The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary – Day 228

SSC and all Competitive Exams. Explore The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary to score good marks in English Section. Start practising this vocabulary to increase your word power. While reading a passage you have to highlight tough words in it and analyse the correct meaning of those words. This will help you understand the passage clearly and also you can learn more new words, it means also you can develop your vocabulary. To help you in this part we have provided an English Vocabulary passage along with meaning, synonyms and usages of hard words in the passage, make use of it. We also providing Important Vocabulary Quiz based on “THE ECONOMIST” and “THE HINDU”

The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary from Day 1 – Click Here
Important English Vocabulary from “The Economist” – Free PDF
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  1. Cede (verb) – समर्पण करना

Definition: give up (power or territory).

Synonyms: surrender, concede, relinquish, yield, part with, give up

Antonyms: keep, gain, conquer, win

Usage: Napoleon had forced the Portuguese government to cede to him a large portion of the land.


  1. Deflate (verb) — अवस्फीति करना

Definition: make (someone) suddenly lose confidence or feel dispirited.

Synonyms: subdue, humble, cow, humiliate, mortify, chasten, chagrin, dispirit, dismay, discourage, dishearten

Antonyms: encourage, aggrandize, inflate, develop

Usage: He has worked to deflate popular myths about investing.


  1. Fanned (verb) – बात को बढ़ाना

Definition: increase the strength of (a fire or issue) by blowing on it or stirring up the air near it.

Synonyms: stir up, whip up, encourage, incite, stoke up, fuel, kindle, ignite, inflame, stimulate, instigate, provoke, excite, arouse, awaken

Antonyms: subdue, reduce, lower, suppress, cover-up

Usage: He unknowingly fanned the flames of suspicion when he asked about the cause of death.


  1. Spatial (adjective) — अंतरिक्ष सम्बन्धी

Definition: relating to space.

Synonyms: space, area, territorial, regional

Antonyms: non-existent, single point

Usage: The spatial distribution of population is surveyed once every few years.


  1. Wilderness (noun) – निर्वासित

Definition: an uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable region/ politically disfavorable position

Synonyms: wastes, uninhabited region, inhospitable region, neglected area

Antonyms: city, urban, town, developed area

Usage: He was considered the man who lead the Labor Party out of the wilderness.


  1. Invincible (adjective) – अजेय

Definition: too powerful to be defeated or overcome.

Synonyms: invulnerable, indestructible, unconquerable, unbeatable, indomitable, unassailable

Antonyms: weak, cowardly, vulnerable, defenceless

Usage: Mohammed Ali was often thought to be invincible by most boxers.


  1. Hallow (verb) — पवित्र

Definition: to be considered holy

Synonyms: sacred, blessed, sanctified, consecrated, revered

Antonyms: unholy, profane, cursed, unconsecrated

Usage: The ganges is hallowed as a sacred and cleansing river.


  1. Slump (verb/noun) – मंदी

Definition: undergo a sudden severe or prolonged fall in price, value, or amount.

Synonyms: plummet, plunge, tumble, drop, go down, slide, decline, decrease

Antonyms: improve, rise, soar

Usage: The sudden slump in gold prices was totally unexpected.


  1. Torment (verb) — यातनाएं देना

Definition: Causing severe physical or mental suffering

Synonyms: torture, afflict, harrow, plague, distress, agonize,

Antonyms: comfort, console, solace, commiseration

Usage: He was tormented by jealousy.


  1. Elite (noun) – अभिजात वर्ग

Definition: a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society.

Synonyms: best, pick, cream, flower, nonpareil, elect

Antonyms: ordinary, common, normal, expected, accustomed

Usage: The Elite of Britain’s armed forces were considered formidable foes.

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