SSC CGL Exam Pattern 2020: Tier I, II, III & IV | Complete Details

SSC CGL 2020:

SSC CGL Exam Pattern 2020!!! Complete details regarding the SSC CGL 2020 Exam Pattern for Tier I, Tier II, Tier III & Tier IV Exams. So candidates who have applied for the SSC CGL Notification shall check here the complete updated exam pattern which will be useful for your upcoming exams.

Staff Selection Commission has released the notification for the engagement of various posts under the Combined Graduate Level Category(CGL). Consequently, every year they had announced and recruited a lot of candidates for various levels of posts. Among that SSC CGL is one of the most important notification for the ssc aspirants. There are 34 posts available in the CGL category. SSC CGL posts will provide you a handful of salary and prestige to you among your society. So there is always a great demand for SSC CGL posts.

Check Here the Complete Details of SSC CGL Salary 2020

SSC CGL Exam Pattern 2020: Selection Process

Staff Selection Commission has conducted the selection process for Combined Graduate Level based on the 4 stage of selection process namely

(i) Tier-I

(ii) Tier-II

(iii) Tier-III

(iv) Tier-IV

Based on the above process the recruitment drive will be conducted for the candidates. To crack the SSC CGL exam one should know the respective selection process and their respective exam pattern. This will help you to know about the exam and how to prepare for that. For that here we have given you the SSC CGL Exam Pattern for your upcoming exams. So candidates kindly go through this article carefully and be aware of your upcoming exams.

SSC CGL Exam Pattern: Overview

Tier Exam Mode
I Objective Multiple Choice Computer Based Online
II Objective Multiple Choice Computer Based Online
III Descriptive Paper Hindi/English Paper & Pen only for Junior Statistical Officer (JSO)
IV Computer Proficiency Test/Skill Test Particularly for Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer post


SSC CGL Tier I Exam Pattern 2020:

S.No Section No of Questions Max Marks Duration
1 Quantitative Aptitude 25 50 60 minutes
2 General Intelligence & Reasoning 25 50
3 English Comprehension 25 50
4 General Awareness 25 50
Total 100 200



(i) SSC CGL Tier I Exam comprises of 4 sections namely

  • General Intelligence & Reasoning
  • General Awareness
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • English Comprehension


(ii) The exam will be based on Online Computer Based Multiple Choice Questions.

(iii) Consists of 100 questions with a maximum of 200 marks.

(iv) Each question carries 2 marks.

(v) 0.5 negative marks will be applicable for every wrong answers.

(vii) Total time duration will be of 60 minutes.

(vi) There is no sectional cut off.

(vii) No point will be deducted if the question is left blank or un attempted by a candidate.

SSC CGL Tier II Exam Pattern:

Paper Section No of Questions Max Marks Duration
1 Quantitative Ability (For all Posts) 100 200 2 hours
2 English Language and Comprehension (For all Posts) 200 200 2 hours
3 Statistics (Only for the post of Statistical Investigator Gr. II) 100 200 2 hours
4 General Studies (Finance and Economics)  (Only for the post of Assistant Audit Officer) 200 200 2 hours
Total 800



(i) SSC CGL Tier II Exam comprises of 4 sections namely

  • Quantitative Ability
  • English Language and Comprehension
  • Statistics (Only for the post of Statistical Investigator Gr. II)
  • General Studies (Finance and Economics)  (Only for the post of Assistant Audit Officer)

(ii) The exam will be based on Online Computer Based Multiple Choice Questions.

(iii) It consists of 4 papers.

(iv) Out of which Paper 1 & 2 is compulsory for all the posts.

(v) Paper 3 is only for the post of only Statistical Investigator Gr. II

(vi) Paper 4 is only for the post of Assistant Audit Officer.

(vii) Negative Marking for the Paper I, II & IV will be 0.5 mark.

(viii) Negative Marking for Paper III will be 0.25 mark.

SSC CGL Tier III Exam Pattern 2020:

Subject Marks Duration
Descriptive Paper in English/Hindi (Writing of Essay, Precis, Letter, Application etc.) 100 1 hour



(i) Tier-3 of SSC CGL will be a descriptive test (Based on Pen & Paper).

(ii) The paper will be in English/Hindi (Bilingual)

(iii) It will constitute of 100 marks.

(iv) The entire paper needs to be completed in 60 minutes.

(v) This Paper includes Application & Letter Writing.

SSC CGL Tier IV Exam Pattern 2020:

SSC CGL Tier-4 Exam is a Computer Skill Test.

It will be conducted in two steps:

(i) DEST Test – Only for post of Tax Assistants (in Central Excise and Income Tax). 

  • Candidates need to type 2000 word within 15 minutes on a computer.
  • This test will be conducted to test the candidate’s writing skills.

(ii) CPT Test – Only for the post of Assistant Section Officer

  • This test is conducted to check a candidate’s proficiency in Word Processing, Spreadsheets and Generation of Slides.

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