TSSPDCL Results 2020: TSSPDCL JLM Revised Result 2020 Released!!! Direct link available here to check the TSSPDCL JLM Revised Rank List 2020 PDF. Candidates who have appeared in the recruitment drive are eagerly waiting to reveal their rank list.
Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited (TSSPDCL) has recently announced the notification to invite JLM, JPO & Jr Asst cum Computer Operator posts. This time a total of 3,025 vacancies throughout the state. A lot of candidates have applied and appeared for the selection process. The selection process is based on written exam & document verification. As per the schedule, the written exam was conducted on 15th & 22nd December 2019. Earlier, the officials have released the result on their official site. Now the officials have released the revised rank list pdf. So candidates shall refer to the official site and start to check TSSPDCL JLM Merit List 2020 PDF. Here we have given the direct separate links to check your respective results.
Check here TSSPDCL Revised Rank List 2020
How to check TSSPDCL JLM Revised Result 2020?
- Candidates kindly visit the official site tssouthernpower.com.
- You will get into the official site.
- On the home page, there will be a link regarding the results.
- Click on that you will get into the respective page.
- In that find the separate links regarding the TSSPDCL JLM Revised Merit List 2020.
- Click on that you will get into the respective login page.
- Kindly given the login details and give the submit button.
- Now you will get your respective results.
- Download it and take a printout for your reference.
TSSPDCL Results 2020: TSSPDCL JPO Merit List 2020 Released!!! Direct link available here to check TSSPDCL Junior Personnel Officer Final Merit List 2020. Candidates who have appeared and qualified the written exam shall refer to the official site and check your respective results.
Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited (TSSPDCL) has recently announced and conducted the recruitment drive for the engagement of JLM, JPO, JACO & posts Advt No. 02/2019. A lot of candidates have applied and appeared for the selection process. The selection process is based on the written exam & certificate verification. As per the schedule, the certificate verification was held on 17-02-2020. For that now the officials have released the TSSPDCL JPO General Merit List 2020. So candidates shall refer to the official site and start to check your respective results. Here we have given the direct link to check your TSSPDCL JPO Cut Off Marks 2020. Kindly utilize this.
Click here to download TSSPDCL JPO Merit List 2020
How to check TSSPDCL JPO Result 2020?
- Candidates kindly visit the official site tssouthernpower.com.
- You will get into the official site.
- On the home page, there will be a link regarding careers.
- Click on that you will get into the respective page.
- In that find the exact link regarding the Junior Personnel Officer General Merit List.
- Click on that you will get the official result PDF.
- Kindly check your result.
- Download it and take a printout for your reference.
TSSPDCL Results 2020: TSSPDCL JLM JPO & JACO Result 2020 Released!!! Direct link available here to check the TSSPDCL JLM Merit List 2020 PDF. Candidates who have appeared in the recruitment drive are eagerly waiting to reveal their results.
Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited (TSSPDCL) has recently announced the notification to invite JLM, JPO & Jr Asst cum Computer Operator posts. This time a total of 3,025 vacancies throughout the state. A lot of candidates have applied and appeared for the selection process. The selection process is based on written exam & document verification. As per the schedule, the written exam was conducted on 15th & 22nd December 2019. Now the officials have released the TSSPDCL JLM Result 2020 in their official site. So candidates shall refer to the official site and start to check TSSPDCL JLM Merit List 2020 PDF. Here we have given the direct separate links to check your respective results.
TSSPDCL Results 2020
S.No | Post | Merit List |
1 | JLM | Click Here |
2 | JPO | Click Here |
3 | JACO | Click Here |
How to check TSSPDCL JLM JCO JACO Merit List 2020?
- Candidates kindly visit the official site tssouthernpower.com.
- You will get into the official site.
- On the home page, there will be a link regarding the results.
- Click on that you will get into the respective page.
- In that find the separate links regarding the TSSPDCL JLM JPO JACO Results 2020.
- Click on that you will get into the respective login page.
- Kindly given the login details and give the submit button.
- Now you will get your respective results.
- Download it and take a printout for your reference.