SSC Stenographer Cut-Off 2020:Check Previous Year Cut-off

SSC Stenographer Cut-off 2020: Staff Selection Commission (SSC) releases the notification for the post of Stenographer. This year the SSC Stenographer 2020 Exam was scheduled for 10th September 2020 but there is a change in date due to the existing pandemic. The updated exam dates are 16th November 2020 to 18th November 2020. The result and SSC Stenographer cut-off will be released in January 2021. 

Check SSC Stenographer Notification 2020

In this article, we will look at the SSC Stenographer cut-off for the previous year along with important dates, selection procedures, and vacancies to get a better hold of the preparation and plan accordingly.  

SSC Stenographer Important Dates 2020

1. SSC Stenographer Notification Release Date 10th October 2020
2. Availability of Application Form 10th October 2020
3. Last Date for Registration 4th November 2020
4. Last date of Fee Payment 10th November 2020 (Offline)

6th November 2020 (Online)


SSC Stenographer Admit Card March 2021

SSC Stenographer Selection Procedure

The SSC recruitment board will conduct the recruitment drive in 3 phases. They are:

  • Computer-based Online examination
  • Skill test in Stenography
  • Document Verification

Computer-Based Online Examination

S.No. SUBJECT Number of Questions Maximum Marks
1. General Intelligence & Reasoning 50 50
2. General Awareness 50 50
3. English Language & Comprehension 100 100

Skill Test

S.No. POST Language of Skill Test Time Duration
1. Stenographer Grade D English 50
2. Stenographer Grade D Hindi 65
3. Stenographer Grade C English 40
4. Stenographer Grade C Hindi 55

SSC Stenographer Exam Centers 2020

SSC Stenographer Cut-Off 2020

The SSC Stenographer 2020 examination is still due to happen. So, to understand the trends let’s look at the SSC Stenographer’s previous year cut-off.
The table is given below shows the category wise SSC Stenographer cut-off for Grade C and Grade D 2018:

S.No. CATEGORY Cut-Off for Grade D Cut-Off for Grade C
1. UR 134 138
2. OBC 130 133
3. SC 113 119
4. ST 97 105
5. Ex-S 40 –
6. OH 90 90
7. VH 56 88
8. Others 40 40

The table is given below shows the category wise SSC Stenographer cut-off for Grade C and Grade D 2017:

S.No. CATEGORY Cut-Off for Grade D Cut-Off for Grade C
1. UR 134.50 141
2. OBC 124.50 138
3. SC 123.50 127
4. ST 106 101
5. Ex-S 40 –
6. OH 106 100
7. VH 66 100

The table is given below shows the category wise SSC Stenographer cut-off for Grade C and Grade D 2016:

S.No. CATEGORY Cut-Off for Grade D Cut-Off for Grade C
1. UR 107.25 120
2. OBC 99.90 111.5
3. SC 94.25 107.50
4. ST 75.25 90.25
5. Ex-S 20 –
6. OH 74 90
7. VH – 100

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

Q: Is there any negative marking in SSC Stenographer 2020?
A: Yes, there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for SSC Stenographer 2020

Q: How many phases are there for selection as a Stenographer?
A: There are three phases for the selection in SSC Stenographer:
     a) Computer Based Test
     b) Skill Test in Stenography
     c) Document Verification

Q: What is the age limit for SSC Stenographer 2020?
A: For Grade C: Minimum: 21 years
                        Maximum: 30 years
     For Grade D: Minimum: 21 years
                         Maximum: 27 years

Q: What is the application fee for SSC Stenographer 2020?
A: For General/OBC/EWS: ₹100
    For all other candidates: Nil

Q: What is the salary for SSC Stenographer 2020?
A: Grade C salary generally ranges between ₹9300–₹34800
    Grade D salary generally ranges between ₹5200-₹20200.

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