UKPSC ACF Mains Admit Card 2021:
UKPSC ACF Mains Admit Card 2021 is out for the candidates who have cleared UKPSC ACF 2021 prelims exam. Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) has released the UKPSC ACF Mains Admit Card 2021 on its official website. Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) has given a notification for the Uttarakhand Special Subordinate Education (Lecturer Cadre – Group C) Service (General & Female Branch) Examination 2020 from the candidates of Uttarakhand State. The candidates who have cleared the prelims examination can appear for the mains examination of from 2nd – 6th March 2021. The total vacancy for this recruitment is 45 vacancies. The candidates can download the mains admit card from the link given below.
UKPSC ACF Important Links:
Download UKPSC Mains Admit Card 2021 here
Official notice of UKPSC Mains exam date PDF 2021
UKPSC ACF Exam Pattern:
- The UKPSC Assistant Conservator of Forest (ACF) Mains 2021 will be of 775 Marks consisting of General Hindi, General English, General Knowledge, 1st and 2nd Optional Subject, and Interview.
- The candidates are required to obtain a minimum of 35% marks on Hindi Language paper.
UKPSC Assistant Forest of Conservator Exam Date 2021:
- The Board has planned to conduct the Assistant Forest Conservator (ACF) Mains examination from 02.03.2021 to 06.03.2021.
- Candidates who shortlisted the Prelims examination held on 03.11.2019 are advised to check the exam date and start to prepare the Mains examination.
- The Admit card for Assistant Forest Conservator Mains Examination will be released soon.
- Candidates are advised to visit the Official site for admit card downloading process OR connect with us for future updates.
How to download the mains admit card for UKPSC ACF?
- Visit the official website which is given above.
- Click on UKPSC ACF Mains 2019 Admit Card 2021 flashing on the homepage.
- It will redirect you to a new page.
- Enter Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, Security Key, Enter Security Key, and click on the submit button.
- UKPSC ACF Mains 2019 Admit Card 2021 will be displayed.
- Download UKPSC ACF Mains 2019 Admit Card 2021 and save it for future reference.
1.When is the date of the mains examination for UKPSC ACF?
The mains examination for UKPSC ACF will be held from 2nd – 6th March 2021.
2.What is the Official website of UKPSC?
The official website of UKPSC ACF is @
3.What are the total marks for the mains exam of UKPSC ACF?
The total marks for the mains exam OF UKPSC ACF are 775 Marks.
4.What is the total number of vacancies for UKPSC Recruitment?
The total number of vacancies for UKPSC Recruitment is 45 vacancies.
5.What are the subjects to be covered for the mains exam of UKPSC Recruitment?
- General Hindi, General English, General Knowledge, 1st and 2nd Optional Subject.