SSC CHSL Reasoning Questions 2020: Preparation Tips & strategy

SSC CHSL Reasoning questions & General Intelligence: SSC CHSL Exam is conducted by the Staff Selection Commission. SSC CHSL exam is a very popular exam so the competition is very high in the exam. General Intelligence & Reasoning section is the most scoring section in SSC CHSL Exam if you practice properly. The remaining exam of SSC CHSL 2019-20 Tier-1 which was postponed due to Covid-19 will start on 12-Oct-2020 to 16-Oct-2020, 19-Oct-2020 to 21-Oct-2020, and 26-Oct–2020.  Notification for SSC CHSL 2020-21 exam is expected to release on 06.11.2020.

Exam Pattern of SSC CHSL Tier-1 Exam:

Here we are sharing the exam pattern of the SSC CHSL Exam. CHSL exam is conducted in three Tiers for the Post of Data Entry Operator Postal, LDC, Assistant/Sorting Assistant, and Court Clerk. Tier-2 is a descriptive Paper and Tier-3 is the Skill and typing test.

It is an objective type paper. You will get 60 minutes for solving 100 questions. Total Number of Questions section-wise and Maximum Marks in the SSC CHSL Tier 1 Exam mentioned below:

Subject No of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
General Intelligence 25 50  


60 minutes

English Language 25 50
Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
General Awareness 25 50


SSC CHSL Reasoning preparation:

SSC CHSL Reasoning & General Intelligence is considered the highest scoring section in the SSC CHSL Tier-1 exam. In the SSC CHSL Reasoning Questions, you don’t need to learn formulas like the quantitative aptitude section or learn grammar rules like the English section. You just need to be conscious & Logical while answering the questions. This section checks the thinking and problem-solving ability of the candidate. If you are able to apply that you can score a hundred per cent in this section. Here we are sharing some important topics for the SSC CHSL Reasoning & General Intelligence Section with their weightage in the exam based on previous year exams:

Important topics for SSC CHSL Reasoning Ability & General Intelligence:

Topic Weightage Marks
Counting of figures 2 marks
Dictionary 2 marks
Punched hole pattern-folding & unfolding 1 marks
Venn-diagram 1 marks
Blood Relation/cube/ dice 4 marks
Coding-Decoding 4 marks
Distance and direction 2 marks
Order-Ranking 4 marks
Symbolic/ Number Analogy 6 marks
Clock/Calendar 1 marks
Figural/ Number/ Letter Classification 6 marks
Figural Pattern-folding and completion 1 mark
Word Formation 3 marks
Statement & conclusion 2 marks
Series alphabet/number 4 marks
Mathematical operations 2 marks
Mirror Image 1 mark
Matrix 0 marks
Missing Number 2 marks


SSC CHSL Reasoning Questions Preparation tips:

For the preparation of SSC CHSL Reasoning & General Intelligence, you have to practice it on regular basis. Clear all the concepts of each topic. The number of questions of reasoning in the exam is 25 and the total time of the CHSL exam is 60 minutes. Give at least 15 to 20 minutes to the SSC CHSL Reasoning ability section. As it is a scoring section you can attempt maximum in this section. But don’t waste time on a single question. Keep your eye on watch.

  • Choose the right study material and clear basics.
  • Build a Proper Study Plan: Follow a proper strategy and a time table for all the sections of the question paper.
  • Make a handy note on all the tricks used in solving questions.
  • Timing is the most important thing to keep in mind, check the time.
  • Do practice on a daily basis.
  • Solve SSC CHSL mock tests and practise papers, it will give you not only a feeling of the exam but also check your speed and accuracy.
  • Solve previous years Paper: previous year question helps you to identify the difficulty level of the exam and help you keep in mind the current trend in the exam.
  • Allot timing to each section as to how much you have to give to each section.

SSC CHSL English Preparation Strategy

Important books for the SSC CHSL Reasoning & General Intelligence Questions:

  • Analytical Reasoning by MK Pandey
  • Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal
  • New Approach to Reasoning Verbal, Non-Verbal, and Analytical by BS Sijwali and Indu Sijwali.

SSC CHSL Quantitative Aptitude Preparation


Q. Is there a sectional Cut- off in SSC CHSL Exam each section?

Ans. No, there is no sectional cut- off in the CHSL exam.

Q. What is the Mode of SSC CHSL 2020 Exam?

Ans. SSC CHSL exam is the Online Mode exam.

Q. Is there a reduction in the duration of the SSC CHSL exam?

Ans. Yes, the duration of the exam reduced from 75 minutes to 60 minutes.

Q. Is there a reduction in the total number of questions in the CHSL exam?

Ans. Yes, the total number of questions reduced from 200 to 100.

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