The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary – Day 82

Dear Readers, Here we have given The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary helpful for Upcoming Bank PO, SSC and all Competitive Exams. Explore The Hindu Editorial with Vocabulary to score good marks in English Section. Start practicing this vocabulary to increase your word power. While reading a passage you have to highlight tough words in it and analyse the correct meaning of those words. This will help you understand the passage clearly and also you can learn more new words, it means also you can develop your vocabulary. To help you in this part we have provided an English Vocabulary passage along with meaning, synonyms and usages of hard words in the passage, make use of it.


1) Disruption (Noun) – अशांति

Meaning: disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity, or process.

Synonyms: disturbance, disordering, disarrangement

Antonyms: calm, method, order

Usage: “the scheme was planned to minimize disruption”


2) Scrutinising (Verb) – संवीक्षण करना

Meaning: examine or inspect closely and thoroughly.

Synonyms: inspect, survey, scan

Antonyms:glance at

Usage: “customers were warned to scrutinize the small print”


3) Zealous (Adjective) – उत्साही

Meaning: having or showing zeal.

Synonyms: fervent, ardent, fervid


Usage: “the council was extremely zealous in the application of the regulations”


4) Laudable (Adjective) – प्रशंसनीय

Meaning: deserving praise and commendation.

Synonyms: praiseworthy, commendable, admirable

Antonyms: blameworthy, shameful

Usage: “laudable though the aim might be, the results have been criticized”


5) Quashing (Verb) – रद्द करने

Meaning: reject as invalid, especially by legal procedure.

Synonyms: cancel, reverse, rescind

Antonyms: validate

Usage: “his conviction was quashed on appeal”


6) Detrimental (Adjective) – हानिकारक

Meaning: tending to cause harm.

Synonyms: harmful, damaging, injurious

Antonyms: benign, beneficial

Usage: “recent policies have been detrimental to the interests of many old people”


7) Subsequent (Adjective) – अनुवर्ती

Meaning: coming after something in time; following.

Synonyms: following, ensuing, succeeding

Antonyms: previous, prior, former

Usage: “the theory was developed subsequent to the earthquake of 1906”


8) Rationale (Noun) – तर्काधार

Meaning: a set of reasons or a logical basis for a course of action or belief.

Synonyms: logic, grounds, sense

Antonyms: discouragement, proof, reality

Usage:”he explained the rationale behind the change”


9)Viable (Adjective) – व्यावहारिक

Meaning: capable of working successfully; feasible.

Synonyms:workable, feasible, practicable

Antonyms: impracticable

Usage: “the proposed investment was economically viable”


10) Ajar (Adjective) – अधखुला

Meaning: slightly open.

Synonyms: half open, agape, unfastened

Antonyms: closed, wide open

Usage: “the home help had left the window ajar”

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