Short Memory Tricks – List of Important Days in the Month of December:
Dear Readers, List of Important Days in the Month of December were given here below along with short memory tricks. Candidates those who are preparing for all competitive exams can make use of it.
Note: In the Upcoming days we will provide Short Memory Tricks for Important Days of all months, if you have any suggestions, kindly leave a comment in the comment section below.
Short Story to Memorize the List of Important Days in December:
1 AIDS awareness program & 2 National pollution control program was jointly organized in 4 naval ships. They travel to different parts of the world; they saw 5 different types of soil in a single place. Unfortunately their ships got stuck. So they are bringing back to the country by 7 civil aviation flights. In the flight there were 9 anti-corruption activists and 10 human rights activist were talking about 14 national energy conservation schemes. At that time 18 international migrants in the flight said, first we need to form a group of 20 people (human solidarity), all should above the age of 24, and all are national consumer rights activist.
List of Important Days in December:
- December 1 – World AIDS Day
- December 2 – National Pollution control day
- December 4 – Indian Navy Day
- December 5 – World soil day
- December 7 – International Civil Aviation Day
- December 9 – International Anti-Corruption Day
- December 10 – World Human Rights Day,
- December 14 – National Energy Conservation Day
- December 18 – International Migrants Day,
- December 20 – International Human Solidarity Day
- December 24 – National Consumers Rights day
More Short Memory Tricks on Static GK:
- Important Wildlife Sanctuaries in India
- Important National Parks in India (State wise)
- Important International Organizations & Its HQs
- Important Countries & its Currency
- Important Airports and Seaports in India
- Important Temples in India and its Location
- List of Ministers and their Ministries
- Important Lakes in India