Here we have added some best strategy to crack IBPS exams. As the COVID-19 lock down is still going on result and notifications of various competitive exams are delayed. Use these strategy to crack IBPS exams in this available time period.
But slowly, the relaxations are coming in less affected areas. So the candidates can expect soon the notifications of IBPS clerk and PO on time. Focus on the next IBPS PO and Clerk exams. Here we have given the strategy to crack the upcoming IBPS PO and clerk exams. For each subject, we have given you the preparation methods and strategy. It will be very useful for you to score very good marks in the exam. So candidates don’t waste your time by waiting for the notification release. The IBPS PO and Clerk exam most probably will happen as per the schedule. Don’t rush your preparation in the last minute.
Prepare For Prelims:
In your preparation, you have to start with the prelims stage. Many candidates will concentrate less on prelims as it will be in easy to moderate level. But due to high competition and exam pressure, even some smart candidates will fail in the prelims exam. So you don’t do this mistake. Follow the strategy to crack IBPS clerk exams at prelims stage.
- Cover the basic syllabus for the IBPS PO and clerk prelims exam.
- In this prelims exams, only 3 section are available with the sectional timing. So question selection is important factor for the success.
- Attend more prelims mock test series and gain experience to handle the prelims exam well.
- In prelims many candidates easily score in reasoning and aptitude sections. But they will miss marks in the English section. So pay a special attention for the English preparation in prelims exam.
- If you score well in English, your victory chances in prelims exam will easily get brighter.
- In reasoning preparation, concentrate on easy to medium level puzzles.
- Also, for quantitative aptitude, make yourself thorough in all the basic application sums and DI topics.
Follow these strategy to crack get success in the IBPS prelims exams.
Mains Preparation Needs Well Planned Hard Work:
The exam scenario of prelims and mains are different from each other. Any candidate can easily cross the prelims level with a uniform practice. But for mains, you have to dig very deep to attain the success. For each section you have to work with smart preparation strategies.
- In main exam, you have to focus more on the general awareness section.
- Due to general awareness section, many candidates have missed the final cut off by just 1 or 2 marks.
- Allot more time for current affairs preparation. It will cover approximately 60% of questions in general awareness.
- Prepare current affairs in a daily manner and attend quizzes regularly.
- Then give preference to banking awareness and static GK.
- Practice high level mock test for reasoning, aptitude and English.
Follow these strategy to crack get success in the IBPS mains exams of PO and clerk.