SSC CHSL Preparation 2020-21: Section-wise SSC CHSL Exam Strategy

SSC CHSL Preparation: SSC CHSL Exam is a very popular exam in Government jobs as it’s a 10+2 level exam. It is conducted by the Staff Selection Commission. It’s a big opportunity for you to get a government job. As SSC CHSL is quite a popular exam the competition is very high in the exam. Only the right study material and the right strategy for SSC CHSL Preparation will help you get selected in the Exam. The remaining exam of SSC CHSL 2019-20 Tier-1 which was postponed due to Covid-19 will start on 12-Oct-2020 to 16-Oct-2020, 19-Oct-2020 to 21-Oct-2020, and 26-Oct–2020.  Notification for SSC CHSL 2020-21 exam is expected to release on 30.11.2020.

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SSC CHSL Preparation: Exam Pattern

Here we are giving you a complete exam pattern of the SSC CHSL Exam. It is one of the first steps in SSC CHSL Preparation. SSC CHSL is conducted in three Tier for the Post of Data Entry Operator Postal, LDC, Assistant/Sorting Assistant, and Court Clerk.

  1. Tier I (Computer Based Exam)- Objective Type
  2. Tier II ( Descriptive Exam)
  3. Tier III (Skill/Typing Test)

SSC CHSL Exam Pattern (Tier I):

Subject No of Questions Maximum Marks
General Intelligence 25 50
English Language 25 50
Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
General Awareness 25 50

The SSC CHSL Exam Pattern for Tier II:

Topics Word Count Maximum Marks Duration


Essay Writing 200-250 100 60 minutes
Letter/Application Writing 150-200 100 60 minutes


The SSC CHSL Exam Pattern for Tier III:

SSC CHSL Tier III exam is a Skill and typing test, which is qualifying in nature. Its marks are not added in the final merit of the result.

  • Typing Test:  English typing- test will require a speed of 35 words per minute and Hindi typing- the test will require a speed of 30 words per minute mandatory. The typing test is applicable for Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant, LDC, and Court Clerk posts.
  • Skill Test: This test demands a data entry speed of 8,000 key depressions per hour on the computer. The skill test is conducted for the Data Entry Operator post.

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SSC CHSL Preparation – English

Complete English syllabus

English language test the candidate’s ability in English. It has topics like Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Para Jumbles, Fill in the Blanks, Multiple Meaning/Error Spotting, Paragraph Completion, One Word Substitution, etc.

Topics mostly asked in the examination:

List of One Word Substitutions
Adjective Degree of Comparison Rules
List of Homophones/Homonyms
Active and Passive Voice Rules
Idioms and Phrases
Para jumbles
Sentence Correction
Spotting the Error

Fill in the blanks

English Miscellaneous

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How to Prepare the English Language for SSC CHSL Exam:

Here we are sharing some SSC CHSL preparation tips on how to prepare for the English language in the exam.

  • Read the newspaper on daily basis, when you read the newspaper on regular basis, it will enhance the reading habit and increase your ability to find an error.
  • A good vocabulary and strong basics of grammar are key to cracking this section.
  • Learn a few words every day and revise it regularly.
  • Make a proper time table so that you can cover the full syllabus on time.
  • Learns all the rules of grammar and practice on it chapter wise.
  • Solve previous year papers.
  • Attempt mock tests on a daily basis.
  • On the basis of the mock tests analyze your performance.
  • Find weak and strong areas.
  • Choose the right study material for your preparation.

Some books for your reference:

Following is the list of some book you can refer for SSC CHSL preparation of English section

  • Objective General English by RS Aggarwal
  • Word Idioms & Phrases for SSC CGL – Arihant
  • Power made easy- Norman Lewis.
  • A Mirror Of Common Errors- Ashok Kumar Singh
  • Common Errors in English- Kiran Prakashan.

e-books for Preparation of SSC CHSL

SSC CHSL Preparation – General Intelligence and Reasoning:

General Intelligence is an important and scoring section in the SSC CHSL Exam. In general intelligence, section examiner checks your thinking and problem-solving ability. The section is to test the candidate’s theoretical and factual knowledge rather than intellectual calibre. Now lets have a look at the Syllabus and SSC CHSL preparation tips for Reasoning

Complete topics of General intelligence are mentioned below:

Sitting Arrangement (Circular/Linear)
Puzzle Test
Data Sufficiency Problems
Blood Relationship Problems
Statement- Assumptions, Statement- Conclusion Statement- Arguments, Statement- Courses of Action
Visual Reasoning
Symbolic/ Number Analogy
Figural Classification, Punched hole/ pattern-folding & unfolding
Figural Pattern-folding and completion
Number Series, etc.


