Sectional IBPS Clerk Online Test Series – Day-28:
Dear Readers, IBPS Clerk Examination for the year 2017 was approaching very shortly, for that we have given the Sectional IBPS Clerk Test Series which consist of questions from all the three sections such as, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, and English Language. This Sectional IBPS Clerk Test Series will be provided on daily basis kindly make use of it.
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[WpProQuiz 628]Directions (1 – 5) Study the data below and answer the questions that follow:
Number of Candidates appearing for an interview for a post in various banks and Percentage of candidates qualifying:
1). The number of candidates who did not qualify in bank K in 2014 was approximately what percent of the candidates who did not qualify in bank I in 2015?
- 50
- 56
- 42
- 64
- 47
2). What was the percentage decrease in the number of candidates who qualified for the six banks in 2015 as compared to the previous year?
- 15.2%
- 18.9%
- 20.8%
- 23.6%
- None of these
3). What is the respective ratio of the total number of appeared candidates for all banks in 2015 and number of qualified candidates for Bank J in 2014?
- 169 : 105
- 33 : 542
- 542 : 33
- 705 : 67
- None of these
4). What was the difference between the number of candidates who qualified in banks I and K together and the number of candidates who did not qualify in the same banks in 2015?
- 3028
- 2840
- 2221
- 2732
- 2597
5). Which of the following has the least value?
- The difference between the candidates qualifying for H in 2015 and the candidates qualifying for I in 2015
- The difference between the candidates qualifying for M in 2015 and the candidates qualifying for H in 2014
- The difference between the candidates qualifying for I in 2015 and the candidates qualifying for L in 2014
- The difference between the candidates qualifying for M in 2014 and the candidates qualifying for J in 2015
- The difference between the candidates qualifying for M in 2015 and the candidates qualifying for K in 2014
Directions (6 – 10): Study the following information and answer the questions based on it.
Seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F and G have gathered at the Dadar station. Five of them are to catch a local train to five different stations Andheri, Bandra, Churchgate, Thane and Badiapur. Five of them are executives in different banks viz. HDFC, Axis, ICICI, Dena Bank and RBL Bank.
a) B is an executive in Axis Bank but has come to the station to see his friends.
b) E, an executive is going to Bandra and is neither from RBL bank nor ICICI
c) G works in Dena Bank and is leaving for Andheri
d) F is an excuitive in one of the banks but not going anywhere
e) A is an executive but not from HDFC. He is catching a local train to one of the destinations but not to Thane or Badiapur.
6). The one who is catching a train to Bandira is
- Not an executive
- From HDFC
- D
- From RBL Bank
- None of these
7). Who among the following works in ICICI bank?
- D
- A
- F
- Data inadequate
- None of these
8). C works in which of the banks?
- RBL Bank
- ICICI Bank
- Either A or B
- HDFC Bank
- None of the banks
9). Who among the following is going to Thane?
- C
- A
- E
- D
- Data Inadequate
10). If A works in RBL Bank, in which bank does F work?
- Dena
- Axis
- None of the banks
Directions (Q. 11-15): Fill in the blank with appropriate word.
11). Vikas had to ____ some money by doing part-time work.
- get
- collect
- accept
- adjust
- earn
12). Dileep was _____ late when he reached school that day.
- fully
- very
- always
- adjust
- too
13). The children ______ crackers to celebrate the victory of their team.
- released
- fired
- shot
- broke
- burst
14). Sanjeev is always very _______ in the classroom and answers most of the questions correctly.
- lost
- uneasy
- moving
- concentrated
- attentive
15). Hari’s factory can ____ out around 100 pieces per day, so by Tuesday he can complete the order.
- turn
- produce
- prepare
- complete
- give
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