SBI PO Exam Date 2021: The State Bank of India is conducting exams every year to select candidates for the Probationary Officer post. Check the tentative SBI PO exam date here. Candidates start planning their preparation in this COVID-19 lockdown before the SBI PO exam date 2021.
The SBI PO 2021 notification is out with 2056 vacancies. We have added the tentative exam schedule here. The SBI PO exam is conducted in an online mode. The candidates have to attend the online exam as per the scheduled date for them. For each candidate, the exam date is allotted in their call letter. Another candidate can download their admit card and know their SBI PO 2021 exam date.
SBI PO 2021 Notification PDF
Page Contents
SBI PO Selection Process:
The SBI PO selection process involves 3 stages. In that, the first two stages are held in the online mode. The final stage will have an interview and group exercise. Thus, the order of the SBI PO selection process is,
- Preliminary exam.
- Mains exam
- Interview (Or Interview & Group Exercises)
SBI PO Important Exam Dates:
The SBI PO exam date is available in the official notification. Till the final result release, the tentative schedule for the recruitment process is available in the table. Once the apply online link gets activated, you can apply for the SBI PO exam. Check the final date, and apply for the recruitment within that date. The tentative dates for the recruitment are available below.
Activity | Tentative Dates |
Online application start date | 05th October 2021 |
Online application end date | 25th October 2021 |
The download of call letters for the Online Preliminary Examination | 1st /2nd week November 2021 onwards |
Online Preliminary Examination | November/ December 2021 |
Result of Online Preliminary Examination | December 2021 |
The download of the Call Letter for the Online Main Examination | 2nd /3rd week December 2021 onwards |
Conduct of Online Main Examination | December 2021 |
Declaration of Result of Main Examination | January 2022 |
The download of Call Letter for phase III | 1st /2nd week of February 2022 onwards |
Conduct of Phase III – Interview (Or Interview & Group Exercises) | 2nd/ 3rd week of February 2022 |
Declaration of Final Result | February / March 2022 |
The download of call letters for Pre-Examination Training | 1st week of November 2021 onwards |
Conduct Pre- Examination Training | 2nd week of November 2021 |
SBI PO Preliminary Exam:
The SBI PO prelims exam is the first stage of recruitment. The candidates who applied for the recruitment will attend the prelims exam in various shifts. The SBI PO prelims exam date for each candidate is available in their call letter. At the mentioned date and time, the candidates will attend the prelims exam. The exam pattern and details of the prelims exam are,
- The English language, quantitative aptitude, and reasoning ability are the 3 sections present in the prelims exam.
- For each section, 20 minutes time duration is allotted separately. So that you cannot change the sections as per your wish.
- English language – 30 questions.
- Quantitative aptitude – 35 questions.
- Reasoning ability – 35 questions.
- Thus, there is a total of 100 questions in the prelims exam.
- Each question carries one mark.
- So the maximum mark of the preliminary exam is 100.
- For each wrong answer, you will lose 0.25 marks.
On the allotted SBI PO prelims exam date 2021, candidates will attend the exam. There is no sectional cut-off for this exam. Clearing the overall cut-off is enough for the candidates to pass the exam.
Get More: SBI PO Exam Pattern
SBI PO Mains Exam:
The candidates clearing the prelims exam will attend the mains exam. In each category, candidates approximately 10 times the number of vacancies are called for the mains exam. The mains exam is the second stage of recruitment. The SBI PO mains exam date 2021 is available in the call letter of the candidates. On the mentioned date and time, the candidates will attend the mains exam. The exam pattern and details of the mains round are,
- The SBI PO mains exam will have both objective tests and descriptive tests.
- Objective test – Totally 4 sections. They are Reasoning ability & computer aptitude, Data analysis & interpretation, general / economy/banking awareness, and English language.
- Descriptive test – Letter writing and essay.
- For each section, separate timing is allotted.
- Reasoning & computer aptitude – 45 questions – 60 marks – 60 minutes time duration.
- Data analysis & interpretation – 35 questions – 60 marks – 45 minutes sectional timing.
- General / Economy / Banking awareness – 40 questions – 40 marks – 35 minutes sectional time duration.
- English language – 35 questions – 40 marks – 40 minutes sectional time.
- Descriptive test – 50 marks – 30 minutes.
- After the completion of the 4 sections, the page for the descriptive section opens. In this section, candidates have to type the essay and letter writing within 30 minutes.
- Penalty marks for each wrong answer – 1/4th of marks assigned to the question.
- Including the descriptive tests, the total marks for the SBI PO mains exam are 250.
The candidates will attend the exam as per their scheduled SBI PO mains exam date. There is no sectional cut-off for the mains exam. The candidates clearing the overall mains cut off will face the group exercise and interview. In each category, candidates approximately 3 times the number of vacancies are called for the group exercise and interview stage.
SBI PO Book PDF Free Download 2021
Group Exercise & Interview:
This is the final stage of the SBI PO recruitment.
In the final round, there will be either Interview only (50 marks) (OR) Interview (30 marks) & Group Exercises (20 marks). Thus the maximum marks for the final stage are 50.
As per the SBI PO exam date in the interview call letter, the candidates will attend the final stage.
