SSC CGL Exam Date 2018-19: SSC CGL Exam Date 2018-19 Recent Updates Check Here!!! Staff Selection Commission SSC in 2017 had conducted the SSC CGL exam. But due to paper allegedly leaked the recruitment board had stopped the examination. Next year SSC Recruitment board again announced the SSC CGL notification for 2018 on may month. A lot of candidates are applied and preparing for the upcoming examination. Now all the applied candidates are eagerly waiting for the SSC CGL Exam date . The third party who conducts the exam is responsible for the paper leakage. So as per the order from the supreme court, the third party contract for conducting the examination is swiped to TCS-ion company. Supreme court asked Central government should prefer either CBSE or NTA. Government choice is NTA. National Testing Agency is given the responsibility for TCS-ion, the digital platform of TCS will conduct the upcoming SSC CGL exam 2018 – on behalf of the Staff Selection Commission.
Expecting SSC CGL Exam Date 2018-19:
SSC CGL Exam date 2018-19 has been expecting within this month. SSC CGL Exam date and Admit card will be released soon. Director General, Vineet Joshi said that we have read the supreme court suggestion on handing over the responsibilities to NTA but yet now we hadn’t received any communication. The Central Government legally asked for tenders across major corporates. Due to the safe and secure purpose, the tender was given TCS-ion.
All the aspirants who are appearing for the SC CGL Tier 1 Exams should have a clear knowledge about the SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Pattern.
The SSC CGL Exam will be conducted through Online based CBT which means the examination will be conducted through the computer and the question papers will under encryption process. So there is impossible for leakage of question papers for the upcoming examination. Applicants who are all eagerly waiting for SSC CGL Exam date 2018-19 kindly visit the official site to get recent updates regarding SSC CGL Exam date 2018-19. So candidates be ready to face your upcoming examination.
SSC CGL Exam Date 2018: Most of the aspirants are eagerly expecting the SSC CGL Exam date 2018. Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level SSC CGL has released the notification on May month to recruit graduate level candidate. As per the Pre-scheduled calendar SSC CGL exam date 2018 will be conducted from 25-07-2018 to 20-08-2018. Due to paper leak allegation and SSC scam around mass cheating , the exam dates for SSC CGL 2018 got postponed. So the SSC recruitment board has revised the new exam dates. But still now the official date for SSC CGL 2018 Tier I exam date was not released. Also there is no any reports or announcements regarding the tentative dates. A lot of aspirants are eagerly waiting for the exam date. As per the news reports from the SSC recruitment officials, the exam dates for SSC CGL exam date 2018 expected soon. So candidates kindly check the official site for regular updates.
SSC CGL Exam Date 2018: Selection Process
SSC CGL exam 2018 is conducted in 4 phases.
Tier 1&2: Computer Base Test (CBT)
Tier 3: Offline mode (Pen & Paper based).
Tier 4: Computer Proficiency Test.
SSC CGL Exam Date 2018: Tier I
S.No | Section | No of Questions | Max Marks | Duration |
1 | Quantitative Aptitude | 25 | 50 | 60 minutes |
2 | Reasoning Ability | 25 | 50 | |
3 | English Knowledge | 25 | 50 | |
4 | General Awareness | 25 | 50 |
- 0.50 negative mark will be awarded for every wrong answer.
- There is no any sectional Cut-Off
SSC CGL Exam Date 2018: Tier II
S.No | Section | No of Questions | Max Marks | Duration |
1 | Quantitative Aptitude | 100 | 200 | 2 hours |
2 | English Language & Comprehension | 200 | 200 | 2 hours |
3 | Statistics (Paper I & II as above) | 100 | 200 | 2 hours |
4 | General Studies (Finance & Economics, Paper I & II as above ) | 100 | 200 | 2 hours |
Paper I, Paper III & Paper IV – 0.5 marks
Paper II – 0.25 marks
- There is no any sectional Cut-Off.
SSC CGL Exam Date 2018: Tier III
Section | Marks | Duration |
Descriptive Paper in Both English & Hindi | 100 Marks | 60 minutes |
SSC CGL Exam Date 2018: Tier IV
SSC CGL Tier-4 Exam is a Computer Skill Test. It will be conducted in two steps:
- DEST Test
2. CPT Test.
Candidates are required to type 2000 words in 15 minutes on a computer in English.
To check a candidate’s skill in Spreadsheets, Word Processing and Generation of Slides this test will be conducted.