Dear Readers, Here we have given The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary helpful for Upcoming Bank PO, SSC and all Competitive Exams. Explore The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary to score good marks in English Section. Start practicing this vocabulary to increase your word power. While reading a passage you have to highlight tough words in it and analyse the correct meaning of those words. This will help you understand the passage clearly and also you can learn more new words, it means also you can develop your vocabulary. To help you in this part we have provided an English Vocabulary passage along with meaning, synonyms and usages of hard words in the passage, make use of it.
1) Conundrum (verb) – पहेली
Meaning: A confusing and difficult problem or question; A hidden problem or
disadvantage in an apparently ideal situation
Synonyms: puzzle enigma problem mystery hitch snag drawback
Antonyms: confidence simplicity solution
Usage: At the last GST Council meeting in June, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
had said the Council would convene again in July just to discuss the possible
alternatives to deal with this particular conundrum.
2) manifested (verb) – प्रकट
Meaning: To have demonstrated to be true based on facts; To have expressed or
conveyed one’s thoughts or feelings; to provoke or bring about; to reveal one’s true
nature, especially unintentionally
Synonyms: evoked elicited raised exposed revealed disclosed
Antonyms: disproved challenged contradicted repressed suppressed withheld
Usage: The protection is manifested mainly in the willingness of the public to
cooperate with the drive against the disease by using masks and adopting social
distancing in public.
3) niggardliness (verb) – कंजूस
Meaning: an extreme unwillingness to spend money; excessive or inordinate desire of gain
Synonyms; miserliness parsimony meanness stinginess grudgingness thriftiness
Antonyms– benevolence generosity extravagance spending
Usage: Not all of this necessarily reflects the niggardliness of the public health
infrastructure in the richest parts of the country.
4) coercive (verb) – बलपूर्वक
Meaning: Relating to or using force or threats; Overbearing, dictatorial or
authoritarian; Done against someone’s will
Synonyms: domineering involuntary compulsory bullying forced forceful
Antonyms: gentle soft humane benevolent altruistic compassionate
Usage: Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov criticized unilateral coercive
measures to settle scores with geopolitical rivals and topple regimes
5) Dissonance (noun) – मतभेद
Meaning: a lack of harmony or agreement between two or more groups
Synonyms: accord agreement concord
Antonyms: discord dissension variance conflict
Usage: Such dissonance among experts is unacceptable especially when they all have
access to the same evidence
6) Embroil (verb) – उलझाना
Meaning: To draw into a situation; To be relevant or important to
Synonyms: concern, involve, affect, entangle, involve, enmesh, ensnare, implicate
Antonyms: arrange, assist, calm
Usage: She forbade them, I understand, because they were likely to embroil her in
unnecessary wars.
7) Wanton (verb) – प्रचंड
Meaning: Having a strong carnal desire ; Recklessly wasteful or extravagant
Synonyms: indecorous, improper, Meaningless, pointless, whimsical reckless, careless, cruel, vicious
Antonyms: justified, legitimate, chaste, clean,, decent, cautious, circumspect, guarded
Usage: The incident had caused national outrage as the public saw these as wanton
killings, inasmuch as the cir-cumstances indicated no attempt by the fishing vessel at
8) Notoriety (verb) – कुख्याति
Meaning: The state of being famous or well known for some bad quality or deed; Lack
of moral principles; bad character; Having the power or authority to affect change
Synonyms: depravity, meanness, immorality, disrepute, infamy
Antonyms: esteem, honor, rectitude, integrity
Usage: The notoriety that he has enjoyed in his home city over the past decade
appears to be spreading nationwide.
9) harmonise (adj) – मिलाना
Meaning: make consistent or compatible; produce a pleasing visual combination; to
bring into harmony or accord;
Synonyms: coordinate balance blend reconcile conciliate accommodate match accord
Antonyms: attack discouragement opposition conceal differ
Usage: While avoiding advocacy of zero sum solutions on crucial issues, both
countries must seek to harmonise strategic and other interests in line with common
values and socioeconomic compulsions
10) accentuate (verb) – दबाव का चिह्न
Meaning: Make more noticeable or prominent; To draw special attention to; To
increase in degree, amount, size, or value
Synonyms: boost intensify enhance accent highlight stress emphasise
Antonyms: cloak hide veil conceal undermine annul cancel
Usage: There is immense potential to accentuate or create complementariness, using
locational and human resource potential, for harnessing benefits in the modern value