Dear Aspirants, Our IBPS Guide team is providing new series of Reasoning Questions for SBI/IBPS Clerk Prelims so the aspirants can practice it on a daily basis. These questions are framed by our skilled experts after understanding your needs thoroughly. Aspirants can practice these new series questions daily to familiarize with the exact exam pattern and make your preparation effective.
Direction (1-3): Study the following statements and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding the commonly known facts.
1) Statements:
Some swords are knives.
Only a few knives are thickened.
All thickened are elastic.
Only a few elastic are stamped.
I). Some elastics are swords.
II). No knife is stamped.
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either conclusion I or II follows
D.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
E.Both conclusions I and II follow
2) Statements:
All economics are developed.
Some developed are growth.
No growth is sustained.
Only a few sustained are ignored.
I). Some developed is not sustained.
II). No economic is ignored.
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either conclusion I or II follows
D.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
E.Both conclusions I and II follow
3) Statements:
Only a few majestic is system.
No system is organic.
All organic are diplomatic.
Some diplomatic are suitable.
I). Some diplomatic are majestic.
II). No majestic is diplomatic.
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either conclusion I or II follows
D.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
E.Both conclusions I and II follow
Direction (4-7): Study the following statements and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding the commonly known facts.
4) Statements
All Nests are Bird
Only a few Birds are Branch
Some Branches are not Forest
All Forest is Tree
I) Some Nest can be Tree
II) Some branch is not Bird
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either conclusion I or II follows
D.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
E.Both conclusions I and II follow
5) Statements
Only a few NEFT is IMPS
Only a few SWIFT is RTGS
I) Some CTS is IMPS
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either conclusion I or II follows
D.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
E.Both conclusions I and II follow
6) Statements:
Only Ticket is Pass
Some Tickets are Counter
All Counters are Station
Only a few Stations are Terminals
I) No Pass is Terminal
II) Some Tickets are not station
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either conclusion I or II follows
D.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
E.Both conclusions I and II follow
7) Statements:
Some Domestic is Foreign
All Foreign are tourist
No Tourist is National
Some National is International
I) All International may be Tourist
II) Some Domestic is not national
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either conclusion I or II follows
D.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
E.Both conclusions I and II follow
Direction (8-10): Study the following statements and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow from the given statements disregarding the commonly known facts.
Given Answers:
a) Only conclusion I follows
b) Only conclusion II follows
c) Either conclusion I or II follows
d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
e) Both conclusions I and II follow
8) Statements:
Only a few Ropes are Wire.
Some Wires are steel.
No Steel is copper.
I)Some wires are copper.
II)All Ropes are Steel is a possibility.
9) Statements:
Only a few Bottles are Glass.
All Glasses are Bowl.
No Glass is Plate.
I) Some Bottles are not Plate.
II)Some Bottles are Bowl.
10) Statements:
Only a few Fans are light.
No Light is TV.
No TV is Laptop.
I)All Fans are TV is a possibility.
II) Some lights are laptop.
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Answers :
1) Answer: D
2) Answer: A
3) Answer: C
4) Answer: A
5) Answer: C
6) Answer: E
7) Answer: B
8) Answer: B
Hence, only conclusion II follows.
9) Answer: E
Hence, both conclusions I and II follow.
10) Answer: D
Hence, neither conclusion I nor II follows.
Direction (11-14): Study the following statements and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding the commonly known facts.
