South Indian bank

South Indian Bank PO Previous Year Cut Off: Check Cut Off Marks Here

South Indian Bank PO Previous Year Cut Off: South Indian Bank has released the notification for the recruitment on 5th January 2022. It is very important for the candidates to analyze the South Indian Bank PO’s previous year cut-off. The South Indian Bank PO will be releasing the sectional cut-off as well as the overall cut-off. Candidates must meet both the sectional and overall cut-off of South Indian Bank PO 2022. After the interview process, a final cut-off of South Indian Bank PO is also released for selected candidates. Those candidates who complete the program within the given time, are appointed as the Probationary Officers in Scale-I. The candidates who are preparing for the exam must be aware of the cut-off because it gives you more understanding of the trend of the exam in recent previous years. So in this article, you can check the previous year’s Cut-off 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. We hope this article will give you an overall idea of Cut off 2022.

There are various factors such as vacancy, the difficulty level of exam in each shift, number of applicants, etc. That decides the SIB PO cut-off 2022. As the exam takes place in various shifts, the difficulty level of the question papers in each shift may vary. In that case, the normalization method is applied to arrive at the overall score of candidates in the SIB PO Cut Off 2022.


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Check South Indian Bank PO Recruitment 2022

The aspirants who lost a few points never give up, many exams have been lined up keep trying hard. SIB PO Cut-off 2022 and scorecard will be released after the declaration of the result. Check Out the SIB PO Cut-off for 2018, 2019, and 2020 based on the category. Analyzing previous year cut-off marks, will give a clear idea about the SIB PO cut-off 2022.

South Indian Bank PO Recruitment 2022: Overview

The overview of the South Indian Bank PO Recruitment 2022 Notification PDF is tabulated below.

Name of the Organisation South Indian Bank Ltd
Post Name Probationary Clerks
Vacancy Various
Designation Probationary Officer
Scale of Appointment Scale I (IBA package)
Official Website

South Indian Bank PO Previous Year Cut Off:

South Indian Bank PO 2019 Cut off: Overall

The aspirants can check the previous year’s category-wise cut-off.

Category Total Cutoff Score (Out of 140)
ST 72
SC 80.75
OBC 88.5
General 92
OC (Orthopedically Challenged) 70.5
VI (Visually Impaired) 65.5
HI (Hearing Impaired) 65.5
ID (Intellectual Disability) 60.25

South Indian Bank PO 2019 Cut Off: (Sectional)

Category Reasoning Ability English General Awareness Quantitative Aptitude
ST 8 7 6.5 7.5
SC 8 7 6.5 7.5
OBC 8 7 6.5 7.5
General 12 12.25 10.75 11
PwD 8 7 6.5 7.5

SIB PO Category wise Cut off 2017

Category Overall Cut off Marks (out of 50)
General 20
OBC 17.5
SC 17.5
ST 17.5
OH 17.5
VI 17.5
HI 17.5

SIB PO Category wise Cut off 2016

Category Overall Cut off Marks (out of 50)
General 20
OBC 17.5
SC 17.5
ST 17.5
OH 17.5
VI 17.5
HI 17.5

SIB PO Category wise Cut off 2015

Category Overall Cut off Marks (out of 50)
General 20
OBC 17.5
SC 17.5
ST 17.5
OH 17.5
VI 17.5

How to Check the SIB PO Cut Off 2022?

Following are the steps candidate can follow to check their South Indian Bank PO Cut off 2022:

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of SIB.
  • Step 2: Click on the “Career” option on the top right-hand side of the computer screen.
  • Step 3: A new window will open on your screen.
  • Step 4: Click on the link showing the SIB PO Cut Off 2022
  • Step 5: Candidates can check the overall as well as category-wise cut-off from that link.

South Indian Bank PO Previous Year Papers

Factors Affecting South Indian Bank PO Cut off 2022

The cut-off of South Indian Bank PO depends on various factors. Mentioned below are some important factors for SIB PO cut off:

  • Availability of vacancies by the Bank.
  • The total number of candidates appearing for exams.
  • The difficulty level of the examination.
  • Past years cutoff trends

SIB PO Marking Scheme for the Written Exam

Candidates must know about the marking scheme of the South Indian Bank PO cut-off to calculate their obtained marks.

  • Students will get 1.25 marks for every question they attempted correctly.
  • There will be a negative marking of the one-fourth mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • If the candidate leaves any question un-attempted there is no deduction of marks for that.

Also, Check

SIB PO Syllabus 2022 SIB PO Salary 2022



Q. Is there a South Indian Bank PO sectional cut-off?
Ans. Yes, there is a South Indian Bank PO sectional cut-off.
Q. What are the factors that affect the SIB PO Cut-Off?

Ans. The below-mentioned factors affect the SIB PO Cut-Off

  • Availability of vacancies by the Bank.
  • The total number of candidates appearing for exams.
  • The difficulty level of the examination.
  • Past years cutoff trends.

This post was last modified on January 8, 2022 4:16 pm