How to prepare General Intelligence for SSC CHSL? – Important Tips:

General Intelligence is the scoring section in the SSC CHSL Exam. To score 100% in this section you have to practice it on regular basis as per the SSC CHSL preparation tips given below

  • Choose the right study material to clear the basics.
  • Clear the basics of all chapters.
  • Make a handy note on all the tricks used in solving the question.
  • Timing is the most important thing to keep in mind, check to time.
  • Do practice on a daily basis.
  • Solve mock tests and practice papers, it will give you not only a feeling of the exam but also check your speed and accuracy.
  • Solve previous years Paper: previous year question helps you to identify the difficulty level of the exam.
  • Allot timing to each section as to how much you have to give to each section.
  • Know your standing & analyze your performance.
  • Determine your speed & accuracy.
  • Identify your strong & weak areas.

Some important books for SSC CHSL preparation of Reasoning:

Following is the list of some book you can refer for SSC CHSL preparation of General Intelligence & Reasoning section

  • Analytical Reasoning by MK Pandey
  • Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal
  • New Approach to Reasoning Verbal, Non-Verbal, and Analytical by BS Sijwali and Indu Sijwali.

SSC CHSL Preparation – Quantitative Aptitude:

In SSC CHSL Exam Quantitative Aptitude is structured to test the candidates understanding of the numerical sense and use of numbers. The level of complexity will be until grade 10. Prepare basics from 9th and 10th NCERT books, but do prepare from Advance Mathematics books as well. Let us start with having a look at Quant syllabus topics important for SSC CHSL Preparation.

Important topics for Quantitative Aptitude for the SSC CHSL Exam:

Arithmetic: Number Series
Number System
Mixture & Alligation
Problems on Trains
Time& Distance
Time & Work
Surface area & Volume
Data Interpretation
Data Sufficiency

How to Prepare Quantitative Aptitude for SSC CHSL:

Quantitative Aptitude is a section that requires consistent and continuous practice. If you do well in this section this gives you a hundred percent in the exam. The first this you need to do is to learn the basics of all the chapters. And during your SSC CHSL Preparation, practice them properly the more you practice the more you be perfect.

  • First, you have to clear in the basic concept of all the topics.
  • Learn table up to 30, Squares up to 50, cubes up to
  • Practice the Questions Topic wise.
  • Daily attempt Quant Sectional Mock Test.
  • Find weak and Strong areas.
  • Analyze your performance.
  • Keep eye on timing while solving questions.

Some important SSC CHSL Preparation Books for Quantitative Aptitude:

Following is the list of some book you can refer for SSC CHSL preparation of Quantitative Aptitude Section:

  • SSC Mathematics by Rakesh Yadav
  • Quantitative Aptitude by S. Aggarwal
  • Magical Book on Quicker Maths by Tyra
  • Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma

SSC CHSL Preparation – General Awareness:

In SSC CGL Exam General Awareness section is designed to test the candidate’s awareness of its environment around him. The test will contain questions on India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economics, General polity, and scientific research. Let us start with having a look at GA syllabus topics important for SSC CHSL Preparation.

Important topics For the General awareness Section:

India & its neighbouring Countries
Indian History
General polity
Scientific research.
Static GK
Countries & its Currencies
Daily Current Affairs

Tips for General Awareness Preparation:

  • Study on a daily basis.
  • Make Proper notes of all the topics.
  • Make a time table so you can finish the syllabus before the exam.
  • Keep in mind not to skip any of the topics mentioned.
  • Revise them on a regular basis
  • Read daily newspapers for current affairs.

Some important Books for General Awareness:

  • Lucent’s General Knowledge
  • Monthly current affairs magazine.
  • Read NCERT books till class 10

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SSC CHSL Exam Preparation FAQ:

Q.Can I crack the SSC CHSL Exam in the first attempt?

A.The right strategy, consistent and continuous study can help you crack CHSL Exam in the first attempt.

Q.Is typing necessary for all the posts in the SSC CHSL exam?

A.No, the typing test is not necessary for all the posts in the CHSL exam. It is compulsory for the candidates who have filed for the Post of Lower Division Clerk (LDC)/ Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant.

Q.Does the SSC consider a request for a change of date of the examination if it clashes with exams of other organizations?

A.The SSC does not consider any request for change of its examination dates in the event of the dates clashing with examination dates of any other organization or any other reasons.

Q. Is there negative marking in the SSC CHSL Exam?

A.Yes, there is a negative marking of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer.

Here we have shared important topics and some important tips for your SSC CHSL preparation of the 2020-21 Exam. If you follow these tips you will definitely score well in the exam this will enhance the chances of your selection. We will keep updating you for further knowledge. Keep reading and keep practising.

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