11) Statements:
Only a few black is blue
No blue is brown
Only a few brown is grey
Some grey is white
I). No black is brown
II). Some grey is not blue
III). All brown is white is a possibility
A.Only Conclusion I follows
B.Both Conclusions II and III follow
C.None follows
D.Only Conclusion III follows
E.Either Conclusion I or III and Only Conclusion II follows
12) Statements:
All doors are rooms
Only a few rooms are steps
Some steps are not homes
Only a few homes are buildings
I). Some buildings are home is a possibility
II). No steps are doors
III). All rooms are steps is a possibility
A.Only Conclusion I follows
B.Both Conclusions II and III follow
C.None follows
D.Only Conclusion III follows
E.Either Conclusion I or III and Only Conclusion II follows
13) Statements:
Some tables are chairs
Only a few chairs are papers
All papers are boxes
Only a few boxes are windows
I). Some tables are windows
II). All boxes are chairs is a possibility
III). No windows are tables
A.Only Conclusion I follows
B.Both Conclusions II and III are follow
C.None follows
D.Only Conclusion III follows
E.Either Conclusion I or III and Only Conclusion II follows
14) Statements:
Only a few letters are words
Some words are not sentences
No sentences are books
Only a few books are pens
I). Some letters are sentences
II). Some books are not word
III). Some pens are not sentences
A.Only Conclusion I follows
B.Both Conclusions II and III are follow
C.None follows
D.Only Conclusion III follows
E.Either Conclusion I or III and Only Conclusion II follows
Direction (15-17): Study the following statements and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding the commonly known facts
15) Statements:
Only a few washing machines are AC
Only AC is fridge
No TV is washing machine
Only a few radios are TV
A.Some fridges can be radio
B.No AC is TV
C.All radio can be washing machine
D.All AC can be radio
E.No washing machine is fridge.
16) Statements:
All Barbie is Bella
Only a few Bella is Ana
Only a few Vanessa is Ana
No Ana is Maria
A.All Bella is Ana
B.Some Ana is not Vanessa
C.Some Maria can be Barbie
D.Some Ana can be Maria
E.Some Barbie is Ana
17) Statements:
All 53 are 72
All 91 are 72
Only a few 53 is 28
Only a few 46 is 28
A.Some 91 is 28
B.No 46 is 72
C.Some 53 is 46
D.Some 72 is 28
E.Some 46 is not 91
Direction (18-20): Study the following statements and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow from the given statements disregarding the commonly known facts.
18) Statements:
Only a few Delhi is Chennai.
No Chennai is Trivandrum.
Only a few Trivandrum is Mumbai.
All Mumbai is Pune.
I). Some Pune is Chennai is a possibility.
II). All Delhi is Trivandrum.
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Both conclusions I and II follow
C.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
D.Only conclusion II follows
E.Either conclusion I or II follows
19) Statements:
Some books are bags.
Only a few bags are papers.
All papers are erasers.
Only a few erasers are sharpeners.
I). No book is sharpeners.
II). All bags are erasers is not a possibility.
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Both conclusions I and II follow
C.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
D.Only conclusion II follows
E.Either conclusion I or II follows
20) Statements:
No crocs are adidas.
Some adidas is puma.
Only a few puma is nike.
Only a few nike is reebok.
I). Some Puma is not crocs.
II). All reebok is nike is a possibility.
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Both conclusions I and II follow
C.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
D.Only conclusion II follows
E.Either conclusion I or II follows
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Answers :
11) Answer: B
12) Answer: C
13) Answer: E
14) Answer: D
15) Answer: E
16) Answer: C
17) Answer: D
18) Answer: A
19) Answer: C
20) Answer: B
Direction (21-23): Study the following statements and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding the commonly known facts.
21) Statements:
All Love is Life
Only a few Life is Live
No Live is Long
I)Some Love is not Long
II)All Live can be Life
A.If only conclusion I follows.
B.If only conclusion II follows.
C.If either conclusion I or II follows.
D.If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
E.If both conclusions I and II follow.
22) Statements:
Atleast some Thoughts are Idea
Only Idea is Fact
Only a few Opinions are Thought
I)Some Thoughts are not Opinion
II)All Idea being Thought is a possibility
A.If only conclusion I follows.
B.If only conclusion II follows.
C.If either conclusion I or II follows.
D.If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
E.If both conclusions I and II follow.
23) Statements:
90% West is North
None of North is East
Only a few East is South
I)Some East is not West
II)All West is East
A.If only conclusion I follows.
B.If only conclusion II follows.
C.If either conclusion I or II follows.
D.If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
E.If both conclusions I and II follow.
Direction (24-27): Study the following statements and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding the commonly known facts.
24) Statements:
Only a few boys are girl.
Some girls are man.
