We know that most of the candidates are preparing sincerely for IBPS PO Prelims 2019. The section of Quantitative Aptitude will be moderate and calculative as per the consideration of previous exams. From that, you need to understand the toughness of the aptitude section and you have to practice a lot for clearing the prelims. Try to learn some shortcuts and tricks to score 25+ in this section. Smart work is better than hard work in this section. Here we are providing some helpful tips to score 25+ marks in this section.
Expected Pattern for Quantitative Aptitude
S. No. | Topics | No. of questions |
1. | Simplification / Approximation | 5 |
2. | Number Series (Missing/Wrong term) | 5 |
3. | Data Interpretation and Caselets | 10 |
4. | Quadratic Equation / Inequalities / Data Sufficiency | 5 |
5. | Application Sums | 10 |
General Tips
- Before going to attend the exam, you must prepare the shortcuts for all topics, especially for simplification.
- First of all, you have to decide which topics you are going to attend it first and which topics are at last. This only helps you to score more in this section.
- Prefer to attend the Simplification/Approximation questions first and then Number Series questions. Attend these two topics with 100% accuracy.
- Then, you can move on to Quadratic Equation/Inequalities questions and then go for the Data Interpretation questions.
- Finally, attend the Application Sums with preference to the easiest or familiar topic questions.
Topic Wise Tips For IBPS PO 2019
Simplification / Approximation:
Minimum – 4 Marks; Maximum – 5 Marks
Maximum of 5 questions will be asked on this topic and however it takes some time to solve, and you can get accurate answers to nearly 4 questions.
Click Here for Practice Simplification Questions
Click Here for Practice Approximation Questions
Number Series (Missing/Wrong term):
Minimum – 4 Marks
In Number Series, everyone will try to attend all the five questions. In this topic, we can identify the logic of mostly three questions. Little bit effort makes us solve 4 questions easily.
Click Here for Practice Number Series Questions
Data Interpretation and Caselets:
Minimum – 7 Marks
This is the most important and interesting topic for the banking aspirants. Most probably there are 10 questions will be asked in IBPS PO Prelims 2019. At least six questions will be direct questions and the remaining will be calculative and difficult level.
Click Here for Practice Data Interpretation Questions
Quadratic Equation / Inequalities / Data Sufficiency:
Minimum – 4 Marks
In these topics, at least one topic will be expected in the IBPS PO Prelims 2019. By regular practice, these topics will become familiar for the banking aspirants. At least three questions will be in easy level and if you put a little bit of effort, you can easily solve four questions.
Click Here for Practice Quadratic Equation Questions
Application Questions:
Minimum – 5 Marks
There will be a maximum of 5 to 10 questions from the miscellaneous topics. At least five questions will be asked from the easiest topics like Average, Ages, Partnership, Trains and Time & work. So, you should concentrate and familiar on these topics.
Click Here for Practice Application Sums
Video Course & Solution
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