Dear Aspirants, you can find the Quantitative Aptitude questions with detailed explanations for the SSC exams. Nowadays the competitive level of the exam has been increasing consistently. Due to the great demand for the government job, the level of the toughness reached greater. Candidates have to enhance the preparation process in order to drive in the right path. It doesn’t need to clear the prescribed cutoff. You must have to score good marks more than the cut off marks to get into the final provisional list. Here we have updating the Quantitative Aptitude questions with detailed explanations on a daily basis. You can practice with us and measure your level of preparation. According to that you can sculpt yourself in a proper way. SSC aspirants kindly make use of it and grab your success in your career.
1) In a ∆ABC, a circle is inscribed. It touches the sides AB, BC, and AC at the points P, Q and R respectively. If AP = 2cm, BQ = 5cm and CR = 7cm. Find the area of triangle
(a) 12√3 cm²
(b) 14√5 cm²
(c) 13 cm²
(d) 16√7 cm²
2) A train covers a distance of 576 km at a certain speed. If the speed is decreased by 24 km/hr, it wil take 2 hours more to cover the same distance. Find 33 1/3% of original speed.
(a) 32 km/hr
(b) 24 km/hr
(c) 38 km/hr
(d) 28 km/hr
3) Four years ago, the ratio of ages of A and B was 3 : 5. Ten years from now, the ratio of the ages of A and B will be 5 : 6. Find the sum of present ages?
(a) 32 years
(b) 24 years
(c) 26 years
(d) 22 years
4) For an article, the profit is 220% of the cost price. If the cost price increases by 25% but selling price remains same. Then original profit percentage (approx.)?
(a) 22%
(b) 26%
(c) 29%
(d) 31%
5) If a nine digit number 985x3678y is divisible by 72, find the value of x + y
(a) 4
(b) 8
(c) –2
(d) 6
6) The ratio of efficiencies of A, B, C is 4 : 6 : 7. Working together, they can complete working in 39 days A and C together can complete of work in how many days? (approx.)
(a) 53.4 days
(b) 55.7 days
(c) 49 days
(d) 61.8 days
7) If x + y + z = 6, x² + y² + z² = 30, xyz = –10 Find the value of x³ + y³ + z³
(a) 115
(b) 124
(c) 132
(d) 128
8) The Sides of a triangle are 119cm, 120cm, 169cm. Find the circum radius of the triangle?
(a) 72.8 cm
(b) 64.3 cm
(c) 60 cm
(d) 84.5 cm
(a) 70 – √71
(b) 70 + 3√1633
(c) 140 + 2√4899
(d) 70 + √4899
10) If the radius of a cylinder is increased by 12% then by how much percent height of cylinder should decrease so volume remains unchanged?
(a) 15.17%
(b) 15.70%
(c) 20.28%
(d) 20.84%
Answers :
1) Answer: B
2) Answer: A
3) Answer: B
4) Answer: C
5) Answer: B
78y is divisible by 8, So y = 4
So x = 4
x + y = 8
6) Answer: A
7) Answer: C
8) Answer: D
9) Answer: D
10) Answer: C
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