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SSC Delhi Police Constable Result 2020:
SSC Delhi Police Constable Result 2020 has declared!! Candidates can check the SSC Delhi Police Constable Result 2020 through the direct link available here. Delhi Police Constable recruitment exam was conducted by SSC from November 27, 2020, to December 14, 2020. A total of 5846 vacancies would be filled by this recruitment drive. The selection process is based on the computer-based test, Physical test and measurement test. As per the schedule, the online test was conducted successfully. Candidates who attended the Delhi Police Constable Recruitment exam are keenly awaiting the results. For that, the SSC has released the SSC Delhi Police Constable Result 2020 on March 15, 2021, on its official site There is a list that shows the candidates are shortlisted for the post of Police Constable in the central government department.
Candidates can check the SSC Delhi Police Constable Result status from the link given below and follow the steps to download the result for future reference. Candidates who qualified in the Computer-based test will be shortlisted for the next phase of the selection(Physical test and Measurement Test). A total of 67740 candidates qualified in the SSC Delhi Police Constable Exam. Candidates whose roll number will be in the selection list will appear for Physical Endurance and Measurement Test (PE&MT).
SSC Delhi Police Constable Result Download Link for Male Candidates
SSC Delhi Police Constable Result Download Link for Female Candidates
Steps To Check Delhi Police Constable Result 2020
Candidates can click the above link or follow the steps below to download the Delhi Police Constable Result.
- Candidates visit the Official Website of SSC
- Open the Result Page.
- Click on the link’Constable (Executive) Male and Female in Delhi Police Examination, 2020- LIST OF MALE CANDIDATES IN ROLL NO. ORDER QUALIFIED FOR PHYSICAL ENDURANCE AND MEASUREMENT TEST {PE&MT} (LIST -1)’ AND ‘Constable (Executive) Male and Female in Delhi Police Examination, 2020- LIST OF FEMALE CANDIDATES IN ROLL NO. ORDER QUALIFIED FOR PHYSICAL ENDURANCE AND MEASUREMENT TEST {PE&MT} (LIST -2)’
- The result open in PDF form.
- Use “Ctrl+F” to find your name and roll numbers.
- The PDF contains the list of shortlisted candidates for the next phase of selection.
- Download and take a printout of the same for future reference.
SSC Delhi Police Constable Final Answer Key
SSC will also upload the final answer key will be available from 25 March to 15 April 2021 on its website.
SSC Delhi Police Marks
Marks of the qualified/ non-qualified candidates will be made available on the website of the Commission. This facility will be available from 25 March 2021 to 15 April 2021. Candidates may check Delhi Police Marks by using their Registration No. and registered password and click on the Result/ Marks tab on the candidate dashboard.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. When will the SSC Delhi Police Constable Result release?
A. The Delhi Police Constable Result 2020 has released on March 15, 2021.
Q. How can I check my result?
A. Candidates can check the Delhi Police Constable Result from the link mentioned above or visit the official site and follow the steps to download the result.
Q. How many stages are there in the selection process of the Delhi Police Constable Recruitment?
A. The selection process has three stages, online test, Physical test and Measurement test.
Q. Where to check my result?
A. Candidates can check their result from the official site of SSC