Only a few man are woman.
No woman is kid.
I). All girls are kid is a possibility
II). Some woman are not boy.
III). Some kids being man is a possibility.
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Both conclusions I and II follow
C.Only conclusion II follows
D.Both conclusions I and III follow
E.None of the above
25) Statements:
All squares are line.
Some squares are circle.
Only a few circles are oval.
No oval is point.
I). No line is oval.
II). All oval being square is a possibility.
III). Some points are line.
A.Only conclusion II follows
B.Both conclusions I and II follow
C.Only conclusion III follows
D.Both conclusions II and III follow
E.None of the above
26) Statements:
All summers are winter.
Only a few winters are autumn.
No autumn is climate.
I). Some winters are not climate.
II). Some summers are autumn
A.Both conclusions I and II follow
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Only conclusion I follows
D.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
E.Either conclusion I or II follows
27) Statements:
No Hindi is English.
Only a few English is Science.
No Science is Maths
I). No Science is Hindi.
II). Some Hindi being Maths is a possibility.
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Both conclusions I and II follow
C.Only conclusion II follows
D.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
E.Either conclusion I or II follows
Direction (28-30): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
28) Statements:
Some papers are pen.
Only a few pens are pencil.
No pencil is book.
All books are note.
I)All pens being book is a possibility.
II)Some notes are not paper.
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Both conclusions I and II follow
D.Either conclusion I or II follows
E.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
29) Statements:
Some pink is blue.
Only blue is green.
Only a few blue is red.
No red is rose.
I) Some green is red is a possibility.
II)Each red is pink is a possibility.
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Both conclusions I and II follow
D.Either conclusion I or II follows
E.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
30) Statements:
All laptops are phone.
Only a few tablets are desktop.
Some desktops are notebook.
Some desktops are not phone.
I) Some phones can never be laptop.
II)All notebook being phone is a possibility.
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Both conclusions I and II follow
D.Either conclusion I or II follows
E.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
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Answers :
21) Answer: B
Only conclusion II follows.
22) Answer: D
Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
23) Answer: D
If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
24) Answer: D
25) Answer: A
26) Answer: C
27) Answer: C
28) Answer: E
29) Answer: B
30) Answer: B
Direction (31-33): Study the following statements and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Give Answer:
a)If Only conclusion I follows.
b)If Only conclusion II follows.
c)If either conclusion I or II follows.
d)If Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
e)If both conclusions I and II follow.
31) Statements:
Only a few Dunzo is Swiggy
All Swiggy is Zomato
No Zomato is Box 8
I)Some Dunzo is not Box 8
II)Some Zomato can be Swiggy
32) Statements:
Only a few Sowoos is Big basket
Some Big basket is Food panda
All Food panda is Glovo
I)No Sowoos is Food panda
II)All Big basket can be Glovo
33) Statements:
Only a few Drums are Cello
All Cello is Banjo
No Banjo is Guitar
I)Some Cello can be Guitar
II)Some Banjo is Drums
Directions (34-36): Study the following statements and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Give Answer:
a)If Only conclusion I follows.
b)If Only conclusion II follows.
c)If either conclusion I or II follows.
d)If Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
e)If both conclusions I and II follow.
34) Statements:
Only a few Arrow is Cross
No Cross is Rhombus
All Rhombus is Minus
I)Some Minus can be Cross
II)No Arrow is Rhombus
35) Statements:
Only a few Plus is Trefoil
All Trefoils are Ring
No Ring is Decagon
I)Some plus can be Trefoil
II)Some Plus is not Decagon
36) Statements:
Only a few Cylinder is Cube
All Cylinder is Heart
No Cube is Oval
I)Some Cylinder is not Oval
II)All Cube can be Heart
Directions (37-40): Study the following statements and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
37) Statements:
Only a few chemicals are Mechanical.
No Mechanical is Zoological.
All Zoological is Biological.
Some Products are Biological
I)No Chemical is Biological.
II)Some Products are Zoological.
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either conclusion I or II follows
D.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
E.Both conclusions I and II follow
38) Statements:
Some Minors are Major.
All Majors are Voter.
