The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary – Day 280

SSC and all Competitive Exams. Explore The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary to score good marks in English Section. Start practising this vocabulary to increase your word power. While reading a passage you have to highlight tough words in it and analyse the correct meaning of those words. This will help you understand the passage clearly and also you can learn more new words, it means also you can develop your vocabulary. To help you in this part we have provided an English Vocabulary passage along with meaning, synonyms and usages of hard words in the passage, make use of it. We also providing Important Vocabulary Quiz based on “THE ECONOMIST” and “THE HINDU”

The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary from Day 1 – Click Here
Important English Vocabulary from “The Economist” – Free PDF
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1). Volatility (Noun) — अस्थिरता

Definition: liability to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.

Synonyms: changeable, temporary

Antonyms: unchangeable, permanent.

Usage: the succession of new rulers contributed to the volatility of the situation


2). Adversely(Adverb) — प्रतिकूलता से

Definition: in a way that prevents success or development; harmfully or unfavourably.

Synonyms: negative, unfortunate, unfriendly

Antonyms: positivity, beneficial, good, helpful.

Usage: his self-confidence was adversely affected for years to come


3). Tainted (Verb) – दूषित करना

Definition: affect with a bad or undesirable quality.

Synonyms: tarnish, sully, blacken, stain, besmirch, smear, blot, blemish,  stigmatize, mar, corrupt, defile

Antonyms: clean, improve.

Usage: his administration was tainted by scandal


4). Crony (Noun) — घनिष्ठ मित्र

Definition: a close friend or companion.

Synonyms: buddy, friend, chum, partner.

Antonyms: enemy, stranger, opponent.

Usage: he went gambling with his cronies


5). Ammunition (Noun) — तर्क, असहमति, झुकाव, लड़ाई

Definition: considerations that can be used to support one’s case in debate.

Synonyms: arguments, quarrel, disagreement, squabble, fight, difference of opinion, dispute, wrangle, clash, altercation

Antonyms: accepting, harmony, peace, calm.

Usage: these figures provide ammunition to the argument for more resources


6). Bolstering (Verb) – को मजबूत करना

Definition: support or strengthen.

Synonyms:  strengthen, support, reinforce, make stronger, boost, fortify

Antonyms: undetermined, undercut.

Usage: the fall in interest rates is starting to bolster confidence


7). Nudge (Verb) — कुहनी से हलका धक्का देना

Definition: prod (someone) gently with one’s elbow in order to attract attention.

Synonyms: poke, elbow, dig, prod, jog, jab, butt              

Antonyms: discourage, dissuade, pull.

Usage: people were nudging each other and pointing at me


8). Persisted (Verb) — दृढ़ रहना

Definition: continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

Synonyms:  persevere, continue, carry on, go on, keep at it, keep on, keep going, keep it up, not give up

Antonyms: irresolute

Usage: the minority of drivers who persist in drinking


9). Jeopardise (Verb) — ख़तरे में डालना

Definition: put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure.

Synonyms: threaten, endanger, imperil, menace, risk, put at risk, expose to risk

Antonyms: safeguard

Usage: a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize New York’s position as a financial centre


10). Unawares (Adverb) — अनजाने में

Definition: without being aware of a situation.

Synonyms:  by surprise, unexpectedly, without warning, suddenly, abruptly,  unprepared, off-guard, cold

Antonyms: prepared, knowingly, deliberately

Usage: the photographer had caught her unawares

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