Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing new series of English Questions for IBPS Clerk Mains so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.
Direction (1-5): In this question, a part of the sentence is made bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at (A), (B), (C) and (D) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no replacement is needed, mark (E) as your answer.
1) They ask for the toothbrush to be hand over and know hot dosas will find the plate, unasked. be handed over get handed over get hand over be handed on
E.No improvements needed
2) The home is when the majority of Indian women perform work that sustains households and enables men (and privileged women) to take up productive paid jobs in the economy. where the majority where the majority
C.on where the majority when the majority improvements needed
3) Even for those women who took up work outside the home, domestic responsibilities shape their choice of work and professional progress.
A.who take up work
B.who take on work
C.who took on work
D.who take upon work
E.No improvements needed
4) The Supreme Court Chief Justice found it possible to suggest that women farmers from Punjab give up their space in democratic protests and return home, rather than bargain for their economic rights.
A.finds it possible to suggest that
B.find it possible to suggest that
C.found it possible to suggest for
D.finds it possible to suggest for
E.No improvements needed
5) No matter the strides in education and social practices, in the political and cultural discourse about women, marriage and home are still seen, unquestioningly, as their rightful and natural context for women’s lives. the rightful and natural in rightful and natural a rightful and natural. there rightful and natural improvements needed
Direction (6-10): In the following sentence the part is highlighted in bold if correction is required select in the options and if sentence is correct mark your answer as No improvement required
6) The Public Interest Litigation era Supreme Court has been praised for fostering inefficient governments into action, and stepping in to fill legislative and executive vaccum. However, there are times when silence and slow time are more desirable than speed. rebuking accord tormenting skilled recommending counselling
D.for prodding inefficient
E.No improvement required
7) Aristotle is a towering figure in ancient Greek philosophy, making contributions to logic, metaphysics, mathematics, physics, biology, botany, ethics, politics, agriculture, medicine, dance and theatre. He was a student of Plato who in turn studied under Socrates.
A.Resolving knack in
B.Bothering quarrel to
C.Emerging apportion by
D.Crafting accredit of
E.No improvement required
8) Free trade agreements are often the agreements between two or more countries, or among a country and a trading bloc to abolish or reduce tariffs, quotas and preferences on goods and services so as to have free trade for reciprocative benefits.
A.or among a country with a trading bloc for
B.or between a country and trading blocs to
C.or amongst a country or a trading bloc for
D.or between a country and a trading bloc to
E.No improvement required
9) There is a marked difference between the human world and the world of the divine. A crucial aspect of this difference is convulsed by the physicality of human beings. broadcasted at
B.are promulgated in defined by
D.have dissected to
E.No improvement required
10) The sheer size of the Chinese and Indian markets will be continuing to attract investors and they remain in the highest ranking among emerging markets in confidence index.
A.will continue in attracting
B.will continue to attract
C.would continue attracted
D.will be continuing to be attracted.
E.No improvement required
Answers :
1) Answer: A
As per the context of the sentence it appears that it infers us to understand that someone is asking for toothbrush; thus, to be handed over is both contextually and grammatically correct phrase.
Therefore, option A is the correct answer.
2) Answer: A
Since the sentence tries to speak about ‘home’ symbolizing a place, it is certain to use ‘where’ and ‘is’ as the correct pronoun and preposition.
Therefore, option A is the correct answer.
3) Answer: A
As per the voice, tense and context of the sentence, which speaks about third person, it is correct to use ‘take’ as verb and ‘up’ as preposition, for the phrase.
Therefore, option A is the correct answer.
4) Answer: A
Supreme Court being a singular noun, ‘finds’ is the correct verb to use in accordance to the tense and context of the sentence. Use of preposition ‘for’ after ‘suggest’, is incorrect to the context.
Therefore, option A is the correct answer.
5) Answer: A
In accordance to the tense, voice and context of the sentence, the use of article ‘a’ is incorrect after the word ‘as’. It is also incorrect to use preposition ‘in’ in the same place or pronouns like ‘their’ or ‘there’. The correct article to be used is ‘the’.
Therefore, option A is the correct answer.
6) Answer: D
Here in the sentence, fostering means to help or encourage the development of something. But the inefficient word is making negative sense so here fostering is incorrect it will be replaced by prodding: to push something or someone. In the sentence it is described as the public interest litigation era Supreme Court has been praised for prodding or pushing the insufficient government into action. So here prodding will replace fostering.
7) Answer: E
The phrase is grammatically and contextually correct. So no improvement required.
8) Answer: D
In the sentence the phrase or among a country and a trading bloc to is incorrect because we use between to refer to 2 things which are clearly separated and we use among to talk about things which are not clearly separated because they are part of a group or crowd or mass of objects. Here we are talking about only a country and a trading bloc so between will replace among.
9) Answer: C
Convulsed: to cause to shake violently with sudden uncontrolled movements. To shake or agitate violently. Here the sentence conveys that a crucial aspect of this difference is defined by the physicality of human beings not by the violent agitation. So here define will replace convulsed.
10) Answer: B
Will is a modal and as per the structure modal verb + v1 so here will continue to attract will be the correct structure for the sentence.