No Voter is Elder.
Only a few Elder are Retired.
I)No Minor is retired.
II)Some Majors are not elder.
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either conclusion I or II follows
D.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
E.Both conclusions I and II follow
39) Statements:
All Pharmacies are Hospitals.
Only a few Pharmacies are Medical.
Some Medicals are Dental.
No Dental is Laboratory.
I)Some Hospitals are Medical.
II)Some Hospitals are not Medical.
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either conclusion I or II follows
D.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
E.Both conclusions I and II follow
40) Statements:
No Philosophy is Mentality.
All Mentalities are Literature.
Only a few Literature are English.
Some English is Poetry.
I)Some Mentality is English.
II)No English is Mentality
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either conclusion I or II follows
D.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
E.Both conclusions I and II follow
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Answers :
31) Answer: A
Only conclusion I follows.
32) Answer: B
Only conclusion II follows
33) Answer: B
Only conclusion II follows.
34) Answer: A
Only conclusion I follows
35) Answer: B
Only conclusion II follows
36) Answer: E
Both conclusions I and II follow.
37) Answer: D
38) Answer: B
39) Answer: E
40) Answer: C
Direction (41-44): In each question below are given some statements followed by some conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow from the given statements, disregarding the commonly known facts.
a) Only conclusion I follows
b) Only conclusion II follows
c) Either conclusion I or II follows
d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
e) Both conclusions I and II follow
41) Statements:
Only Gift is Doll
Some Teddy is Gift
Only a few Games are Teddy
I) Some Teddy can be Doll
II) Some Games are not Teddy
42) Statements:
Every T20 is IPL
At least some IPL is Test
No Test is WC
I) Some T20 is not Test
II) All IPL can be WC
43) Statements:
Mostly Army are BSF
Only a few BSF is Navy
All Navy is Airforce
I) All Army being Navy is a possibility
II) Some Airforce is BSF
44) Statements:
A few Clerk is Assistant
No Assistant is PO
All PO is Manager
I) Some Managers are not Clerk
II) Some Assistants can be Manager
Direction (45-47): Some statements are given followed by two conclusions. You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the following conclusions logically follow from the given statements disregarding the commonly known facts.
45) Statements:
Some birds are animals.
All animals are zebra.
No zebra is ant.
I). Some animals are ants
II). All birds are zebra is a possibility.
A.Only I follows
B.Only II follows
C.Either I or II follows
D.Neither I nor II follows
E.Both I and II follow
46) Statements:
All air is zones.
Some zones are ports.
All air is cups.
I). All air being port is a possibility.
II). No cup is zone.
A.Only I follows
B.Only II follows
C.Either I or II follows
D.Neither I nor II follows
E.Both I and II follow
47) Statements:
Some general is OBC.
Some OBC is ST.
No SC is OBC
I). All SC being ST is a possibility.
II). Some SC is not general.
A.Only I follows
B.Only II follows
C.Either I or II follows
D.Neither I nor II follows
E.Both I and II follow
Direction (48-50): In each question below are given some statements followed by some conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow from the given statements, disregarding the commonly known facts.
48) Statements:
Few cables are wires.
Few hires are wires.
No cable is hire
Some labels are hires.
I). Some labels are not cable.
II). Some labels are cable.
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either conclusion I or II follows
D.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
E.Both conclusions I and II follow
49) Statements:
Mostly catches are batch.
Some watches are batch.
Every catch is match.
I). All watches can never be match
II). Some matches being batch is a possibility
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either conclusion I or II follows
D.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
E.Both conclusions I and II follow
50) Statements:
All books are journal
Few Journals are novel
No novel is poem
I). Some journals are not poem
II). Some books are novels is a possibility
A.Only conclusion I follows
B.Only conclusion II follows
C.Either conclusion I or II follows
D.Neither conclusion I nor II follows
E.Both conclusions I and II follow
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Answers :
41) Answer: B
42) Answer: D
43) Answer: E
44) Answer: B
45) Answer: B
46) Answer: A
47) Answer: A
48) Answer: A
49) Answer: D
50) Answer: E