SSC CPO 2019 Paper 2 Result: The staff selection commission has released the result of the SSC CPO 2019 paper II exam. The direct link is given here to check the result and category-wise cut-off marks pdf. Candidates who attended the examination conducted on 26th July 2021 shall check here the result and cut off marks.
The commission has conducted the selection process throughout India at various exam centres for SSC CPO. As per the schedule, the examination has been conducted successfully. The physical test was held at various exam centres. For that the result of PET/PST of SI in Delhi Police, CAPFs, and ASI in CISF Examination, 2019 was declared by the Commission on 04.06.2021, wherein 5446 male and 508 female candidates (i.e. total of 5954 candidates) were declared qualified for appearing in Paper-II. A total of 5961 candidates were scheduled to appear in Paper-II. A total of 5291 candidates appeared in this examination.
Candidates who scored more than the minimum qualifying marks for Paper-II
(i) UR: 30% (60 marks)
(ii) OBC/ EWS: 25% (50 marks) and
(iii) All other categories: 20% (40 marks)
have been considered for short-listing to appear in Medical Examination
Check SSC CPO 2019 Paper 2 Result PDF
How to check SSC CPO Results?
- Visit the official website of SSC or just tap the direct link.
- Find the result link regarding SI in Delhi Police, CAPFs and ASI in CISF Examination, 2019 – Result of Paper-II for qualifying candidates to appear in Medical Examination.
- Click on that the result pdf will get open.
- Kindly check the result status and cut off marks.
- Your marks will be displayed on the screen.
- Save or Download your marks from here for your reference.