W.

After placing all such alphabets immediate right of ‘≤’ in reverse alphabetical order, we get:

% 8 F @ 5 # Ω 1 µ 4 A > ≤ W H D 6 3 & U ^ 0 M £ Q B 2 L I $ R ¥ 9 E ₹ 7

Thus, from above given information we have final arrangements as follow:

% 8 F @ 5 # Ω1 µ 4 A >≤ W H D 6 3& U ^ 0 M £ Q B 2 L I $ R ¥ 9 E ₹ 7

5) Answer: c)

We have:

% 8 F @ 5 # Ω1 µ 4 A >≤ W H D 6 3& U ^ 0 M £ Q B 2 L I $ R ¥ 9 E ₹ 7

Thus, only two such special characters are possible à @ and ¥.

Hence, option C is correct choice.

6) Answer: a)

We have:

% 8 F @ 5 # Ω1 µ 4 A >≤ W H D 6 3& U ^ 0 M £ Q B 2 L I $ R ¥ 9 E ₹ 7

After drooping elements preceded by prime digits, we have:

% 8 F @ 5Ω1 µ 4 A >≤ W H D 6 3 U ^ 0 M £ Q B 2 I $ R ¥ 9 E ₹ 7

Element 8th to left of 13th element from right end = (8 + 13) = 21st element from right end.

Thus, 21stelement from right endà W.

Hence, option A is correct choice.

7) Answer: c)

We have:

% 8 F @ 5 # Ω1 µ 4 A >≤ W H D 6 3& U ^ 0 M £ Q B 2 L I $ R ¥ 9 E ₹ 7

Clearly, number of elements between 1st to 2ndelement is one less than number of elements between 2nd to 3rd element either going forward or backward.

Thus, “6MI” doesn’t belong to that group.

Hence, option C is correct choice.

8) Answer: a)

We have:

% 8 F @ 5 # Ω1 µ 4 A >≤ W H D 6 3& U ^ 0 M £ Q B 2 L I $ R ¥ 9 E ₹ 7

Thus, only two such alphabets are possible à W & Q.

Hence, option A is correct choice.

Directions (9-10):

9) Answer: d)

From I:

We have:

  • Geography is kept at bottom having pink cover.
  • Math is at second position from top.
  • Book having Red cover is kept at the top.
  • History book is just placed below math book.
  • There is a gap of one place between English and Hindi, who has cover of Green color.
  • English having Blue cover is above Hindi, that means English book is kept just below History book.

Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, no exact position for science book is known.

Hence, statement I is not sufficient alone.

From II:

We have:

  • Science is kept third from bottom just below English having Blue cover.
  • GK book is kept on top at a gap of one place from History book.
  • Science book having Black cover is kept at any place below Math book.
  • Geography book having Pink cover is kept at any place below Hindi book, that means Geography book is kept at bottom.

Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, exact position Yellow covered book is not known.

Hence, statement II is not sufficient alone.

From I and II:

After combining statement I and II we have:

Clearly, exact position of Yellow covered book is not known.

Hence, statement I and II together not sufficient.

Hence, option D is correct choice.

10) Answer: e)

From I:

We have:

  • U sits third to right of T, who likes Singing.
  • S sits immediate left of U.
  • The one who likes Football sit in-front of the one who likes Badminton, who sits third to left of T, that means the one who likes Football sits immediate left of S.
  • Q having Boxing as hobby sit second to right of R, who sit third to right of S, that means R likes Badminton.
  • Psit third to left of Q.
  • V sit third to right of one likes Dancing, who sit second to right of P, that means V likes Football.
  • The one who likes singingsits second to left of the one like Drawing, that means S likes Drawing.

Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know exact position of the one whose hobby is Cricket.

Hence, statement I is not sufficient alone.

From II:

We have:

  • Q sits third to left of S, who sits second to right of the one who likes Singing.
  • P sits third to left Q, who like Boxing.
  • The one who likesFootball sit third to left of P.
  • U sits second to left of R, who sits second to left of the one who likes Boxing.
  • The one likes Boxing sits immediate right of W.
  • T likes Singing and sits third to left of the one who likes Cricket, that means U likes Cricket.

Based on above given information we have:

Clearly, we don’t know hobby of the R, who sits second to right of the one who likes Cricket.

Hence, statement II is not sufficient alone.

From I and II:

After combining both statements we have:

Clearly, R (Badminton) sits second to right of U (Cricket).

Hence, statement I and II together sufficient.

Hence, option E is correct choice.

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