Aspirants who have a dream to become a banker can easily crack IBPS PO Prelims 2019 with the use of our effective tips. Reasoning Ability is one of the important sections that consist of 35 questions in the prelims exam. It plays a major role in all the bank exams. So, you have to be in a clear vision to score maximum marks in this section. Make use of our simple and useful steps to score 25+ marks in Reasoning Ability Section of IBPS PO Prelims 2019.
Expected Pattern for Reasoning
S. No. | Topics | No. of Questions |
1. | Seating and Puzzles | 20 |
2. | Coding Decoding / Inequality | 5 |
3. | Blood Relation | 3 |
4. | Direction Sense | 2 |
5. | Syllogism / Data Sufficiency | 3-4 |
6. | Miscellaneous | 1-2 |
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General Tips
- Most of the questions will be from Seating Arrangement and Puzzle.
- Don’t waste more time on any particular question. Once you thought that you can’t solve this question within the time, you have to skip and go for the next one.
- From the above-expected pattern of questions, you must attend the easy scoring part like Coding Decoding/Inequality and Syllogism topics first.
- Then go for the Seating and Puzzles. If 20 questions are asked from Seating and Puzzle, most probably 10 questions will be in the doable category.
- So, attend the doable questions first and then attend remaining miscellaneous questions.
- Finally, go for the remaining Seating and Puzzle questions with 100% conscious and accuracy.
Topic wise tips
Seating and Puzzles:
Minimum – 10 marks; Maximum – 15 marks
Candidates can expect 20 questions from this section. If two sets are asked in each Seating Arrangement and Puzzle, at least one set in each section will be in the doable category. First of all, you have to solve those types of questions less than 8 minutes. Then go for any one of the remaining puzzle/seating arrangement questions.
Click Here for Our Ultimate Puzzles & Seating Printed Edition Books
Coding Decoding / Inequality:
Minimum – 5 marks
This is one of the easiest topics and scoring part in the Reasoning Ability section. As an aspirant, you should not miss this section and try to minimize your time in this topic. You must solve all these questions with 100% accuracy.
Blood Relation and Direction Sense:
Minimum – 5 marks
This is one of the most interesting topics to boost up your sectional marks. Candidates need to attend these questions very cautiously to avoid the mistake. Maximum of five questions you can expect from this topic.
IBPS PO 2019 Daily Test
Syllogism / Data Sufficiency:
Minimum – 3 marks
You may know the level of these questions in PO exams. There is a possibility of four to five questions from these topics. From those five questions, most probably three questions will be in the doable category.
Miscellaneous Topics:
Minimum – 2 marks
Questions of miscellaneous topics will be Order and Ranking, Problems on Alphabets, Numbers, etc. So, try to attend these questions as fast as possible.
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More Important Preparation Links for IBPS PO 2019:
Free Mock Test for IBPS PO Prelims 2019
IBPS PO 2019 – Complete Details
IBPS PO Syllabus
IBPS PO Previous Year Papers