Dear Aspirants, English Language is an important section for all the competitive exams that occupy an inseparable part. Generally, most of the candidates have lost their marks in this section. This is due to the unawareness of the english section on how to prepare smartly. English section is nothing but it needs to be strong in basic grammar, vocabulary and reading skills. If you are having those skills surely you will score good marks in the examinations. But even though you have the skill, you must practice it regularly then only it will be retained with you. So for your practice purpose, here we have given the questions based on the english language. We have tried to cover all the topics under the latest updated syllabus and exam pattern.
Direction (1-5): In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the word similar in meaning to the word given.
1) Sprightly
(a) sulky
(b) blithe
(c) benevolent
(d) depressed
2) Caress
(a) embrace
(b) spurn
(c) release
(d) scorn
3) Plenteous
(a) paucity
(b) innocuous
(c) injurious
(d) profuse
4) Flounder
(a) triumph
(b) success
(c) struggle
(d) reverence
5) Dainty
(a) coarse
(b) insipid
(c) restore
(d) elegant
Direction (6-10): In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the word opposite in meaning to the word given.
6) Petulant
(a) stubborn
(b) pleasant
(c) perverse
(d) perplexed
7) Foment
(a) dampen
(b) agitate
(c) quell
(d) upheld
8) Contiguous
(a) adjacent
(b) abutting
(c) bitterness
(d) inaccessible
9) Expostulate
(a) protest
(b) residue
(c) laud
(d) occupy
10) Avow
(a) profess
(b) renounce
(c) bear
(d) declare
1) Answer: B
Sprightly: lively; full of energy.
Blithe: happy or carefree.
2) Answer: A
Caress: touch or stroke gently or lovingly.
Embrace: hold (someone) closely in one’s arms, especially as a sign of affection.
3) Answer: D
Plenteous: plentiful.
Profuse: very plentiful; abundant.
4) Answer: C
Flounder: struggle or stagger clumsily in mud or water.
Struggle: make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction.
5) Answer: D
Dainty: delicately small and pretty.
Elegant: graceful and stylish in appearance or manner.
6) Answer: B
petulant: childishly sulky or bad-tempered.
7) Answer: A
Foment: instigate or stir up
Dampen: make slightly wet.
8) Answer: D
Contiguous: sharing a common border; touching.
Inaccessible: unable to be reached.
9) Answer: C
Expostulate: express strong disapproval or disagreement.
Laud: praise
10) Answer: B
Avow: assert or confess openly.
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