12:00:49Dear Readers, Here we have given The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary helpful for Upcoming Bank PO, SSC and all Competitive Exams. Explore The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary to score good marks in English Section. Start practicing this vocabulary to increase your word power. While reading a passage you have to highlight tough words in it and analyse the correct meaning of those words. This will help you understand the passage clearly and also you can learn more new words, it means also you can develop your vocabulary. To help you in this part we have provided an English Vocabulary passage along with meaning, synonyms and usages of hard words in the passage, make use of it.
1) Extort (verb) – धमकी देकर मांगना
Meaning: The To obtain money or favors by intimidation, violence, or the misuse of
authority; To draw out or bring out
Synonyms: blackmail, cheat, fleece, educe, elicit, raise, enforce, compel
Antonyms: assist, assuage, calm, free
Usage: Two brothers have been arrested for allegedly trying to extort ₹2 crore from a
man as they were facing huge financial losses due to the lockdown
2) Salvaging (verb) – छुड़ाना
Meaning: saving recovering rescuing; to rescue (a wrecked or disabled ship or its
cargo) from loss at sea
Synonyms: conserving, retaining, preserving, defending, saving, recovering, rescuing,
Antonyms: abandoning, endangering, forfeiting, harming
Usage: The course of the COVID19 pandemic remains far from predictable, posing for
the Central government the dilemma of salvaging part of the school academic year,
while avoiding a fresh wave of infections.
3) Suffuse (verb) – फैलाना
Meaning: Gradually spread through or over; Describe the distinctive nature or features
of; To pierce and make a hole or holes in; To spread through, causing a gradual change;
To cause a quality to become part of someone’s nature
Synonyms; imbue, infuse, inspire permeate, perforate, pierce, distinguish, mark identify, denote
Antonyms– dislodge, halt, neglect, deplete, drain, take out,
Usage: As the muezzin summons the faithful to prayer at the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul
on July 24, a sense of jubilation will suffuse Muslim hearts in Turkey and in the
4) Sordid (verb) – गन्दा
Meaning: involving immoral behavior; Causing unhappiness or discomfort; dirty or
squalid in nature
Synonyms: miserable, wretched, pathetic, dirty, filthy, grimy, bad, cheap
Antonyms: high-minded, noble, upright
Usage: Whatever name one calls it by, lynchings are an abomination that must have no
place in a democratic society,
5) indentured (noun) – गिरमिटिया
Meaning: Subject to an indenture; be hampered or constrained by
Synonyms: employed, hired, bound, bounden, restricted, contracted, enslaved
Antonyms: alterable, breakable, revocable, unbinding
Usage: That Jason Holder’s men, with their roots harking back to indentured African
and Indian labourers at sugar cane plantations, could stun their former colonial
masters tied in with sport’s proven ability to break through the established order
6) Maxim (adj) – सिद्धांत
Meaning: A pithy expression of a general principle or rule
Synonyms: phrases, shibboleth, epigraph, quotation
Antonyms: activity, execution, doing, implementation, movement, ambiguity
Usage: It is probably a wise maxim in any democracy
7) Forbearance (Noun) – सहनशीलता
Meaning: make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better.
Synonyms: tweak, enhance, ease, redress
Antonyms: worsen, deteriorate,
Usage: Since the full lockdown lasted longer than initially envisaged(f0resee, predict),
and only began to unwind this month, the forbearance on offer was a necessary step.
5) skewed (noun) – झुकना
Meaning: Slanted, curled or bending to one side; Not in a straight or level position; to
bias or distort in a particular direction; cause to change direction abruptly; to distort or
influence in a negative way
Synonyms: Corrupted depraved veered deviated biased crookedly aslant
Antonyms: even level straight symmetrical perfect regular
Usage: The alternative, of remote and online learning opportunities, is skewed by
economic status and geography.
9) calibrated (verb) – जांचना
Meaning: To have measured the quantitative amount of something; to give a grade to;
to measure the time taken by a process or activity; to check or adjust by comparison
with a standard
Synonyms: timed clocked counted graded classified determined measured calculated adjusted attuned
Antonyms: estimated guessed approximated damaged deregulated tumbled dislocated
Usage: The issue of reopening schools in a calibrated manner must, therefore, be
addressed soon, but based mainly on epidemiological evidence.
10) ostensibly (verb) – प्रकट रूप से
Meaning: Seemingly, apparently, on the surface; easily perceived, understood or
believed; unnatural, artificial or fake in nature; Modifies a verb, indicating a lack of
Synonyms: obviously plainly evidently seemingly supposedly ostensively perhaps
maybe conceivably
Antonyms: fakely falsely bogusly spuriously improbably obscurely vaguely possibly
Usage: This ostensibly supportive decision has become controversial