SSC Stenographer Exam Analysis 2020: Staff Selection Commission (SSC) every year releases notification for SSC Stenographer Exam 2020-21. Like many other exams by SSC, this one was also postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. In this article, we will see the detailed SSC Stenographer exam analysis 2020 along with important dates and exam patterns which will help your preparation.
SSC Stenographer 2020-21 Official Notification
SSC Stenographer Grade C and D exam will commence from 29th March 2021 to 31st March 2021. Candidates must start their preparation as early as possible to crack the exam. So, before starting the preparation the candidates must carefully analyze the past year trends in the examination by seeing the SSC Stenographer exam analysis.
Page Contents
SSC Stenographer Exam Analysis 2020
This SSC Stenographer Exam analysis for the 2020-21 recruitment would be updated here after the conclusion of the exam. Till then kindly read on to understand the previous year exam analysis for SSC Stenographer Exam.
SSC Stenographer Important Dates 2020
1. | SSC Stenographer Notification Release Date | 10th October 2020 |
2. | Availability of Application Form | 10th October 2020 |
3. | Last Date for Registration | 4th November 2020 |
4. | Last Date for making online/offline fee payment | Offline:10th November 2020 Online: 6th November 2020 |
5. | SSC Stenographer Admit Card | March 2021 |
6. | Commencement of SSC Stenographer Grade C and Grade D exam | 29th March 2021 to 31st March 2021 |
SSC Stenographer Exam Pattern
Before starting the SSC Stenographer exam analysis, let us take a look at the SSC Stenographer selection procedure, The SSC board will conduct the selection process based on:-
(i) Online Computer Based Test (CBT)
(ii) Skill Test
(iii) Document Verification
Online Computer Based Test (CBT)
1. | General English & Intelligence | 50 | 50 | The cumulative time of 2 hrs |
2. | General Awareness | 50 | 50 | |
3. | English Language & Comprehension | 100 | 100 | |
TOTAL | 200 | 200 | 120 Mins |
Skill Test
After qualifying for the CBT, candidates have to appear for phase II i.e. skill test. The skill test can be given in English or Hindi. For the SSC Stenographer Skill test, dictation will be given to the candidates for 10 mins. This test will be of qualifying nature.
- For Stenographer Group-D: 80 words per minute (w.p.m) for 8 Minutes
- Stenographer Group-C: 100 words per minute (w.p.m) for 10 Minutes
The transcription time for both the posts is given below:
S.No. | POST | Language | Duration (in mins) |
1. | Stenographer Grade-D | English | 50 |
2. | Stenographer Grade-D | Hindi | 65 |
3. | Stenographer Grade-C | English | 40 |
4. | Stenographer Grade-C | Hindi | 55 |
Check Detailed Exam Pattern for SSC Stenographer 2020
SSC Stenographer Exam Analysis–Previous Year
This year the SSC Stenographer exam will be conducted on 29th March 2021 to 31st March 2021. The following table depicts the previous year SSC Stenographer overall and sectional analysis along with the level of difficulty for Phase-I:
SSC Stenographer Overall Cut-Off
1. | English Language | Easy to Moderate | 65-70 |
2. | General Intelligence | Easy | 40-45 |
3. | General Awareness | Easy to Moderate | 35-40 |
TOTAL | Easy to Moderate | 140-155 |
SSC Stenographer Sectional Exam Analysis
SSC Stenographer Exam Analysis – English Language:
The English language consists of 100 questions and the level of examination is easy to moderate.
1. | Error Detection | 10 | Moderate |
2. | Sentence Improvement | 10 | Easy |
3. | Para jumbles | 5 | Easy to Moderate |
4. | Idioms/phrases | 5 | Difficult |
5. | Synonym/Antonym | 10 | Difficult |
6. | Direct Indirect | 10 | Difficult |
7. | Active and Passive Voice | 10 | Easy |
8. | Fillers | 10 | Easy |
9. | Cloze Test-2 | 15 | Moderate |
10. | Reading Comprehension-3 | 15 | Easy |
TOTAL | 100 | Easy to Moderate |
SSC Stenographer Exam Analysis – General Intelligence:
The general intelligence section of the SSC Stenographer was easy, comprising 50 questions. The division per topic is given below:
1. | Matrix | 2 | Easy |
2. | Syllogism | 2 | Easy to Moderate |
3. | Blood Relation | 2 | Easy |
4. | Odd One Out | 3-4 | Easy |
5. | Non-Verbal (Image) | 10-12 | Easy |
6. | Analogy | 4-5 | Moderate |
7. | Direction Sense Test | 2 | Easy to Moderate |
8. | Series | 7-8 | Easy to Moderate |
9. | Miscellaneous | 10-12 | Easy to Moderate |
TOTAL | 50 | Easy |
SSC Stenographer Exam Analysis – General Awareness
The general awareness section of the SSC Stenographer was easy to moderate, comprising 50 questions. The division per topic is given below:
1. | Current Affairs | 12-15 | Easy to Moderate |
2. | Chemistry | 5-6 | Easy to Moderate |
3. | Physics | 5-6 | Easy to Moderate |
4. | Biology | 7-8 | Easy to Moderate |
5. | Economics | 4-5 | Moderate |
6. | Polity | 2-3 | Difficult |
7. | Geography | 4-5 | Easy to Moderate |
8. | History | 3-4 | Moderate |
9. | Miscellaneous | 7-8 | Moderate |
TOTAL | 50 | Easy to Moderate |
Attempt SSC Stenographer Mock Tests based on the latest pattern
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: How many phases are there in the SSC Stenographer Exam?
A: Candidates are tested through three phases for SSC Stenographer 2020.
Q: Is there any negative marking in the SSC Stenographer Exam?
A: Yes, there is a negative marking for the SSC Stenographer phase I. For every incorrect answer, 0.25 marks are deducted.
Q: What are the total marks assigned for phases-I?
A: Total marks for phase-I of SSC Stenographer is 200 Marks
Q: Which subjects are tested in SSC Stenographer paper II?
A: Phase-II of SSC Stenographer is a skill test. The candidate is given a dictation for 10 minutes. The test will be conducted in Hindi or English.
Q: What is the application fee for SSC Stenographer?
A: For GEN/OBC/EWS: ₹100
For all other candidates: Nil
Q: What is the basic salary for SSC Stenographer Grade D?
A: The basic salary for SSC Stenographer Grade D is ₹7,600