SSC and all Competitive Exams. Explore The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary to score good marks in English Section. Start practicing these vocabulary to increase your word power. While reading a passage you have to highlight tough words in it and analyse the correct meaning for those words. This will help you understand the passage clearly and also you can learn more new words, it means also you can develop your vocabulary. To help you in this part we have provided a English Vocabulary passage along with meaning, synonyms and usages of hard words in the passage, make use of it. We also providing Important Vocabulary Quiz based on “THE ECONOMIST” and “THE HINDU”
The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary from Day 1 – Click Here |
Important English Vocabulary from “The Economist” – Free PDF |
Daily Editorial Pages from All Popular News Papers |
1). Tackling (Verb) – निपटने का
Definition: make determined efforts to deal with (a problem or difficult task).
Synonyms: get to grips with, apply oneself to, address oneself to, address, set about, go about
Antonyms: complete, end, finish, lazy.
Usage: police have launched an initiative to tackle rising crim
2). Shambles (Noun) – खंडहर
Definition: a state of total disorder.
Synonyms: chaos, mess, muddle, confusion, disorder, disarray, disorganization
Antonyms: calm, peace, quiet.
Usage: my career was in a shambles
3). Inward (Adjective) – आवक
Definition: directed or proceeding towards the inside; coming in from outside.
Synonyms: towards the inside, going in, ingoing
Antonyms: outward, outgoing, public.
Usage: inward mail
4). Rein (Verb) – लगाम कसना
Definition: keep under control; restrain.
Synonyms: restrain, check, curb, constrain, hold back, keep in check, keep under control, hold in, regulate, restrict, control
Antonyms: release, free.
Usage: with an effort, she reined back her impatience
5). Peculiar (Adjective) – अजीब
Definition: different to what is normal or expected; strange.
Synonyms: strange, unusual, odd, funny, curious, bizarre, weird, uncanny, queer, unexpected, unfamiliar, abnormal, atypical, anomalous, untypical, different
Antonyms: general, common, normal, usual, similar.
Usage: he gave her some very peculiar looks
6). Expeditiously (Adverb) – शीघ्रता से
Definition: with speed and efficiency.
Synonyms: accurate, correct, acute.
Antonyms: approximate, random.
Usage: the directors will move expeditiously to reach a conclusion
7). Augur (Noun) – शकुनश
Definition: a religious official who observed natural signs, especially the behaviour of birds, interpreting these as an indication of divine approval or disapproval of a proposed action.
Synonyms: seer, soothsayer, fortune teller, crystal gazer, clairvoyant, psychic, visionary
Usage: the end of the cold war seemed to augur well
8). Intransigence (Noun) – कठोरता
Definition: refusal to change one’s views or to agree about something.
Synonyms: disagree, refuse, inflexible, inexorability.
Antonyms: flexible, agree, accept.
Usage: in the face of government intransigence, he resigned in disgust
9). Puzzling (Verb) – माथापच्ची करना
Definition: think hard about something because one cannot understand it.
Synonyms: think hard about, give much thought to, rack one’s brains about, mull over, muse over, ponder, brood about, contemplate
Antonyms: clear, explicit, intelligible.
Usage: she was still puzzling over this problem when she reached the office
10). Consultative (Adjective) – परामर्श
Definition: intended to give professional advice or recommendations.
Synonyms: advising, consulting, conclusive.
Antonyms: ruling, arguing.
Usage: a process of consultative review
This post was last modified on May 14, 2018 11:42 am