Hi aspirants, here we have added the IBPS exam 2020-21 success story of Kuntrumalai Iyyappan. Many aspirants are in huge relief as they have succeeded in the IBPS exam results 2020-21. Refer here to the success story of the aspirant Kuntrumalai Iyyappan in the IBPS PO exam 2020-21.
Success Story of Kuntrumalai Iyyappan:
Hai, I am G. Kuntrumalai Iyyappan.
I have cleared IBPS PO 2020-21 and been selected in Canara bank. I started my preparation in 2018. After preparing for donkey’s years finally I made it to the final list. This year in addition to mock tests I purchased GUIDELY bundle pdf. GUIDELY bundle course played an important role in my preparation. I am very grateful to GUIDELY team for the bundle course as it is curated very carefully and exam-centric too. If possible, you can try the bundle sets prepared by GUIDELY team along with mock tests. I found the bundle sets are very relevant from the exam point of view and they are of the latest patterns.
I would say Mock tests are the backbone of your preparation. For prelims take mocks as many as you can on a daily basis. Analyze incorrect questions carefully and try to minimize the mistakes again. You will gradually see improvements in your performance. Once you are done with that clearing prelims exams won’t be much difficult. Purchase any mocks as per your wish from the market. I recommend Guidely and Practicemock as they are very low in price and par with the actual exams.
Next Clearing the mains exam is a daunting task for many aspirants. Here am sharing my experience with each section.
For Quants
I cleared basic concepts. If you find quants to be difficult then don’t try to practice all chapters. Instead focus on few important topics such as Ratio, Percentage, Profit Loss, Time and Work, etc. whichever you find easier. But you should have a clear understanding of these topics and be ready to solve any type of questions from these topics.
For English
There is nothing like strategy. It’s purely based on your interest in the subject. For English along with newspaper, reading tries to write answers on quora website. Because if you try to write something in English you will search for new words and you will have to refer few materials for that. In that way you can score well in the descriptive section too. If you find it hard, do the English section in every mock religiously. If you don’t understand any passage try reading it till you get an idea about the passage. In Guidely bundle set, and mock test we are provided with many new type questions based on the recent trend. So, use it wisely. English was the main reason behind my final selection. So please work on this section. Nowadays English section has become a very scoring section. Try to maximize mark here.
For Reasoning
The aforementioned technique works well. If you have sound knowledge of English then attempting logical reasoning questions comes in handy. Without attending a single puzzle, I managed to attempt 13 and 16 questions in SBI and IBPS PO mains respectively. It’s because of the logical reasoning questions turned out to be the easiest among all the other reasoning questions.
The most important and unpredictable section is CA.
Every exam astonishes us with varying levels of CA. In IBPS PO 2020 mains exam CA questions were very much doable and simple whereas in SBI PO 2020 mains scoring double-digit marks were considered a herculean task. So, one cannot presume anything about this section. But one thing we can say if your foundation is too strong nothing can hinder you from scoring good marks. In SBI PO 2020 questions were from the last three months only but it was very deep and tricky. I prepared for this section from GUIDELY bundle set. Most of the questions asked in SBI and IBPS PO 2020 were covered. You can go for other websites monthly capsules too.
All the best to everyone.
Our Guidely team will support your preparation with a very good resource of mock tests, free pdfs, Ebooks, etc. Surely you can give your success story in the upcoming exams.