Dear Aspirants, you can find the Quantitative Aptitude questions with detailed explanations for the SSC exams. Nowadays the competitive level of the exam has been increasing consistently. Due to the great demand for the government job, the level of the toughness reached greater. Candidates have to enhance the preparation process in order to drive in the right path. It doesn’t need to clear the prescribed cutoff. You must have to score good marks more than the cut off marks to get into the final provisional list. Here we have updating the Quantitative Aptitude questions with detailed explanations on a daily basis. You can practice with us and measure your level of preparation. According to that you can sculpt yourself in a proper way. SSC aspirants kindly make use of it and grab your success in your career.
1) A shopkeeper, sold cocoa seeds at the rate Rs. 1330 a kg and bears a loss of 15%. Now if he decides to sell it at Rs. 1463 per kg, what will be the result?
(a) 13 percent loss
(b) 6.5 percent gain
(c) 6.5 percent loss
(d) 13 percent gain
2) A can do a work in 16 days and B in 20 days. If they work on it together for 8 days, then what fraction of work is left?
(a) 1/3
(b) 1/6
(c) 2/9
(d) 1/10
3) In ∆ABC, D and E are points on side AB and AC respectively. DE is parallel to BC. If lengths of AD, DB and AE are 8 cm, 4 cm and 12 cm respectively, what is the length of AC?
(a) 6 cm
(b) 18 cm
(c) 9 cm
(d) 15 cm
4) A cone of radius 3.5 cm and height 27 cm is completely filled with water. This water is emptied into an empty cylindrical vessel of radius 2.1 cm. What will be the height of water in this vessel? (Take π=22/7)
(a) 50 cm
(b) 25 cm
(c) 12.5 cm
(d) 37.5 cm
5) A missile travels at 1278 km/h. How many meters does it travel in one second?
(a) 355 metres
(b) 358 metres
(c) 345 meters
(d) 313 metres
6) If 8/5 of 4/3 of a number is 192, then 5/6 of that number is
(a) 75
(b) 192
(c) 180
(d) 65
7) Daily local train ticket costs Rs. 110 and Monthly Pass costs Rs. 2524.5. If Ram buys the monthly pass and travel for 27 days in a month than he will save ________.
(a) 14 percent
(b) 15 percent
(c) 12 percent
(d) 25 percent
8) The areas of a circle and square are equal. What is the square of the ratio of length of diameter to the length of diagonal?
(a) 11/7
(b) 7/9
(c) 7/11
(d) 9/7
9) What is the slope of the line, perpendicular to the line 3x – 6y = 4?
(a) –2
(b) 2
(c) 2/3
(d) –2/3
10) Two students appeared for an examination. One of them secured 26 marks more than the other and his marks were 75% of the sum of their marks. The marks obtained by them are
(a) 53 and 17
(b) 60 and 34
(c) 39 and 13
(d) 78 and 52
1) Answer: C
2) Answer: D
3) Answer: B
4) Answer: B
5) Answer: A
6) Answer: A
7) Answer: B
8) Answer: C
9) Answer: A
10) Answer: C
Let the mark scored by two candidates be x and (x + 26).
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