SSC CGL Tier III Result 2018-19 Released: Check Result & Cutoff marks here

SSC CGL Result 2018-19 for Tier III: Staff Selection Commission CGL Tier III Result 2018-19 has been Released along with Cutoff marks!!! Direct link available here to download the SSC CGL 2018-19 result for Tier 3. Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the notification for the recruitment of various posts under the Combined Graduate Level Exam. A lot of candidates have applied and appeared for the recruitment drive. The board has conducted the Tier I, II & III exams. Candidates should qualify each stage separately. Aspirants those who have appeared for the SSC CGL 2018-19 Tier III exam which was conducted on 29.12.2019 were eagerly waiting for the SSC CGL Tier III result 2018-19. Now, SSC has released the SSC CGL Result for 2018-19 Tier III on its official Website. Candidates can check the SSC CGL Tier-III from below links. We have provided the PDF links with cut-off marks for all the posts.

SSC CGL Result Tier III –  Download Link

Click here to download CGL Tier III Result 2018-19 along with Cutoff Marks

How to download SSC CGL 2018-19 Tier III Result?

  • Visit the official website of SSC (
  • Click on result tab at the top of the page.
  • You will see a link named SSC CGL result.
  • Click on that you will get the respective result PDF.
  • You can look for your name in the PDF page by pressing ctrl+f simultaneously on your computer and then enter your name.
  • Along with the name you can also check the cut off marks for your category. Cut-off marks vary with the category.
  • Download it and take a printout for your reference.

Process after the SSC CGL 2018-19 Tier III Result:

The SSC’s official site has released the CGL Tier III Result along with cutoff marks. Based on the marks in Tier-I, Tier-II and as per cut-off fixed by the Commission in Tier-III. All candidates clearing the tier-III exam will then have to appear for the final stage of the exam – computer proficiency/skill test.  After the final stage i.e. Tier-IV is conducted then SSC will release the final list of selected candidates.

SSC CGL Result for Tier III – Cut off & Selected Candidates List

List-I: Candidates qualified in Tier-III for appearing in Document Verification for the post of Assistant Audit Officer (A.A.O.) :

SSC CGL Tier 3 Result – List 1 Download

Category Candidates available Cut off marks
SC 225 602.9012
ST 110 586.19412
OBC 420 656.39436
UR 581* 686.28548
OH 24 574.24393
HH 24 475.45173

* In addition to the UR candidates shown above, 09-SC and 170-OBC candidates qualifying at UR cut-off have been shown under their respective categories.

List-II: Candidates qualified in Tier-III for appearing in Document Verification for the post of Junior Statistical Officer (J.S.O.) :

SSC CGL Tier 3 Result – List 2 Download

Category Candidates available Cut off marks
SC 443 484.18283
ST 290 454.22337
OBC 564 560.97883
UR 937* 584.70778
OH 101 393.82574
HH 97 269.42244
VH 114 321.30548

* In addition to the UR candidates shown above, 52-SC, 15-ST, 483-OBC, 4-OH, 1-HH and 4-VH candidates qualifying at UR cut-off have been shown under their respective categories.

List-III: Candidates qualified in Tier-III for appearing in CPT and Document Verification:

SSC CGL Tier 3 Result – List 3 Download

Category Candidates Available Cut Off Marks
SC 2436 467.93109
ST 1305 439.80105
OBC 4104 520.58282
UR 6453* 539.32091
OH 313 409.16313
HH 340 292.38905
VH 72 439.56113

* In addition to the UR candidates shown above, 256-SC, 62-ST, 2459-OBC, 9-OH and 8-VH candidates qualifying at UR cut-off have been shown under their respective categories.

List-IV: Candidates qualified in Tier-III for appearing in DEST and Document Verification:

SSC CGL Tier 3 Result – List 4 Download

Category Candidates available Cut off marks
SC 5018 431.87042
ST 2399 407.11278
OBC 9242 477.72161
UR 11090* 512.44384
ESM 2805 288.12
OH 576 374.85996
HH 480 256.5585
VH 198 379.65441
Others-PwD 68 172.56899

* In addition to the UR candidates shown above, 674-SC, 181-ST, 4899-OBC, 21-ESM, 28-OH, 2-HH and 16-VH candidates qualifying at UR cut-off have been shown under their respective categories.
Note-1: After excluding common candidates, 32001 candidates are qualifying in Tier-III.
Note-2: Categories having Nil reported vacancies have not been shown in the above tables.

Attempt SSC CGL Mock Tests here

Various Stages of Result in SSC CGL:

  • First, the SSC declares the result of the SSC CGL Computer-Based Tests (CBT) Tier-1 exam.
  • The qualified candidate for the Tier-1 exam called for SSC CGL Tier-2.
  • The candidates who qualify in the tier-2 exam are called for the SSC CGL Tier-3 exam.
  • After qualifying in the Tier-3 exam candidates are called for Document Verification (DV) and Skill Test/Proficiency Test.
  • The final allocation of candidates in different posts is done on the basis of their merit and the option choose by them during document verification.
  • Document verification includes- Birth certificate, Caste certificate, id proof, educational documents etc.


Q1. What is SSC CGL Tier-IV Exam Pattern?

Ans. SSC CGL Tier-IV Exam Pattern consists of a CPT(Computer Proficiency Test) for the post of Assistant Section Officer in CSS & MEA only.

Q2. What is the time Duration for SSC CGL Tier-IV CPT Exam?

Ans. Time Duration for SSC CGL Tier-IV CPT exam is 45minutes, in word, Excel or PowerPoint

Q3. What is the Syllabus for SSC CGL Tier-IV Exam?

Ans. DEST (Data Entry Speed Test): The candidates are given an article in English which they have to type on Computer. A candidate is required to type 2000 words in 15 minutes. The SSC CGL Data Entry Skill Test is conducted for those candidates who applied for the position of Tax Assistants (Central Excise & Income Tax).

CPT (Computer Proficiency Test): Word Processing, Spread Sheets and Generation of slides are the three modules that a Candidate should be Proficient in.

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