SSC JHT Marks 2020: SSC JHT Paper 1 Marks 2020 Released!!! Direct link available here to download & check SSC Jr Translator & Others Paper 1 Marks 2019-20 PDF. Candidates who have applied and appeared for the (Paper I) exam was held on 26-11-2019 shall check your respective marks here.
Staff Selection Commission has announced the notification for the engagement of Junior Hindi Translator, Junior Translator, Senior Translator & Hindi Pradyapak Posts. Usually, there are a lot of candidates have applied for the SSC exam. Similarly, this time also they had announced a lot of vacancies. So a huge number of candidates have applied and appeared for the recruitment drive. The selection process is based on Paper 1, Paper 2, Descriptive & Document Verification. So the commission has conducted the Paper 1 exam successfully on 26-11-2019. For that now the officials have released the Marks in the official site. So candidates shall refer to the official site and start to check your respective marks. Here we have given the direct link to download the Marks PDF. Kindly utilize this.
Click here to download SSC JHT Paper 1 Marks 2020
How to download SSC Jr Translator & Others Marks 2019-20?
- Candidates kindly visit the official site
- You will get into the official site.
- In the home page itself, there will be a link regarding the marks for the posts of Junior Hindi Translator, Junior Translator, Senior Translator & Hindi Pradyapak.
- Candidates who are eagerly waiting for their marks shall be given your Registration No. and Registered Password and click on Result / Marks link on the candidate dashboard.
- Now you will get your respective marks PDF.
- Kindly check your marks.
- Download it and take a printout for your reference.