Final Selection:
The final selection will not include the marks of the preliminary exam. It will include the marks of the mains exam, group exercise, and interview. Marks secured by the candidates in the Main Examination (out of 250 marks) are converted to out of 75 marks. Similarly, the marks in Group Exercises & Interview of candidate (out of 50 marks) are converted to out of 25 marks. Thus, the final score of the candidates out of 100 marks is obtained. After attending the final stage as per the SBI PO 2021 exam date, the merit list will be released as per the final score cut-off.
Preparation Tips:
The SBI PO exam is considered one of the toughest exams as per the banking aspirants. It needs a lot of hard work and dedication to crack this exam. As the SBI PO 2021 exam date is nearing, candidates should practice all the sections with the utmost dedication. As the prelims exam is the first stage, it should be your starting goal.
English Language:
In the prelims exam, there is sectional timing. For the English language section, 20 minutes time duration is perfectly enough to attend all the 30 questions. For that, you should have strong knowledge of this section. Only then you can attend more questions, without making mistakes. To maintain accuracy in this section, a lot of practice is a must.
- Grammar knowledge is the key to score in this section.
- Almost all topics such as fillers, cloze test, error spotting, etc., needs grammar knowledge to score more marks.
- The time period (20 minutes) is not a big issue for this section. To develop your grammar knowledge to score decent marks in this section.
Reasoning Ability:
After the notification release, the SBI PO 2021 prelims exam date will arrive soon. To score more marks, this section is one of the hopes for many candidates. For the SBI PO exam, this section may be asked at an easy to moderate level. Some questions will be at a hard level.
- Practice the questions at all levels and be ready for the exam.
- First, pick all the easy-level questions. Then target the medium-level questions.
- You must skip the hard-level questions correctly.
- All these strategies should be done within 20 minutes without any struggle. Only then you can cover more questions.
- In the reasoning, section-time management is a very important factor. This is the section that you can score more marks than the other two. So use that chance and practice well for this section.
Don’ts in Reasoning Section:
- Attending to a difficult seating arrangement or puzzle at the beginning is a big risk. So avoid those questions at the beginning.
- Don’t waste time on a single question.
- Avoid shortcuts if you are not strong in them.
- Don’t recheck a question again and again that you have completed.
In the reasoning section, these are the precious rules you must follow. If you do all these mistakes, then you may waste nearly 1/3rd of the sectional time collectively. This will take a big hit on your total score. So remember these points before your SBI PO exam date.
Practice Reasoning Section
Quantitative Aptitude:
In the SBI PO prelims exam, this is a good section to score marks, if you take more mock test practice. Some candidates hate maths as a subject. Due to this reason, they may secure only average marks in this section. If they push their preparation with dedication and hard work, this section may also easily contribute more marks.
- In prelims level, number series, quadratic equation, simplification can be asked at easy to medium level. So target those questions first.
- Data interpretation is a tricky topic. Sometimes it may look simple. But if you start it, many lengthy calculations will take more time.
- To analyze the DI and start it only if it is asked at an easy level. Or else don’t take risks.
- To overcome your careless mistakes, take more mock test practice.
Don’ts in Quantitative Aptitude:
- Don’t touch the hard level word problems at the beginning. It will easily consume 2 to 3 minutes and will bring your confidence level down.
- Don’t mark the answers by wild guess, after solving half of the problem.
- Skip the questions such as number series, if you cannot find the logic. Even if it is easy, don’t take over time.
- Don’t apply the wrong formula or shortcuts.
Before the SBI PO 2021 mains exam date, mind these rules. If you don’t commit these mistakes, you can save more marks.
Practice Quantitative Aptitude Section
Mains Exam Preparation:
For the mains exam, you have to put the effort many times than that for the prelims exam. You have to follow all the preparation strategies similar to that of the prelims exam. But in terms of practice, you must put much more effort. Many full-length mock tests should be practiced and analyzed before the SBI PO mains exam date 2021.
You have to put extra effort into the general awareness section. Continuous preparation is a must. Then, you have to attend quizzes regularly to analyze your preparation. This section is the decider in the mains exam competition. If you shine well in the general awareness section, then you can take advantage of many candidates.
Also, put equal effort into all the other sections. Practice with previous year papers and improve your standards to face the most difficult bank exam. So that you can gain confidence to tackle the difficult questions in the exam.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Here some of the FAQs are presented for your reference. Refer to these questions and clarify your doubts regarding SBI PO 2021 recruitment.
Q: Is there a sectional cut-off for the SBI PO prelims exam?
A: For both the SBI PO prelims and mains exam, there is no sectional cut-off. To pass the exam, candidates should clear the overall cut-off only.
Q: How can I know my SBI PO prelims exam date 2021?
A: The SBI PO Prelims Exam 2021 has been scheduled tentatively for December 2021. After the release of admit card, you can know it. In the SBI PO prelims admit card, the date, time, and venue of the exam are available.
Q: Will the pre-exam training is available for the candidates in this SBI PO 2021 recruitment?
A: Yes, the pre-exam training is there for the SC / ST / religious minority community candidates.
Q: What is the age relaxation for the SC, ST, OBC, and PWD candidates in the SBI PO 2021 recruitment exam?
A: The age relaxation for these candidates are,
- SC / ST – 5 years
- PWD (SC / ST) – 15 years
- OBC (non-creamy layer) – 3 years
- PWD (OBC) – 13 years
- PWD (general / EWS) – 10 years