Quantitative Aptitude section checks the numerical ability, calculation ability and logical formula application of the candidates. Quantitative section may be nerve cracking sometimes if you are not comfortable with the basics.Time, distance and speed is one of the most important topics in the Quantitative aptitude section.This blog deals with the preparation and shortcut tips PDF
Check Here Time, Speed & Distance Quantitative Aptitude Materials
materials to solve the time, distance and speed problems easily. The study materials are structured in a detailed manner and all the short cut tips to solve the miscellaneous problems are included in this material. The materials are proven to be successful, most of the IBPS candidates scored good marks by studying the materials.
Why to choose IBPS Guide Time, distance and speed study materials?
How to access IBPS Guide tims, distance and speed study materials:
Candidates who are preparing for the upcoming bank exams should follow the tips and shortcut methods which are available for the quantitative aptitude section and utilise it properly.
You can Practice our Topics Tests to excel in the upcoming competitive examinations.
Aspirants who are looking for more study material and preparation tips for the various Government exam preparation can visit ibpsguide.