Syllogism Questions For Bank PO Exams: Dear Aspirants, are you searching for the right practice materials for syllogism questions for bank PO pdf. Here you can find the syllogism questions for bank PO pdf with answers to make your preparation effective. Syllogism is an important topic in the logical reasoning section. Most of the candidates start with the syllogism questions in the Reasoning Section as they find it boosts their confidence in the exam. Guidely has provided you with the exam oriented syllogism questions for bank PO pdf. Do utilize and solve syllogism practice questions within the specified time frame. A syllogism is a kind of logical argument that applies deductive reasoning to arrive at a conclusion based on two propositions that are asserted or assumed to be true. Syllogism questions for the bank po exam will be of moderate-difficult level. For the mains exam, syllogism questions for bank po exams will consist of 4-5 statements and conclusions. It will be a time consuming one.
Reasoning Questions Quiz – Practice Mock Test
With ample practice, candidates can solve it within the time specified. Syllogism questions can be solved using the Venn-diagram method or formula method. Understand the basic concepts of the method you would like to follow or which you are comfortable with. Reverse syllogism is the most expected topic in the syllogism questions for bank po exams. Here we have added the syllogism questions for bank PO pdf with answers. Practice the syllogism questions for bank po and clerk separately for the upcoming competitive exams. Therefore here we have provided the syllogism practice questions with detailed solutions and shortcuts that make you review with ease. Understand the concepts and solving techniques then solve the syllogism questions for bank PO pdf. Make use of these syllogism questions for bank po and clerk exams and ace the examination with good scores.
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Directions (1-4): Study the following statements and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
1) Statement
Only a few Ant is Bee
Some Bee is Bug
All Bug is Fly
I) Some Bee is Fly
II) Some Bug can be Ant
a) Only I follows
b) Either I or II follows
c) Only II follows
d) Both I and II follow
e) Neither I nor II follows
2) Statement
Only a few Flea is Grub
All Grub is Tick
No Tick is Wasp
I) All Flea can never be Wasp
II) Some Grub can be Wasp
a) Only I follows
b) Either I or II follows
c) Only II follows
d) Both I and II follow
e) Neither I nor II follows
3) Statement
Only a few Cricket is Cockroach
No Cockroach is Centipede
Some Centipede is Caterpillar
I) All Cricket can never be Centipede
II) All Cockroach can be Caterpillar
a) Only I follows
b) Either I or II follows
c) Only II follows
d) Both I and II follow
e) Neither I nor II follows
4) Statement
Only a few Maggot is Snail
All Maggot is Termite
No Termite is Greenfly
I) Some Termite can be snail
II) No Maggot is Greenfly
a) Only I follows
b) Either I or II follows
c) Only II follows
d) Both I and II follow
e) Neither I nor II follows
Direction (5-7): Study the following statements and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
5) Statements:
Some circle is square
Only a few square is rectangular
No rectangular is triangle
I) Some triangle is square
II) No square is triangle
a) Only I follows
b) Only II follows
c) Either I or II follows
d) Neither I nor II follows
e) Both I and II follow
6) Statements:
Some mouse is keyboard
All keyboard is laptop
Only a few laptop is CPU
I) All keyboard can be CPU
II) Some mouse is laptop
a) Only II follows
b) Only I follows
c) Both I and II follow
d) Either I or II follows
e) Neither I nor II follows
7) Statements:
Only tablet is mobile
Some tablet is laptop
Only a few laptop is computer
I) Some laptop can be mobile
II) Some laptop is not computer
a) Only I follows
b) Only II follows
c) Neither I nor II follows
d) Either I or II follows
e) Both I and II follow
Directions (8-10): Study the following statements and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
8) Statement
Only a few Monitor is Plan
All Monitor is Audit
No Audit is Organise
I) All Organise can be Plan
II) Some Audit is Plan is a possibility
a) Only I follows
b) Either I or II follows
c) Only II follows
d) Both I and II follow
e) Neither I nor II follows
9) Statement
Only a few Leader is Ruler
All Ruler is Protect
Some Protect is Trust
I) No Ruler is Trust
II) Some Leader can be Protect
a) Only I follows
b) Either I or II follows
c) Only II follows
d) Both I and II follow
e) Neither I nor II follows
10) Statement
Only a few Official is Business
Some Business is Economy
Some Economy is Agency
I) Some Business is Agency
II) No Agency is Business
a) Only I follows
b) Either I or II follows
c) Only II follows
d) Both I and II follow
e) Neither I nor II follows
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Answers :
1) Answer: D
2) Answer: A
3) Answer: D
4) Answer: C
5) Answer: C
6) Answer C
7) Answer B
8) Answer: A
Only I follows
9) Answer: E
Neither I nor II follows
10) Answer: B
Either I or II follows
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