Dear Aspirants, you can find the Quantitative Aptitude questions with detailed explanations for the SSC exams. Nowadays the competitive level of the exam has been increasing consistently. Due to the great demand for the government job, the level of the toughness reached greater. Candidates have to enhance the preparation process in order to drive in the right path. It doesn’t need to clear the prescribed cutoff. You must have to score good marks more than the cut off marks to get into the final provisional list. Here we have updating the Quantitative Aptitude questions with detailed explanations on a daily basis. You can practice with us and measure your level of preparation. According to that you can sculpt yourself in a proper way. SSC aspirants kindly make use of it and grab your success in your career.
1) If 2A = 3B, then what is the value of (A + B)/A?
(a) 5/4
(b) 2/3
(c) 5/2
(d) 5/3
2) The average marks obtained by 180 students in an examination is 50. If the average marks of passed students is 80 and that of the failed students is 40, then what is the number of students who failed the examination?
(a) 90
(b) 135
(c) 100
(d) 45
3) The average age of four members of a family is 32 years. If the age of a guest is included, then the average age increases by 12.5%. What is the age (in years) of the guest?
(a) 52
(b) 56
(c) 44
(d) 12
4) If the selling price of 318 articles is equal to the cost price of 212 articles, then what is the loss percentage?
(a) 20
(b) 33 1/3
(c) 40
(d) 33 2/3
5) Profit obtained on selling an article for Rs 310 is equal to the loss incurred on selling that article for Rs 230. What will be the loss percentage when selling price is Rs 180?
(a) 16 1/3
(b) 16 2/3
(c) 33 1/3
(d) 33 2/3
6) P is 20% more than Q and 40% less than R. If value of Q is Rs 150, then what is the value of R (in Rs)?
(a) 300
(b) 320
(c) 220
(d) 250
7) The price of motorcycle depreciates every year by 8%. If the value of the motorcycle after 2 years will be Rs 84640, then what is the present value (in Rs) of the motorcycle?
(a) 90000
(b) 102000
(c) 110000
(d) 100000
8) Diameter of a cycle wheel is 14 cm. A cyclist takes 30 minutes to reach a destination at a speed of 11 km/h. How many revolutions will the wheel make during the journey?
(a) 12500
(b) 15000
(c) 17750
(d) 20000
9) A bus left 60 minutes later than the scheduled time but in order to reach its destination 48 km away in time, it had to increase the speed by 4 km/hr from the usual speed. What is usual speed (in km/hr) of the bus?
(a) 9
(b) 12
(c) 15
(d) 8
10) If a certain sum becomes 2 times in 7 years at compound interest, then in how many years, it will become 8 times?
(a) 14
(b) 21
(c) 28
(d) 35
Answers :
1) Answer: D
2) Answer: B
3) Answer: A
Increased average age = 32 + (12.5% of 32) = 32 + 4 = 36
The average age of Five members of family = 36
So, age = 36 × 5
Weight of fifth person = 180 – 128 = 52
4) Answer: B
5) Answer: C
310 – x = x – 230
x = 270
6) Answer: A
So, Q : P : R
5 : 6
3 : 5
So, the value of R = 300
7) Answer: D
8) Answer: A
9) Answer: B
Sol. Let the speed of bus is ‘s’.
st = 48 ______(i)
(s + 4) (t – 1) = 48 _______(ii)
st + 4t – s – 4 = st
Put t value from (i)
So, speed = 12 km/hr
10) Answer: B
2 times sum compounded interest = 7 year
Then 8 times of the sum ⇒
⇒ 2 × 2 × 2 = 7 + 7 + 7 = 21 year
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