SSC CGL 2018 Final Result: SSC CGL 2018 Final Result Released!!! The SSC CGL Final Provisional List & Cut Off Marks will get released on its official site. Candidates who have appeared for the skill test & document verification round shall check here the respective result.
The Staff Selection Commission has conducted the recruitment drive for the Combined Graduate Level notification to recruit the eligible candidates. The recruitment drive has been conducted at the national level at various exam centres. A huge number of aspirants have applied and appeared for the selection process. The selection process is based on Tier 1, 2, 3 & 4. As per the schedule, the selection process has been conducted successfully. Now the candidates are eagerly waiting for the final result. For that, the SSC CGL Final Result 2018 has been released on 01st April 2021. So candidates shall check the final provisional list and cut off marks from the official result pdf.
The Tier I examination was conducted from June 4 to 19, 2019. Those candidates who cleared the exam had to appear for the Tier-II examination that was conducted from September 11 to 13, 2019, and the Tier III examination was conducted on December 29, 2019. The Tier III result was announced on September 30, 2020. The qualified candidates had to appear for skill tests and document verification. Candidates who have appeared for all the processes can check their results by following these simple steps given below.
Check SSC CGL 2018 Final Result PDF
How to check SSC CGL 2018 Final Provisional List?
- Candidates kindly visit the official site of SSC.
- On the home page, there is a link regarding the final result of the SSC Combined Graduate Level 2018.
- Click on that the result pdf will get opened.
- Kindly check the results.
- Download it and take a printout for your reference.